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"The Twelve Tribes of American Politics"


If you watch television news you might think that all Christians are conservatives worshiping at the alter of George W. Bush. The truth is much more revealing. has just published a new study on their site that shows that the religious right and the religious left have equal numbers in America. Religious America is actually divided up into twelve distinct groups and not one of them can claim to speak for all people of faith. Check out their study and see for yourself.

Kerry Took Charge Tonight

Challengers always have the more difficult task in presidential debates. I’ve been watching these events with great interest going back to the Reagan-Mondale showdown of 1984. John Kerry did more than just hold his own against George W. Bush. The senator took charge early on and defined the terms of the debate. It clearly was a referendum on the failed Iraq strategy perused by this president. Kerry offered a foreign policy vision that was more engaged and energetic than the Bush go-it-alone doctrine. My sense is that voters will respond well to his message. There was no knockout ala the Benson–Quayle 1988 debate (which would have been nice). But I think there is no question that John Kerry gave a much needed lift to his campaign.

There was more both candidates could have offered. I appreciated the questions on Darfur and Russia. Sadly, the ongoing genocide in Darfur has been largely overlooked during the campaign. Check out the White House web site and search for the name Darfur. A total of 40 possible entries on the crisis show up. Gay marriage: 848. This president hasn’t used his office to address the difficult issues. Instead he has focused on dividing the American people for political purposes. It was unfortunate that neither candidate was able to offer a fuller and richer debate on issues outside of Iraq and North Korea.

"Religious ethics clash with loan practices"

Have you ever seen one of those quickie loan shops that dot the street corners of economically depressed areas of town? They offer fast loans with your paycheck or car as collateral at incredibly high interest rates. Yesterday The Christian Science Monitor ran a good article about how religious ethics clash with loan practices in America.

Many of the world's major religions address the question of lending. Most view lending as moral only if the lender is sincere in desiring to help meet the borrower's essential needs - rather than helping the borrower to indulge in capricious desires - and also if the lender helps the borrower move toward self-sufficiency.

The article also discusses reforms advanced by John Kerry that have been embraced by some in the religious community. Quotes in the article also highlight how Judaism and Islam see debt issues within their own religious context.

For more information visit the United Church of Christ web site.

Jim Wallis Visits Eden Theological Seminary

P1010040_wallisJim Wallis was on the campus of Eden Theological Seminary today. Wallis is the editor of Sojourners Magazine and convener of Call to Renewal. He first spoke to a group of progressive clergy in the St. Louis area that have been organizing on the Eden campus and later preached during morning chapel services for the seminary community. I have been fortunate to meet Wallis on several occasions in Portland and Washington, DC and was able to spend time driving him around town this morning. The Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon worked to arrange his visit.

P1010041_wallis2_1There were two important issues that he lifted up today. First, Call to Renewal will be launching a bus tour of swing states next week. The tour is designed to put the issue of poverty before the voters as they make choices in November about which candidates to support. Call to Renewal is a Christian anti-poverty advocacy group that draws their membership from across the theological and political spectrum. Wallis hopes the tour will remind voters that poverty and how we address it is a religious issue for Christians to consider.

P1010042_wallis3Wallis also asked people to take action and write letters to President Bush and the head of the Republican National Committee asking them to apologize and denounce the mailings sent from the RNC to West Virginia and Arkansas voters telling them that Democrats would ban the Bible if elected in November.

Click here to learn more about this action alert.

Faith-Based Bloggers Tackle the Election, Political Issues

Chuckcurrieblog2aReligion News Service (part of Newhouse News Service) just published a story on the role “faith-based” bloggers are playing in this election. This blog is one of those featured. Daniel Burke writes:

Equal parts soapbox, confessional and church social, the blogs of religious folk are not easily categorized. On Monday, someone may post a lengthy exegesis of a favorite Bible passage, on Tuesday a screed against Democrats and on Wednesday, a picture of his cat.

Blogs, or "Web logs," resemble personal Internet pages. But advances in computer technology are making such blogs public trading posts in the marketplace of ideas. Bloggers post comments on their pages instantaneously, provide links to articles and other Web sites, and hold running conversations between people on multiple continents.

Like incense in a mammoth cathedral, religion permeates the blogosphere.

Since this is an election year, it's only natural that many faith-based bloggers have gotten political.

Burke profiles several conservative religious blogs, including that of self-described “fundamentalist” Jason Steffens. Steffens uses his blog to promote George W. Bush and pro-life causes. A blog by Kathy Shaidle is also highlighted.

Progressive blogs are represented by two of the usual suspects:

Terry Mattingly, a veteran religion reporter and professor who studies the intersection of the media and religion, contributes to the blog "" He said that more conservatives are led to blogging because they "feel more cut off from the mainstream media." There are, however, a number of religious liberals who blog.

