A wealthy nation that abandons God’s people abandons God.


No nation should be known as “great” for the size of its military. Foreign aid is a better measurement. However, the United States spends less than 1% of our federal budget on such aid.

Inexplicably, Donald Trump has frozen all foreign aid- cutting off critical HIV/AIDS prevention efforts, food assistance, pandemic prevention, and rebuilding efforts after disasters.

Elon Musk has called the US Agency for International Development (USAID) a “criminal organization.” In fact, USAID represents the best of the United States.

A wealthy nation that abandons God’s people abandons God.

Donald Trump and Elon Musk are making the United States  - and the world - less safe, less secure, and less free from fear and want. None of this is what a great nation would do.   

Peace be with you.


The Pro-Choice Position Is Consistent With Christian Ethics

Today, Donald Trump is joining anti-abortion activists to celebrate the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade, ending abortion rights in many states.

The pro-choice position is consistent with Christian ethics. As the United Church of Christ has long maintained, Jesus affirmed the moral agency of women. Those of us who are Christian should follow that example. That means, like Jesus, we trust women to make their own decisions.

The Bible, however, offers no clear guidance on abortion as we understand it today. So while many opponents of abortion point to vague passages to justify their stance, they are just bending the text to fit their concerns.

As an example, pro-life activists often quote Psalm 139 ("For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother's womb." v.13 NRSV) as evidence that God would oppose abortion. However, this text, in which the author reflects on humanity's relationship with God, has nothing to do with abortion.

In considering abortion, the General Synod of the United Church of Christ has repeatedly noted that reverence for human life is what the Bible advocates. Such reverence must extend to the life and well-being of pregnant women and the life of a child after birth.

Returning the United States to the pre-Roe v Wade days did not end abortion. It would merely returned abortions to the back alleys, where women risk their health and even their lives. How is that be pro-life?

Abortion rates dropped dramatically during the Obama administration, as access to family planning, sex education in schools and contraception expanded. If you want to reduce abortion rates, support family planning. Many pro-life politicians and religious leaders do not support family planning or sex education in public schools. In essence, pro-life leaders help create the "crisis" they claim to despise.

We should also do everything possible to expand support for mothers, families and children. No one should be feel forced to have an abortion out of financial concern. That is no real choice at all.

Efforts to expand adoption services should also be a priority, not because a woman should ever be forced to carry a fetus to term, but because adoption is a choice for many, and it remains underfunded.

Yet, again, too many pro-life politicians and religious leaders oppose child care tax credits and food assistance to support newborn babies and their families. The efforts to ban abortion — by mostly male politicians — are a political effort. Some involved have a genuine concern for babies' lives, but for many, that concern ends once the baby is born.

For these men, it is about having control over women. For Jesus, it was about trusting women.

Jesus tells us to put concerns for the least of these — children, those living in poverty — ahead of other matters. But, unfortunately, I am convinced that the primary concern is control over women for many pro-life politicians and religious leaders, not a reverence for life.

Congress must codify abortion rights to protect women and families.

No apologies, Mr. Trump. Christian clergy should never bend the knee or kiss the ring.

Donald Trump is demanding Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde apologize for (checks notes) preaching the Gospel.

Here’s what happened: Trump found himself in a church where the clergy had pledged to serve God, not Trump.

What we heard yesterday was the Gospel of Jesus preached: compassion, mercy, & justice. You don't hear that message in the white conservative evangelical churches Trump uses as photo ops.

No apologies, Mr. Trump. Christian clergy should never bend the knee or kiss the ring.

Mass Deportations Are Incompatible With God’s Word

Just imagine you are an ICE agent or another federal or local law enforcement agent ordered by Donald Trump to raid churches and other houses of worship looking for immigrants receiving shelter and sanctuary. God’s immigration policy is justice and welcome, not xenophobia, hate, and bigotry. What will you tell God you are asked if you followed God’s call to welcome immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers?

Donald Trump’s Day 1 Executive Orders Incompatible With Jesus’ Teachings

Ah, sinful nation,
    a people laden with iniquity,
offspring of evildoers,
    sons who deal corruptly!
They have forsaken the Lord,
    they have despised the Holy One of Israel,
    they are utterly estranged…

Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean;
    remove the evil of your doings
    from before my eyes;
cease to do evil,

    learn to do good;
seek justice,
    correct oppression;
defend the fatherless,
    plead for the widow.

- Isaiah 1: 4, 16-7 (NRSV)


In this moment of history…

In this moment of history, God is calling us to seek justice, love kindness, and walk humbly (Micah 6:8). Following Jesus has always been an act of Holy Resistance, now so as much as ever. Don’t be afraid. Be bold in pursuit of a more just world for all. We are all needed. Everyone.


We Cannot Allow Anarchy To Govern Portland

In Oregon, democracy matters. We have long worked to expand voting rights, becoming the first state to offer vote-by-mail. The anarchists that broke out windows and doors at the Multnomah County Election Division are not concerned with democracy. We cannot allow these anti-democratic activists any quarter. You cannot build up the Beloved Community with mostly white Portland anarchists assaulting our city in the name of “justice.”

I start with the assumption that these anarchists have deep concerns about how Portland and the rest of the United States function. I have concerns myself. But anarchy is the opposite of justice. I hope the new Portland mayor and City Council can find ways to engage this community. Their concerns are an opening for dialogue and even partnership.

