Rev. Dr. Robert W. Edgar Arrested at Sudan Protest
Ecumenical "Christian Principles in an Election Year" Offer Criteria for Judging Candidates

I Make Him Puke

Mr. Christopher P. Thompson of West Springfield, Virginia wrote me today:

I don't think I have ever read more phony bullshit put out to the public as words of wisdom than your ramblings in your crackpot website under the rubric of the socialist NCC. Masquerading the will of God in your inane liberalism, a liberalism that would destroy this country if given full reign, motivates me greatly to do what I can to help ensure that you Democrat scum remain out of power in Congress and the Executive Branch. I have to laugh when I read you intend to read Clinton's pathetic bio "just for fun"--Clinton, the most immoral president in American history whose writings even liberal reviewers scorn. You make me puke.

I’m glad to report that I’m about 700 pages into the Clinton book. It is not a bad read, but does falls short of some of the hype. Fellow Arkansas native Dale Bumpers wrote a better autobiography that I’d recommend to anyone interested in small town southern politics.

I’d respond more to Mr. Thompson’s charges but I’m quite busy right now between raising the twins and plotting the overthrow of Western civilization. Everyone has to have a hobby and world domination through the spread of socialism disguised as religion is obviously mine.
