Co-opting God for the Bush Campaign
Visiting The Arch

National Hunger Awareness Day is June 3: Time to Learn, Act on Persistent U.S. Problem

hungerbutton-june3Memorial Day weekend was marked with an abundance of food in most families across the nation who enjoyed cookouts and picnics to mark the beginning of summer. But not every family was so fortunate. Hunger persists in every community in America. On June 3, concerned citizens across the country will unite to focus attention on the problem of domestic hunger. Food banks and food-rescue organizations, soup kitchens and food pantries, and countless individuals, faith-based organizations and businesses will donate time, raise funds, and give food to help their neighbors. The NCC is joining America's Second Harvest in this important effort. Visit for more information. In October, National Council of Churches will present an hour-long ABC-TV documentary entitled Hunger No More, a collaborative venture with Bread for the World, the NCC's member communions, and other organizations committed to eliminating hunger in America and around the world.

- from the National Council of Churches