That said, if the anarchist community, which in 2020 broke out windows from immigrant-owned businesses in Portland, continues to embrace violence (including setting fires at the residence of the former mayor and other public spaces), there need to be legal consequences. Anarchy must be opposed and democracy strengthened. We cannot allow anarchy to govern Portland.

MLK v Trump

Today, we celebrate Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Sunday, the day before the federal holiday observance- and the day before a storm approaches.

That storm is the MAGA movement personified by Donald Trump himself. This is a movement steeped in white Christian nationalism, a white supremacist theology. It is anti-democratic. It aspires to mimic the autocratic movements of Russia, Hungary, and other places where democracy is diminished.

The MAGA movement seeks to obliterate the wall between Church and State. They want to tell you who to worship and how to worship. The white conservative evangelical leaders who preach Trump‘s gospel want you to believe that the MAGA movement is synonymous with being Christian.

They want you to look at Jimmy Carter and Marjorie Taylor Greene, and see Greene as the better example of Christianity.

Now listen, friends, no party represents God.

While Donald Trump claims that God is on his side and the side of the GOP, we are better served with how Abraham Lincoln viewed his relationship with the Divine: “Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right.”

The incoming president claims the Christian faith, but no one - not even God - can match Trump’s wisdom. At least in Trump’s mind.

Trump’s failed stewardship of the presidency in his first term cost hundreds of thousands of lives, and his economic policies wreaked the strong Obama-Biden economy that the Trump Administration inherited. Any president would be challenged by a worldwide pandemic but Donald Trump‘s incompetence made a difficult situation 1000 times more difficult.

What perhaps should concern us most of all, dispite his record, is that in this most recent election the majority of Christians voted for Donald Trump. The majority of Christians voted for a charlatan, a man found libel for rape, who sees faith as a tool to divide people for partisan political gain. Donald Trump embraces xenophobia, Homophobia, racism, misogyny, antisemitism, and Islamophobia. Hate fuels his movement.

Dr. King offered a different vision, one rooted in God’s love. For Dr. King, it was the Biblical ideal of the Beloved Community, a place where justice reigns, oppression ends, and where the last will come first.

What will truly make America great? Addressing the climate crisis, ending homelessness and poverty, creating an economy that benefits all and not just the rich and powerful, enacting common sense gun laws that reduce violence, confronting racism and other forms of bigotry, welcoming strangers, and loving our neighbors. While this is not Donald Trump’s agenda, it should be the agenda for people of faith concerned with the common good.

In this moment of history, Christianity is in crisis.

Our faith has been hijacked by oligarchs and the powerful when Christianity should always be a religion that lifts up the least of these.

If you have ever wondered how you might have responded when the Civil War occurred or what you might have done in 1930s Germany as the Nazi Party took power, our times will provide your answer. How we respond matters.

Donald Trump’s Cabinet is filled with men accused of rape, human trafficking, and sexual assault. They are rich and powerful men, advised by billionaires like Elon Musk, who advocate for other rich and powerful men.

The life and ministry of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. should be a summons to Christians today. In his ministry, Dr. King offered an alternative vision for the United States, even the world.

Dr. King died marching with sanitation workers and union organizers demanding just wages. He called on faith leaders to abandon nationalism and to oppose war. Still, we have turned the man once called the "most dangerous Negro in America" into a safe figure we can all rally behind. Dr. King was not safe. He was generous of spirit and spoke out against injustice wherever he saw it. Like all of us, Dr. King was an imperfect person, but he strived to create a more just world.

In his last years, Dr. King preached about what he called the "Unfinished Agenda." He argued that we would be judged not by a final victory of good over evil, but in our willingness to engage in the struggle. Dr. King said:

"In the final analysis, God does not judge us by the separate incidents or the separate mistakes that we make, but by the total bent of our lives. In the final analysis, God knows that his children are weak and they are frail. In the final analysis, what God requires is that your heart is right. Salvation isn't reaching the destination of absolute morality, but it's being in the process and on the right road."

The inauguration of Donald Trump is evidence that we are on the wrong road.

Following God and celebrating the birth of Jesus is an act of Holy Resistance against those who would oppress or cast aside those children of God that Jesus called “the least of these.”

The views that I express here, if you were to poll on the topics, are deeply unpopular among large segments of the population. That puts me, and I hope you, in good company.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans viewed Dr. King negatively the last time Gallup polled on Dr. King. (His popularity rating dropped every year of his life in the public square.) In essence, to make Dr. King popular today, we have stripped him of much of what made him an authentic Christian voice for justice and peace.

To authentically follow Jesus, we must, as previous generations of believers like Dr. King and others in the Civil Rights Movement have done, is to see Christianity as a movement for liberation.

We have very stark examples in the life of Dr. King and the life of Donald Trump that are worthy of examination. My fervent prayer is that Dr. King‘s theology of the Beloved Community will one day defeat the MAGA movement once and for all. Our task in this moment then is to seek justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8).

May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.

#christian #christianity #progressivechristian #progressivechristianity #unitedchurchofchrist #god #church #jesus #belovedcommunity #dojustice #scripture #sermon

Christians For Kamala

Last night, thousands of people of faith took part in an online gathering for #ChristiansforKamala. I planned on attending but the program ran late. But let me tell you why so many Christians are endorsing the Harris-Watz ticket! ⬇️

Christians for Kamala from Rev. Dr. Chuck Currie on Vimeo.

Get involved and donate: https://kamalaharris.com. Follow Kamala Harris on social media.



KamalaHarris #christian #HarrisWalz #HarrisWalz2024