(Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.)
This weekend marks the 40th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. There will be endless media stories looking back on the events of November 22, 1963. I’ve always been inspired by President Kennedy, Senator Robert Kennedy, and their only surviving brother Senator Edward Kennedy. I was also a fan of John F. Kennedy, Jr. and his publication George Magazine.
Robert Kennedy, Jr. is the only Kennedy I’ve met in person. A few years ago I was invited to a luncheon with him held at Forest Grove’s Pacific University, where I had been a student. Robert Kennedy, Jr. has been one of the nation’s leading environment advocates. Instead of offering another memorial to President Kennedy, I thought it might be better to post something on this blog about the importance of the progressive causes so many in the Kennedy family have fought for.
The most recent issue of Rolling Stone has an important essay by Robert Kennedy, Jr. on the critical environmental choices our nation is now facing.
The best way to judge the effectiveness of a democracy is to measure how it allocates the goods of the land: Does the government protect the commonwealth on behalf of all the community members, or does it allow wealth and political clout to steal the commons from the people?Today, George W. Bush and his court are treating our country as a grab bag for the robber barons, doling out the commons to large polluters. Last year, as the calamitous rollbacks multiplied, the corporate-owned TV networks devoted less than four percent of their news minutes to environmental stories. If they knew the truth, most Americans would share my fury that this president is allowing his corporate cronies to steal America from our children.
Kennedy’s essay is a great read and taking action on these issues the greatest tribute to President Kennedy.