Each year the Religion Newswriters Association ranks the top religion storys in the US press. Gene Robinson's election as a Bishop in the Episcopal Church was ranked as the top story of this year. Overall the top five stories for 2003 included:
1. Episcopal Church approves and then ordains first openly gay bishop, spurring threats of a schism both in the U.S. and throughout the Anglican Communion, and leading to emergency meetings. The bishop of New Westminster Diocese in British Columbia draws criticism for approving same sex unions.2. Pending war in Iraq splits religious communities; most mainline denominations, led by the National Council of Churches, oppose it, while many evangelicals support it. Religious groups sponsor follow-up relief efforts.
3. Definition of marriage becomes a hot topic as the Massachusetts Supreme Court overturns a gay-marriage ban; a constitutional amendment on marriage is proposed. Earlier, the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down a ban against homosexual sodomy in Texas, and Ontario's highest court legalizes gay marriage.
4. Ten Commandments monument is finally removed from Alabama Judicial Building after state vs. church debate. Chief Justice Roy Moore, its proponent, is removed from office.
5. Roman Catholic Church seeks to implement plans to combat priestly sex abuse; efforts bring both praise and criticism. Sean Patrick O'Malley of Palm Beach succeeds Bernard Law in Boston and earns high marks. Convicted sex-abuser John Geoghan is killed in prison.
25 stories were ranked all together. You can read about the remaining stories by clicking here.