15 More Dead
Sunday, November 02, 2003
How many more died in Iraq today? At least 15 Americans. No one counts the dead Iraqis.
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A U.S. military transport helicopter was shot down Sunday, killing 13 U.S. troops and injuring 20 others near Fallujah, coalition officials said.At least one other U.S. soldier died in three separate attacks, making Sunday the deadliest day in the region for U.S. forces since March.
There are some who argue that America should withdrawal from Iraq immediately. That would be more hurtful to the Iraqi people than anything else we could do. A better proposal would be to give command and control of Iraq over to a multi-national force, including the U.S., under United Nations direction.
The White House and Congress were right to overrule Democratic Party objections to give Iraq grants vs. loans. The last thing Iraq needs is more US-imposed debt.