"The Village Gate," formerly called "The Right Christians," is an online community of religious progressives that "serves as an electronic gathering place for those who seek to re-energize the progressive tradition," according to a posting on the Web site by the Rev. Alan Brill, a Lutheran pastor in South Carolina. It can be found at

And Chuck Currie, who is training to be a United Church of Christ minister at the Eden Theological Seminary in Webster Groves, Mo., said that blogging is an important part of his ministry to the homeless and disenfranchised.

Currie contributes several hours a day to his blog,, which has been live for about a year. Recent posts include an interview with the Rev. Bob Edgar of the National Council of Churches, prayers for peace and reports that Sen. Lincoln Chafee, R-R.I., might not vote for Bush.

Though his wife thinks his devotion to blogging is "semi-insane," Currie said that he will continue to blog, if only "to show that there is a difference" between liberal and conservative Christians.

Sometimes it feels a bit futile, like "a crazy person standing on the street corner and shouting," Currie said. "But then, maybe a few people will stop to listen for a while."

That’s me, the crazy guy out there shouting on the street.

The full article is only available by subscription. However, if I can find a free link in any of the newspapers I’ll update this post and add it.

New Feedback From The Blogosphere

Every once and awhile I like to check-in with bloggers and read e-mails to see how people are responding to my site. As always, the reviews are mixed.

This site was one of the first to comment on the story that the Republican National Committee had sent out flyers claiming Democrats wanted to ban the Bible. United Methodist Bishop William Boyd Grove also responded on this site to the news. Here is a sampling of what people have written in response:

A UMC Bishop has responded through Chuck Currie’s blog to an advert claiming that electing John Kerry would lead to the banning of the Bible

The Republican ad being distributed in West Virginia, implying that the election of John Kerry would lead to the “banning of the Bible” is outrageous, and represents demagoguery of the worst sort. No one connected to the distribution of that ad could possibly claim fidelity to the Bible for themselves!

Say it brother!

I wonder if I could get a bishop guest-blogging?

- connexions

I've been in a bit of a news blackout since arriving here, so it was just in perusing my bloglist this afternoon that I discovered the preposterous news out of West Virginia: The Republican National Committee is now suggesting that if liberals are elected, we'll up and ban the Bible.

I'm still in the sputter-and-flap-hands-wildly-about phase regarding the absurdity and sleaziness of this groundless allegation, so I'm unable to address it with any kind of skill. For that, I point you toward Chuck Currie and Becky Klemme. Good lord, ban the Bible?? Gimme a break!

- Treading Water

West Virgina Republicans have sent out a mailing claiming that Democrats will take away their Bibles if they win the election. Wow! Congratulations to the Republican National Committee for being a voice of reason and integrity in this election. Oh wait. This campaign is dishonest fear-mongering. What was I thinking?

Read Chuck Currie's comment on this campaign. Chuck is much more calm and insightful than I.

I just wonder - how far will the Republicans go to convince voters that God is on their side? Campaign ads featuring W and Jesus?

- The Faithful Skeptic

Just this week I commented on a new report out by a conservative group which claimed that the National Council of Churches and other mainline Christian groups concentrate their advocacy efforts against Israel. This, they argued, showed that progressive Christians are anti-Semitic. My response came under fire from one group (UCCtruths) whose only mission is to attack the United Church of Christ and from one blogger (who reads my site nearly every day and comments on almost everything).

September 28, 2004 - The National Council of Churches has responded to the blistering report by the Institute on Religion and Democracy on "Human Rights Advocacy in the Mainline Protestant Churches". But it's not much of a response... it doesn't challenge any of the facts that IRD is reporting. Instead, it tries to dismiss the report by painting the IRD as a politically motivated group - which it could very well be - but so is the National Council of Churches. Politically motivated or not, at least the IRD report is rooted in an analysis of facts - something which is completely missing from the NCC response.

As usual, this point is completely missed by denomination cheerleaders like Chuck Currie, whose purely political blog (if you consider a site that's full of recycled copy that lacks any original thought a "blog") doesn't refute any of the points made by IRD.

- UCCtruths

Blogger and UCC seminarian Chuck Currie (from whom the Edgar statement is taken–I couldn't find it on the NCC site) piles on with some holy whapping of his own:

IRD “monitors” church bodies and ecumenical groups and uses their resources to point out what they see as flaws. Their major domestic issues include opposition to same sex marriage and support for the war in Iraq. Their board of directors is made up of anti-abortion activists and other well known conservative political activists.

This organization does nothing more than attempt to malign the faith of good Christians working to promote justice as called for by God. Their report is a sham issued during a tense political campaign to give theological cover for the political right.

I'm sure it makes Chuck feel better to know that he's opposing the forces of anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage evil here, but he makes no effort to come to grips with the actual substance of the report. My suspicion is that there will be a lot of whining and weeping and gnashing of teeth on the left over this report, but very little substantial response.

- Ecumenical Insanity
Most days I get more e-mail than I do posts on the blog. Some is great and some people really dislike what they find here and love telling me about it. Here are a few recent examples:
Dear Mr. Currie,

I just wanted you to know how pleasantly suprised to find you website. I am a Christian supporter of the Kerry/ Edwards 2004 campaign. I live in Georgia and I am completely surrounded by very judgemental President Bush supporters and that is why it is nice to know that I am not the only Christian who is concerned about George Bush and what he is doing to our country and our world. Keep up the good work and I will pray for you and your efforts to make a real difference in people's lives.

