John Kerry told reporters this week that while he opposed a federal constitutional amendment banning gay marriage he still doesn’t support gay marriage and would have voted for Missouri’s anti-gay marriage state constitutional amendment.
Kerry believes this should be a state’s rights issue.
But Kerry also personally opposes abortion and yet favors federal protections for the right to choose. And he favors federal civil rights laws to protect racial minorities. What is the difference here?
It looks like gay and lesbian people are expendable on the Kerry express.
Kerry does support civil unions for gay couples and it is amazing to think the gay rights movement has come so far in recent years to think of this as the conservative position. But Kerry had a chance to stand for something important in this election and he blew it (just like he did in Iraq and with the DNC’s ouster of their religion advisor). I’m reminded once again why I voted for a different candidate in the primary election.
Come November I’ll caste my vote for the Kerry-Edwards ticket because I still believe on a wide range of issues they’ll be far better than the current administration. However, while the Massachusetts senator may have got my vote by default he sure hasn’t earned my respect as a leader.
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