Multnomah County Takes Strong Stand
Defend Social Security

Had An Abortion Recently?

John Ashcroft and the Bush Justice Department might want to review your medical records. Subpoenas have been issued for doctors and hospitals that perform abortions in a clear effort to harass opponents of the so-called Partial-Birth abortion ban.

The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice stands with the hospitals and physicians that are resisting this unconscionable intrusion into the most intimate matters of an individual’s life. Enormous pressure is being placed on these hospitals and physicians and we support them in their courageous and principled refusal to submit until the legal proceedings run their course.

Ashcroft is seeking medical records of women who have had second or third trimester abortions. Doctors opposed to Bush abortion policies have been specifically targeted. The Justice Department is claiming that “no doctor-patient privilege exists under federal law protecting patients from public disclosure.”