May God bless you,



After reading the opinions of Prof. Wink in your article, may I suggest a book to you that might provide some clearer insight into homosexuality and God's word. The title is The Gay Agenda by Dr. Ronnie Floyd. I challenge you to read this and allow our Savior Jesus Christ to open your eyes to this immoral and destructive behavior.


Michael Sears


Having visited your web page on the subject, I decided to write to you.

You cannot be a true "Christian" believer in Christ Jesus as your savior, and be for same sex marriage. It just is not possible...

The homosexual life style is no different than a person who chooses to commit adultery. It is a life style choice. It is a sin, and it is an abomination to God! No homosexual looses anything by not being permitted to marry another homosexual. It has been said that they loose property rights. Not true. It is said that they loose other rights, not true! They have every right afforded to any other citizen. It is not normal human nature for a man to lay with a man or a woman to lay with another woman. We as a people cannot make something that is an abomination become a legal pastime....

I pray for you and others that believe that homosexuality is a "normal" behavior. I pray that you would be given the wisdom from God to know that it is wrong to practice or condone such behavior.

May The Lord forgive you!


The good news is that for one reason or another people keep visiting this site. Just today I received my 85,000 hit. That’s not bad for a little blog like mine. Keep those hits (and the feedback) coming!

Kerry Wrong For Catholics: New GOP Mudslinging

First, the Republican National Committee sent out flyers to voters warning that Democrats planned to ban the Bible if elected in November.

Now they’ve launched a new web site telling Catholics it would be against their religious beliefs to vote for the (Roman Catholic) democratic nominee for president.

Just when you think George W. Bush and his associates couldn’t go any deeper into the mud they surprise you with something like this.

They dishonor the Christian faith with every action like this they take.

Institute on Religion and Democracy: Just Another Right-Wing Group Working to Malign Christians Working For Peace and Justice

A new report about the human rights advocacy record of mainline churches out by the Institute of Religion and Democracy is creating something of a stir. The group charges that mainline churches have focused only on the US and Israel in their criticism of human rights abuses while ignoring Arab nations. Their conclusion reads:

The mainline churches are not adequately addressing the wide range of human rights abuses taking place in the world. Denominations are focusing on the United States and Israel as the primary perpetrators of human rights violations. Great attention to the United States may be expected from churches that find their homes there.

But the dramatic focus on Israel as opposed to many more repressive regimes, including other U.S. allies known for human rights abuses (such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt), must be challenged.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the churches made the mistake of supporting oppressive Soviet-sponsored liberation movements around the world. They largely ignored human rights abuses in the Soviet Union and its satellite states, instead focusing on U.S. policy as the primary source of abuse. It appears that mainline denominations may be making the same mistake today with the Arab and Muslim worlds, ignoring many of the most serious abuses while apparently laying heavy blame upon the United States and Israel not only for their own lesser abuses, but also for the abuses of others.

It is evident from the tone and language used by mainline church leaders in their statements and legislation that, as a group, they believe that the United States is often a malignant influence in the world. This pervasive anti-Americanism is demonstrated time and again in their public policy advocacy, and one need not investigate far to find it.

Given the dramatic unwillingness of the mainline churches to criticize states around Israel for their human rights abuses—not only the connections to worldwide terrorism, but also the oppression and brutality toward their own people—it is not unreasonable to ask whether anti-Jewish animus may play some role in the churches’ skewed human rights advocacy.

The Rev. Dr. Robert W. Edgar, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches, responded to these charges today in a statement:

The Institute of Religion and Democracy's report titled "Human Rights Advocacy in the Mainline Protestant Churches 2000-2003," released today (Sept. 27), addresses the important matter of human rights in a fatally flawed way.

The report assumes that all that the National Council of Churches USA does or says about human rights gets reported out in resolutions and news releases. It ignores the NCC's sound, comprehensive policy base on human rights, especially the foundational "Human Rights" policy adopted by the Council's highest governing body in December 1963, and that body's November 1995 reaffirmation and expansion of that policy, "Human Rights: The Fulfillment of Life in the Social Order."

In truth, the ideologically conservative IRD cannot claim to have produced an objective report, having among other things used another ideologically conservative group, Freedom House, as its barometer on human rights.

The NCC naturally addresses many public statements to the government of the United States out of concern about how our own country behaves as a global citizen.

The most unfortunate part of the IRD's report is its apparent attempt to hurt Jewish-Christian relations by quite blatantly planting seeds of suspicion that the mainline churches are anti-Semitic. The IRD wrongly and dangerously equates any criticism of the government of Israel and its policies with anti-Semitism.

The NCC seeks justice for all people in the Middle East. It is working for justice in the land where our Savior walked and where our Christian brothers and sisters, along with Jews and Muslims, are crying out for justice. The NCC grieves all loss of life, including Palestinians and Israelis, and has said so.

