Helping At Home And Abroad
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
Church World Service “is the relief, development, and refugee assistance ministry of 36 Protestant, Orthodox, and Anglican denominations in the United States.” They are responding to several emergency situations and need support from the public.
Flooding in Haiti and the Dominican Republic has created a crisis and taken many lives. From the CWS web site:
NEW YORK, NY – Responding to devastating flooding and rising death tolls in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, global humanitarian agency Church World Service announced today that it is immediately responding to flood victims in the two countries by reallocating food shipments originally designated for response to Haiti's recent social and political unrest.CWS partners in Haiti – Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and Service Chrétien d'Haiti (SCH) – urgently requested reallocation of the CWS food supplies as an initial response to the crisis.
CWS partners in Haiti are also seeking support for immediate needs from the Rapid Response Fund of the Action by Churches Together (ACT) International network, of which Church World Service is a part.
Click here to learn more about what CWS is doing in this region.
Storms across the American Midwest and South have also taken lives and destroyed homes. Here in our St. Louis neighborhood we had tornado sirens go off three of the last five days and severe thunderstorms each day this past week. CWS is also responding to help those impacted by these storms:
NEW YORK – Humanitarian agency Church World Service announced today that it has dispatched five of its Disaster Response and Recovery Liaisons to assist during massive cleanup and recovery efforts from a week of storms that heaped devastation across portions of the northern Plains, Midwest, and Eastern states.With emergency cleanup efforts now underway in parts of the northern Plains, Midwest, West Virginia, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, Church World Service (CWS) Disaster Response and Recovery Liaisons (DRRLs) will assist with answering the long-term needs of the affected regions.
The humanitarian agency has issued a $60,000 appeal to fund deployment of its disaster response specialists, ongoing mentoring and capacity building initiatives, emergency material aid shipments, and grants to help sustain long-term recovery.
Click here to learn more about these stoms and the CWS response. You can also see some of the storm damage in our neighborhood here and here.
You can donate to Church World Service online.
Other ways to donate:
Call toll-free: 1-800-297-1516
Mail donations to:
Church World Service
28606 Phillips Street
P.O. Box 968
Elkhart, IN 46515