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Has The Bush Administration Ordered Torture?

A Bush Administration memo leaked this week that gives the President authority to order the torture of war prisoners. International law prohibits the practice and yesterday the attorney general refused to answer questions from a Senate committee on this issue. NPR reports:

June 9, 2004 -- Attorney General John Ashcroft refuses senators' demands for copies of legal memos, prepared by Bush administration lawyers in 2002 and 2003, that reportedly state the president has the right to order torture in his role as commander in chief. In refusing to discuss the contents of the memos, Ashcroft said his department's advice to the president must remain confidential.

In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday, Ashcroft also refused to say whether President Bush has authorized force or other techniques in interrogation.

You can hear the incredible exchange between Senate members and Ashcroft on the NPR report and read the leaked Defense Department torture memo here.