We regret the IRD's attempt to play partisan, secular politics with important matters of Christian faith and ministry.

The extreme conservative nature of the IRD is clearly reflected in their mission statement:

Since 1981 the IRD has worked to reform the social and political witness of the American churches, while also promoting democracy and religious freedom at home and abroad.

Our church reform work at times requires us to critique our churches. In particular, the “mainline” Protestant churches in our country have suffered shocking membership losses in recent decades. Once America's premier churches, the mainliners are now only one-third of US church members. This decline shows that something is seriously wrong. But despite the decline, mainline bureaucrats continue to push a secular agenda of the Left instead of the timeless message of Jesus Christ.

IRD “monitors” church bodies and ecumenical groups and uses their resources to point out what they see as flaws. Their major domestic issues include opposition to same sex marriage and support for the war in Iraq. Their board of directors is made up of anti-abortion activists and other well known conservative political activists.

This organization does nothing more than attempt to malign the faith of good Christians working to promote justice as called for by God. Their report is a sham issued during a tense political campaign to give theological cover for the political right.

"Ground war in Missouri: In this door-to-door, religion-based drive for new voters, does Kerry have a prayer?"

The San Francisco Chronicle has a good article today on how religion and politics are intertwined with the presidential election in Missouri.

More than ever, Missouri Republicans have discovered the political power of that longtime Democratic province, grassroots organizing. While Democrats are expected to lock up much of big-city St. Louis and Kansas City, the GOP is mining the "moral issues" in rural and suburban Missouri -- home to 464 Assembly of God churches, the conservative Christian religion of Missouri's former senator and current U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft…..

But the Democrats are attempting to bridge the God gap with the help of a San Francisco resident, United Church of Christ minister David Keyes. This month, Keyes arrived in Missouri to be the Kerry campaign's religious outreach coordinator. He's got a long history with the candidate -- developed in the 1970s anti-war movement after Keyes married the widow of one of Kerry's Vietnam War buddies who died in combat.

On Monday, under Keyes' supervision, the campaign will hold the first in a series of "prayer potlucks" -- 100-person gatherings of neighbors to appeal to the spiritual side of potential Kerry voters. Monday's potlucks will be in five of Missouri's suburban and small-town GOP strongholds, including Springfield, headquarters of Ashcroft's Assembly of God Church.

"We're not going to, as the religious right has, claim that God is on their side," said Keyes, who is on sabbatical from his ministry to work on the campaign. "God isn't on anyone's side. We want to let people of faith know that faith and values are important in this campaign."

Click here to read the full article.

Our neighborhood here in Webster Groves, MO (a suburb of St. Louis) looks like a civil war battlefield with neighbor pitted against neighbor. People here are obviously paying attention to the election. Almost every house has either a John Kerry or George Bush lawn sign. Bush won this state 2000 and is ahead in the polls today. It would take a minor miracle for Kerry to pull off a win in November. The good news is that I believe in miracles.

The RNC Bible Flyer Is Here

I searched long and hard for a copy of this flyer. So here it is (this is the version sent to voters in Arkansas - a similar mailing was sent to voters in West Virgina).


Thanks go to The Washington Note blog entry on this:

See these related posts for the context in which the mailer was sent out by the Republicans:

"GOP Mailing Warns Liberals Will Ban Bibles"

United Methodist Bishop William Boyd Grove Responds To Republican Ad Claiming Democrats Plan to Ban The Bible

GOP Proudly Takes Credit For Mailer Claiming Liberals Will Ban The Bible

Sending out this kind of stuff would have made Lee Atwater very, very proud.

Living in Fear in an Election Year: Remarks Before The St. Louis Association Of The United Church of Christ

I delivered these remarks on Saturday, September 25, 2004 before the St. Louis Association of the United Church of Christ as part of a forum called “Living in Fear in an Election Year.” The other presenters were The Rev. Katy Hawker and The Rev. Dr. Enoch H. Oglesby.

Living in Fear in an Election Year

Let me first offer a few words of self-introduction: I am a seminarian in-care of the Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ. My work background includes 17 years of serving churches, ecumenical groups and non-profit organizations that address social justice issues. Besides attending seminary – and being a husband and a father of 11 week old twin girls – I publish a website that reflects on the intersection of faith and politics.

There are plenty of reasons to be fearful in these times – and also some reasons, I believe, to feel hopeful. Who you are, where you grew up, how you read the Bible (if you are Christian), and how you feel about the role of government are but a few factors that help determine what if anything we might be afraid of.

Most of us still operate in the shadow of September 11th and the very real fear of terrorism. The national debate now underway as part of the lead-up to the November elections is not a debate as to whether or not we should fight terrorism: it a more a question of how we fight terrorism. Do we fight this war by unilaterally invading other nations or do we fight terrorism by reflecting on the causes? Do we simply drop bombs or do we focus our attention on fighting world-wide poverty and by promoting efforts to increase dialog between cultures and religions?

