Teachers Are Terrorists
Uncharitable Comments

Maybe Gays Are Terrorists Too

First George W. Bush’s Education Secretary called teachers terrorists.

Then George W. Bush kicked off his re-election campaign by questioning the patriotism of Democrats.

"It's (the election) a choice between an America that leads the world with strength and confidence, or an America that is uncertain in the face of danger."

Now he wants to amend the United States Constitution to enshrine discrimination against gays and lesbians.

"Not since the days of Jim Crow segregation has our nation faced the prospect of discrimination written into law in such a shameful way," said David Tseng, executive director of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. "Millions of Americans are disappointed that their president, George W. Bush, has bowed to political pressure to support the codification of hatred into our beloved Constitution."

No President has done more to tear apart the social fabric of America since Richard Nixon. It is not only the Presidency at stake in the 2004 election. George W. Bush just made it an election about the preservation of the US Constitution.
