Bishop Bans Catholics from AIDS Walk
Sunday, December 07, 2003
The same Catholic Bishop who last week sent letters to legislators telling them not to participate in the sacraments unless they changed their votes on gay rights and abortion told a Catholic charity this week not to participate in a local AIDS march that raises funds for AIDS-related relief efforts. His objection: two of the groups involved, he claims, “promote homosexual activity,” says the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
"What is of graver scandal, they both promote homosexuality among young people," Bishop Raymond L. Burke wrote."By participating in AIDS Walk Wisconsin, the Central Wisconsin HIV/AIDS Ministry would be cooperating materially with groups that act against the moral law."
The Bishop objects to groups that provide important HIV / AIDS related services to gay and lesbian youth. Good for them. Those services are needed. When I worked at Portland’s Outside In there were numerous homeless kids who were either HIV positive or living with AIDS. Some died. About 30% of homeless kids are gay or lesbian. Their parents often kick them out of the house once their sexual orientation is discovered.
The United Church of Christ offers some resources on their web site on sex education that are helpful. I’m sure the Bishop would object. But I lift them up.