Often people of faith cannot come to consensus on these questions, but I agree with the statement adopted by the National Council of Churches in their document Christian Principles In An Election Year:

War is contrary to the will of God. While the use of violent force may, at times, be a necessity of last resort, Christ pronounces his blessing on the peacemakers. We look for political leaders who will make peace with justice a top priority and who will actively seek nonviolent solutions to conflict.

Fear of war and fear of terrorism are driving the debate this election year but there are other very real fears that we are all facing.

Poverty is growing in America. Our environment is in decline. More people are without health care than ever before. Schools are in jeopardy. While I have endorsed one candidate in the race for president (I’ll leave it up to you all to guess which one) it has to be said that neither major political party has fundamentally addressed any of these concerns.

Sadly, some political and religious leaders, in an effort to divert our attention from these real and pressing problems, have used this election to further divide our people by creating bogymen to blame our problems on. Let me offer two examples:

Shortly after 9/11 the Congress passed and the president signed legislation that created the Patriot Act. This legislation greatly expanded the powers of the federal government to carry out surveillance on citizens and even to incarcerate citizens without full legal protections for the accused. Secret courts now hear evidence in “national security” matters. This intrusion into American democracy, passed with nearly unanimous approval of both democrats and republicans, could only have happened in an atmosphere of fear.

It is fear that drives the debate over gay rights in our country. Gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, and transgendered people have been blamed for everything from the attacks of 9/11 to a decline in family values. The Republican National Committee even sent out a mailer to West Virginia voters last week that claimed that if Democrats were elected in November they would ban the Bible and grant special rights to gay men. The RNC has defended their advertising by offering the rational that Biblical passages on homosexuality could be declared hate speech and thus the Bible would be outlawed. You might not be able to find a more pure example of playing on fear.

It is my contention that the political world lacks the capacity for dealing with these issues in any real way. All of these crises we face are more spiritual in nature than political. How we treat God’s creation – and that means the environment, human creation, and everything else – is a test of how we view our relationship with God. We are called to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8).

Too many of our churches ignore this calling as a primary test of the Christian faith. We tend to view our pastoral care duties in individualist terms. As an example, if a parishioner is ill and without health care we tend to offer emotional support, often we’ll arrange meals, and sometimes even take up a collection to help with financial needs. All of that is necessary. Yet we need to spend as much time – even more – questioning why the richest nation on earth is the only industrialized nation on earth without universal health care. In a time of so much uncertainly, anxiety, and fear we need to respond to the root causes.

During the spring I talked William Sloane Coffin for an interview that was published on my web site. Coffin, as most of you will know, has been for decades - in his positions as Yale chaplain and later at Riverside Church in New York - one of the foremost American Christian advocates for peace and justice. I asked him after all these years and after all the battles he has fought how he could remain hopeful. This is what he told me:

I think that hope reflects the state of our soul rather than the circumstances that surround our lives. So hope is not the equivalent of optimism. Its opposite is not pessimism but despair. So I’m always hopeful. Hope is about keeping the faith despite the evidence so that the evidence has a chance of changing.

As I wrote in my book Credo:

Hope criticizes what is, hopelessness rationalizes it. Hope resists, hopelessness adapts.

There are 38 days until the election. My suggestion is this:

Let us use that short time to offer a vision of hope that is rooted deeply in our faith. Let us challenge the voters and the candidates to put the homeless, the sick, our children, the elderly, and the environment at the top of their list of concerns as they prepare to make important decisions in November.

And let us recognize that no matter who wins the election the difficult issues will still be there. So let us make sure we are there to criticize what still is and to resist that which diminishes our relationship with God.

GOP Proudly Takes Credit For Mailer Claiming Liberals Will Ban The Bible

The New York Times reports today that the Republican National Committee has taken credit for mailing out literature to voters in West Virginia and Arkansas claiming that if liberals were elected they would ban the Bible.

The mailings include images of the Bible labeled "banned" and of a gay marriage proposal labeled "allowed." A mailing to Arkansas residents warns: "This will be Arkansas if you don't vote." A similar mailing was sent to West Virginians.

In an e-mail message, Christine Iverson, a spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee, confirmed that the party had sent the mailings.

"When the Massachusetts Supreme Court sanctioned same-sex marriage and people in other states realized they could be compelled to recognize those laws, same-sex marriage became an issue,'' Ms. Iverson said. "These same activist judges also want to remove the words 'under God' from the Pledge of Allegiance."

The mailing, which the RNC told The New York Times was part of their effort to mobilize religious voters, drew some support from a prominent Southern Baptist leader.

Richard Land, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, argued, "We have the First Amendment in this country which should protect churches, but there is no question that this is where some people want to go, that reading from the Bible could be hate speech."

Land did offer that the ad was “probably stretching it a bit far."

A bit far? This is one of the ugliest attempts to divide Americans that I have ever seen from a political campaign. George Bush should be ashamed (though he obviously isn’t).

United Methodist Bishop William Boyd Grove offered a statement condemning the ad that was published exclusively on this site on Saturday.

