Albert Mohler Is Mad Again
Updated UCC Sites

Papers: Investigate Bush & Weapons

Newspapers across the country are calling for an independent investigation into the assertions made by the Bush White House that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Possession of these weapons was the major reason given by the President for going to war. Even the Dallas Morning News, the President’s hometown paper and a supporter of the war, have now turned on the administration:

"We feel deceived -- by the CIA, which overestimated the threat, and by the White House, which probably stretched the bad estimates to build a case for war."

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution writes:

…. "the evidence also seems overwhelming that the Bush administration pushed existing evidence well beyond its breaking point, exaggerating threats and claiming specific knowledge of Iraqi WMD where in reality no such knowledge existed."

13 major papers – eight of which supported the war – are now calling for investigations and leveling harsh words against the White House. This week the US chief weapons inspector broke ranks with the White House and claimed that there are no weapons to be found in Iraq. You can read more about the editorials by clicking here.
