Clergy Leadership Network
A Sacred Institution

Tom Potter for Mayor


Being away from Portland during the upcoming election year will be hard for us. We won’t be able to vote for our friends and the people we know can make a difference for the city we still consider home. That won’t stop either one of us from giving advice, however, to anyone who will listen.

That is why I’m throwing in my two cents now and asking people to vote for Tom Potter for Mayor. I’ve gotten to know the last three people who have served as Portland’s Chief of Police and no one has been more of a community builder than Tom Potter. It was no surprise to anyone that when he left the Police Bureau he went to work with homeless kids. He also has the support of two other people I’ve worked closely with and admire: former Portland Mayor Bud Clark and former Portland City Commissioner Gretchen Kafoury. Tom Potter is someone who can start leading the city on day one. He’ll work hard on issues of public education, safety, and affordable housing. That’s the kind of leadership we need in Portland.

Hopefully, by the time I finish seminary and we move back to Portland, Tom Potter will be our new Mayor.