The Interfaith Alliance has also called for the advertising to be condemned.

“No political party can claim that it holds the monopoly on religious morality, much less that it has received divine endorsement," said the Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy, President of the non-partisan Interfaith Alliance, the nation’s largest interfaith organization.

“We call on President Bush and Republican National Committee Chair Ed Gillespie to denounce these divisive tactics and to support the appropriate healing role of religion in this nation. Manipulation of religion for partisan purposes has no place in a democracy that is founded on the Constitutional guarantee of the freedom of religion.” Gaddy said.

The Rev. Dr. Albert M. Pennybacker, Chiar/CEO of the Clergy Network, has also issued a statement:

Banning the Bible? Can you believe that the Republicans would stoop to using religion for that sort of political trick in West Virginia?

Such a cynical and manipulative use of religion is simply shameless. It crosses the line. It demeans the Republican Party and the Bush/Chaney campaign. Even further, it demeans the Bible itself. And yet unintentionally, it calls us again to the biblical vision of peace and justice for the world, this time in sharp contrast to a desperate strategy for a campaign appearing to lose its moral moorings.

I am confident that people of faith will not be fooled. They will not believe this wild claim about the Bible and a Kerry victory. But they will see that the Bush/Chaney campaign is not above playing cheap with their biblical faith.

I call on the Bush/Chaney campaign totally to repudiate this misuse of the Bible. Also, I suggest that our current President apologize to the Bible-believing people of our country for implying that any American president can take their Bibles away from them.

If any ever asks you why the country is so polarized and divided you have to answer that it is because of people like George W. Bush and his idolatress friends.

Hip Hop and Pray Your Way To The Polls

My side blogging gig is over at The American Street where I post once a week (in theory). Today I’ve got a post up on a joint effort by hip hop artists and the faith community to register voters. Jeff Alworth has written an update on Ralph Nader’s ballot woes in Oregon. Michael Berube writes about the number of young liberals who supported the war in Iraq and now have misgivings. And the founder of The American Street, Mr. Kevin Hayden, has a number of great election related posts up. Head over and visit.

Discussing America's Role in the World: Churches Urged to Join Nationwide Community Dialogues

Message from the National Council of Churches

Between now and Oct. 15, the NCC is urging churches to participate in one of 5,000 non-partisan public dialogues as part of The People Speak series. The project is inviting high schools, colleges, churches and interfaith groups, civic and business groups to organize events around one or more of the following topics: American Power and Global Security; Energy Choices and Environmental Challenges; and Prosperity in a Global Economy. Religions for Peace-USA, an interfaith partner of the National Council of Churches, will be offering mini-grants of up to $500 per site to local religious communities to support the hosting of dialogue events. Deadline for applications is Oct. 1. A consortium of 25 cooperating organizations is helping foster local discussions in all 50 states. Read more.

Talking Homelessness and Trash Politics In The Race For Portland Mayor

The political race I’m following with the greatest interest is the race for Portland mayor. Portland is, after all, my hometown (despite being temporarily exiled to attend seminary). It also happens that I know both the leading contenders from the many years I spent working on issues of homelessness and affordable housing.

I made known my preference for Tom Potter in the fall of last year.

It was with great interest that I read the account published today in The Oregonian about the mayoral debate held on Tuesday. Jim Francesconi apparently questioned Potter’s commitment to adequately address homelessness if elected. Here is how the exchange played in the paper:

Francesconi also drew on a statement Potter made Monday night at an East Portland Chamber of Commerce forum when he said he supported programs such as the Dignity Village homeless camp and would like to expand them.

Potter said Tuesday that Portland has a lot of tent cities under bridges and that Dignity Village has proved a great experiment where the homeless have helped themselves. Potter also said police sweeps of homeless people don't work.

Francesconi countered that the better strategies for homeless people are to work toward placing them in vacant apartments throughout Portland. He also cited his introduction of a living-wage ordinance in 1998 that required companies doing business with the city to offer health benefits.

"You don't put people out of sight, out of mind," Francesconi said.

Francesconi is once again blowing hot air.

During his tenure as a Portland City Commissioner he has done absolutely nothing to address homelessness. He hasn’t lifted a finger. In fact, Francesconi has voted to oppose efforts to address homelessness and efforts to build affordable housing that people living in shelters could actually afford. In the meantime, he has supported the goals of his downtown business contributors to sweep homeless people off the streets and into jails. He has the worst voting record of any member of the city council.

Potter, on the other hand, worked with me during his tenure as police chief to improve relations with the homeless community. When I served as chair of the Multnomah County Community Action Commission (then the county’s lead anti-poverty agency) he appointed his top deputy, Charles Moose, to serve on the commission as his liaison. The police bureau, under his leadership, supported our efforts to revamp the downtown shelter system in 1990-91. When he left the police bureau he ended up as the executive director of an agency that worked with homeless youth.

Potter’s record is why other homeless advocates such as Erik Sten and Gretchen Kafoury also support Tom Potter over his opponent. Francesconi apparently discovered the homeless issue for the first time on Tuesday. Potter has been on the ground working for years.

