Southern Baptist Seminary Offers Feminist Theology Course! Well, Not Really.
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
The headline caught my attention:
“Course on feminist theology to be taught by Mary Kassian”
The name doesn’t actually mean anything to me. It was the fact that Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary was the school where the course was being taught that made me stop and notice the article from Baptist Press News. Feminist theology at a Southern Baptist school? How progressive! I should have known better. The BP News story explains the reason behind the class:
“In order to combat the slippery slope created by the feminist movement, we must understand the arguments and perspectives presented by its supporters,” said Terri Stovall, assistant professor of adult education at Southwestern’s Fort Worth, Texas, campus. The feminist movement incorrectly advocates the feminism of God and holds to a unique interpretation of Scripture for women, Stovall said.“Feminism has attacked our understanding of biblical manhood and womanhood,” Kassian said. “The struggle between men and women has intensified. Marriages, divorce rates, children, educational philosophy and sexuality have all been impacted by feminism. The foundational question of who am I as a woman or man has experienced a paradigm shift as a result of the feminist movement.”
Maybe they should have named the course anti-feminist theology. Well, at least we know none of the women taking the class will be wearing hats. That would be against the Gospel.