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Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel


The World Council of Churches has started a new web site for their Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel.

The EAPPI is an initiative of the World Council of Churches under the Ecumenical Campaign to End the Illegal Occupation of Palestine: Support a Just Peace in the Middle East. Its mission is to accompany Palestinians and Israelis in their non-violent actions and concerted advocacy efforts to end the occupation. Participants of the programme are monitoring and reporting violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, supporting acts of non-violent resistance alongside local Christian and Muslim Palestinians and Israeli peace activists, offering protection through non-violent presence, engaging in public policy advocacy and, in general, standing in solidarity with the churches and all those struggling against the occupation.

Both the Israelis and Palestinians need to be held responsible for ending the violence in the region. Suicide bombings must be halted. Check out this United Methodist Action Alert for ways you can put pressure on both sides of the conflict.
