Gore to Endorse Dean
Metanoia Peace Community

Al Gore's Endorsement of Howard Dean

In Harlem this morning, Vice President Al Gore endorsed Howard Dean for President. A full transcript and statement will be available soon; here are a few quotes for those who missed the TV or radio broadcast.

Excerpts from Al Gore's remarks:

"Howard Dean really is the only candidate who has been able to inspire at the grassroots level all over this country the kind of passion and enthusiasm [we need]

"I'm very proud and honored to endorse Howard Dean to be the next President of the United States of America.

"Democracy is a team sport. I want to do everything in my power to convince you to get behind Howard Dean... All of us need to get behind the strongest candidate.

"This nation cannot afford four more years of a Bush-Cheney administration.

"I've spent a long time thinking about national security and national defense... [Dean] was the only major candidate who made the correct judgement on the Iraq war. That judgement, that basic common sense, is what you want in this country....

"I'm asking all of you to join in this grassroots movement to elect Howard Dean president of the United States."
