Atrios Has A Religion Problem
Our Weekend With Alice

More On The Religion Debate

Yesterday I wrote about my concerns regarding a post written by Atrios about religion. The topic has been picked up by a lot of different sites. Most of the feedback I’ve received regarding my views has been pretty negative. Though I find some humor in the fact I’m now getting attacked on the left and the right for my religious views. Take these two examples:

Frank wrote in last night and said:

Personally, I couldn’t agree more with Atrios. Perhaps, though, that’s because, like him, I’m one who doesn’t suffer from the delusion of religious faith, tempting and comforting (as) it might seem, and therefore find myself at the receiving end of an incredible amount of bigotry, ignorance and intolerance.

On the other side of the spectrum, a fellow named John wrote me this week and said:

You call yourself Christian and believe in abortion? You're a fraud.

You can find more from Atrios today (My tone generally was too harsh in places, and as is all too frequently the case I painted with too broad a brush - but, on the other hand when people throw a punch they shouldn't be too upset when someone punches back) and my fellow blogger on The American Street Patriot Boy takes issue with my post (As for the historical accomplishments of religious progressives, I list Dorothy Day and Martin Luther King among my heroes, but what have progressive Christians done for us lately?).

Talk Left has links from several blogs who have been writing about the debate.
