Is Nader Breaking The Law To Get On The Ballot In Oregon?
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
It sure looks that way. The good folks over at BlueOregon have been covering all the breaking news. Here is what they are reporting today:
Last night, right here at BlueOregon, we broke the news of the SEIU fraud and forgery investigation into Nader's petition for the Oregon ballot. At a press conference this morning, SEIU released more evidence. The key item: SEIU Local 49 contacted 269 people whose names were on petition sheets - and only 32% report that they actually signed the Nader petitions. The key quote, from SEIU veep Alice Dale: "This fraud is too pervasive to have been committed without at least the complicity of the signature gatherers."
Get the full story from BlueOregon:
BlueOregon: Nader Ballot Fraud, Part 2
Greg Kafoury needs to stop blaming the Democrats for Nader's problems. Everyone involved with this mess needs to be fired and records should be handed over to the state department of justice before anyone even makes a formal request. Everytime that Nader people blame the Democrats for their mistakes it reminds you of an alcoholic blaming the bottle of gin for creating such a mess. Nader needs to own up to his own actions.