Let me address one other issue:

This week I received anonymous e-mails from someone making personal attacks against Potter. These e-mails addressed some of the very same items that Willamette Week made mention of in their cover story today.

The nature of Francesconi’s negative campaigning – of which I consider this apart – is an embarrassment to the entire city.

Potter is a good man with a great record of public service. He should be applauded for taking the heat of this campaign and for being willing to serve Portland again.

Stop Workman Execution

This post has been updated

Action Alert from the United Church of Christ

Philip Workman has been assigned an execution date of Sept. 22, 2004, based on a trial held in Tennessee in 1982 in which he was sentenced to death for the fatal shooting of a police officer. This trial has been widely publicized as fundamentally unfair because of prosecutorial misconduct, withheld evidence, and ineffective defense counsel.

The critical "eyewitness," Harold Davis, was not at the scene of the crime, and later admitted that his testimony was not true. Medical and scientific evidence establishes that Philip did not fire the fatal bullet. Five of the jurors have signed affidavits that they would not have sentenced Philip to death if they had heard all of the evidence. A single juror could have prevented a death sentence.

One innocent life taken by execution is one too many. Significant evidence indicates that death penalty sentences across the country have been imposed unjustly and without a fair trial. Recognizing this reality, the United Church of Christ General Synod, in 1999, unanimously reaffirmed its longstanding opposition to the death penalty, citing racial and socioeconomic disparity in its application, and inadequate legal representation of people accused of capital offenses that contradict the use of the death penalty as an instrument of justice.

This is Philip Workman's fifth scheduled execution date. Each one takes a severe emotional toll. Contact Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen and urge him to grant clemency for Philip Workman. To send a fax or e-mail message, click here.

Update: "On September 20, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals of the State of Tennessee denied a motion by the state's attorney general to vacate the stay of execution of Philip Workman. As a consequence, Philip Workman will not be executed this week. God is Good." - UCC

International Day of Prayer for Peace

Today is International Day of Prayer for Peace. In that spirit I offer the following prayer that was made available by the World Council of Churches:

Eternal God, Creator of the universe, there is no God but You.

Great and wonderful are Your works, wondrous are your ways.

Thank You for the many splendoured variety of Your creation.

Thank You for the many ways we affirm Your presence and purpose,

and the freedom to do so.

Forgive our violation of Your creation.

Forgive our violence toward each other.

We stand in awe and gratitude for Your persistent love

for each and all of Your children:

Christian, Jew, Muslim,

as well as those with other faiths.

Grant to all and our leaders attributes of the strong;

mutual respect in words and deed,

restraint in the exercise of power, and

the will for peace with justice, for all.

Eternal God, Creator of the universe, there is no God but You. Amen.

(Excerpted from Current Dialogue 24/93, p.36)

"This prayer authored by Christian, Jewish and Muslim clergy was used in many places in inter-religious worships around the time of the Gulf War in 1991."

Republican U.S. Sen. Lincoln Chafee Might Not Vote For Bush

ChafeeRepublicans seem to be questioning George W. Bush at every turn. This weekend several moderate Republican Senators questioned Bush’s Iraq policy. I’m sure that didn’t go over well at the Bush / Cheney campaign HQ.

Now comes word that U.S. Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R-RI) may not even vote for Bush in November. Chafee is a moderate who has clashed with the White House on several important issues. Reuters reports:

Asked if he might not vote for the president, Chafee said: "That's accurate." His office said this has been his position for months, though it has gotten little, if any, attention in Washington.

"There is no secret that on some very important issues I have difference with the current administration," Chafee said, listing abortion rights, the environment and war in Iraq (news - web sites).

"Like all Americans we are looking for some answers to key questions in the weeks ahead," Chafee said. "You wait until November 2 and make your choices."

Chafee has long been one of my favorite Republicans. He has the same strength of character that Mark Hatfield (the only R I’ve ever voted for) showed during his years in the Senate. If Chafee was at the top of a national ticket - regardless of party - I might vote for it.

I hope that Republicans listen to his concerns and come to their senses. If not, I bet the Democrats would bring out the welcome wagon.

World Religious Leaders Tape Messages for International Day of Prayer for Peace

TutuMessage from the World Council of Churches

"God weeps over God's world, aching because of conflict in Darfur, in Beslan, in Harare, in Colombia, in Jerusalem, in Belfast," says Nobel Peace Prize laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu in his message for the International Day of Prayer for Peace, to be observed on 21 September. And he adds: "God - Emmanuel, God with us, with you - has no one but you to help God make this world hospitable to peace and justice."

Although, as Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I affirms in his message, "violence and war are considered by many as ways of improvement for the world's situation," the truth is that "all of the ideologies and convictions on the necessity and effectiveness of violence are wrong and are to be condemned."

Recalling the experience of Germany, where a nonviolent Christian movement contributed to the fall of the Berlin Wall 15 years ago, the chairman of the council of the Evangelical Church in Germany Bishop Wolfgang Huber states that "wherever people trust in the spirit of peace in the name of Jesus Christ, they experience that it is a realistic force to be reckoned with, and that possibilities open up."

