Thinking About Ronald Reagan
Saturday, June 05, 2004
Whenever a figure like Ronald Reagan passes away it is appropriate to pause and remember their contributions to history. The former president deserves the thanks of our nation for his commitment to public service. The memorials planned and the state funeral will serve the needed purpose of reminding Americans why they felt hopeful about the future when he shared his vision.
It is also worth noting some of what President Reagan left out of that vision. He was largely blind to the plight of those becoming homeless under his economic policies. Reagan once remarked that being homeless was no worse off than being on a camping trip. His administration also turned a blind eye towards the AIDS crisis which was just beginning to explode during his first term. You can make a legitimate cass that millions died because of his inaction on the AIDS crisis. For many years he would not even say the word AIDS. Maybe he thought it would just go away if he ignored it.
Deficits exploded under his economic leadership. He opposed efforts to use American influence to put pressure on the apartheid government in South Africa and Nelson Mandela remained in prison much longer because of Reagan (who viewed Mandela as a communist). His administration sold weapons to the Iranians and used the profits to fund an illegal war in Nicaragua. He had no concern for the environment and never seemed to grasp the basic science behind environmental pollution.
There will be attempts in the coming days and weeks to crown Ronald Reagan a hero for his accomplishments. Everyone who serves in public office deserves some measure of respect. Frankly, my dislike for his policies may even make me blind to any accomplishments of his that even I would applaud. In the end, he can only be regarded as a good president – in policy terms - if you think the role of president is to help the wealthy secure more wealth without expanding opportunities for the least of these.
I do share some sadness in President Reagan’s death. No one should have to suffer the way he has. His wife Nancy, often vilified in the media, showed unusual commitment to her husband during his final years. My prayers are with her and their family as they deal with such a deeply personal loss.