Liz wrote a short update on the twins for family and friends and I thought I'd share with you all the most recent news:
Hi all. In case you haven't heard, the twins are definately identical! This is rare (1 in 250 births) and comes along with some added complications (as if having two weren't enough!). I have what is known as diamniotic monochorionic twins. I think this means they share a placenta but are in two sacs with a thin membrane separating the two babies. The risk is something called twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) which occurs in about 15-25 percent of di-mono babies. One twin gets too much aminiotic fluid and the other too little. They share some circulatory works, too. This hasn't happened yet and wouldn't be diagnosed until the second or third trimester, so there really isn't too much we can do but hope for the best. On the bright side, I haven't felt even a pang of morning sickness and have only been a little more tired than usual. :) Lots of love, Liz