Welcome home, Madeline!
Bush Back On Crusade

Liz's Portland Baby Shower Part 1


Liz is in Portland for a quick visit. Today FOL Deborah Kafoury hosted a small baby shower that several of Liz's longtime friends were able to attend.


Liz reported to me that there were lots of wonderful gifts for the twins. Her doctors agree that after she returns on Sunday to St. Louis she is grounded until the babies arrive. But this was a great chance for Liz to be with her friends.

The flu kept my sisters away, but my mother was there. She made two dolls for the kids and is working on matching quilts.


What did I do this weekend? Well, I wrote an outline for a paper in theological foundations, read for my New Testement course, worked on the outline of the Sunday school class I'll be starting tomorrow, cleaned out a closet that the babies will be using, and made the house a general mess. I have 24-hours to clean-up before Liz comes home. Pray for me.

Once Liz gets home I'll add more photos. These are the ones my mother took and e-mailed. Don't forget to check out my mom's way cool web site.