These are among the peace messages delivered by more than a dozen well-known Christian leaders and peace-makers from all over the world who support the initiative called by for the World Council of Churches (WCC) in the frame of its Decade to Overcome Violence. The inspiring two-minute video messages are also an affirmation of the churches' and faith communities' work for peace and justice.

This WCC initiative links to the International Day of Peace declared by the United Nations General Assembly, a world-wide effort intended as a day of global cease-fire and nonviolence, and as an opportunity for education and raising public awareness.

The video messages in both webcast and broadcast quality are already available at

United Methodist Bishop William Boyd Grove Responds To Republican Ad Claiming Democrats Plan to Ban The Bible

United Methodist Bishop William Boyd Grove e-mailed me today from his home in Charleston, West Virginia with the following statement which he asked that I post:

The Republican ad being distributed in West Virginia, implying that the election of John Kerry would lead to the "banning of the Bible" is outrageous, and represents demagoguery of the worst sort. No one connected to the distribution of that ad could possibly claim fidelity to the Bible for themselves!

John Kerry is a Christian, and the policies of his campaign, concern for the poor and the middle class, care for the environment (God' creation), and health care for all, are far more faithful to biblical principles than are the policies of the President. This administration has ignored the needs of the poor, and has left no millionaire behind. Increaing numbers of people have fallen into poverty, laws that have protected the environment for 30 years have been set aside and little hope has been offered to persons without health care. Which candidate and party are really faithful to biblical religion? The answer should be obvious to anyone who really understands biblical religion.

+William Boyd Grove
Bishop, The United Methodist Church

Bishop Grove is a well respected and nationally known United Methodist leader. I am fortunate to know him through our work with the Clergy Leadership Network.

"Faiths clash on gay marriage in Oregon"

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — According to a national poll, a majority of people of faith oppose same-sex marriage.

But denominations, congregations, and members of the clergy diverge on whether to support Ballot Measure 36, which would ban same-sex marriage in Oregon, according to an analysis by The Oregonian.

Full story

A couple of items to point out in regards to this article:

First, for reference I’ll remind those who might be interested that I posted on this very subject recently. It is disappointing that The Oregonian article did not point out that the Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ has urged their members to vote against this measure.

The article does, however, point out that Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon is taking no position on Measure 36. EMO has an outstanding record of supporting gay rights. Some people will be confused as to why they are not opposing this ballot measure.

“EMO is an association of 17 Christian denominations including Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox bodies” and that kind of theological diversity can sometimes make finding consensus on social issues difficult. Both the pro-Measure 36 Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Portland and the anti-Measure 36 Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ are members. EMO simply couldn’t agree on a position in regards to Measure 36.

The group does publish a ballot measure guide each election and it is worth looking at. It offers a thoughtful statement on Measure 36 and the internal debate EMO went through in deciding not to take a position:

The board of directors makes no recommendation on Measure 36. After a lengthy discernment process, the board recognizes there is a diversity of theological understandings when considering a definition of marriage and how it is to be understood in a religious and legal context. Some of EMO’s members understand marriage to be reserved for heterosexual couples only, while others support same gender marriage. It is within this context that the board is unable to reach consensus both on the theological and legal definition of marriage among its members.
Clearly, what is held in common, however, is the need for ongoing dialogue and discernment. The myriad of issues of human and legal rights associated with marriage must be explored. There are also questions of religious freedom and the practicality of defining marriage in the state constitution. Does amending the constitution with a particular religious definition of marriage impose upon other religions with different definitions? Can civil unions or civil marriage coexist with religious marriage? Can religious differences on marriage coexist in a legal context? Are there human and legal rights associated with marriage that are denied to certain populations because of sexual orientation? These are just a few of the many questions that need further discussion and public discourse to fully appreciate the complexities that defining marriage legally presents. The board is acutely aware of the personal human impact this measure has on all Oregonians. The board is united in opposing any effort to use this measure to denigrate any religion, person or community in this state. The board of directors has consistently acknowledged and advocated for the human dignity of all people regardless of sexual orientation, legal status, race, religious affiliation, gender, age or disability. It is in this spirit of inclusiveness that the board advises discernment, prayer, reflection, civil debate, discussion and thoughtful study in a manner that acknowledges that all are children of a loving Creator.

That fact that EMO made the effort to be public about their differences speaks volumes about the integrity of the people involved with their process. I’ll note that my trust level in these folks is higher because I have worked with many of them.

However, I still don’t like the eventual outcome. My hope is that one day all churches and Christian organizations will be able to speak loudly with one voice in opposition to discrimination of all forms.

"GOP Mailing Warns Liberals Will Ban Bibles"

This post has been updated

George W. Bush and his allies have hit a new low. The Republican National Committee has sent out mailers to voters in West Virginia warning that liberals will take away their Bibles if democrats win the election. The AP reports:

The literature shows a Bible with the word "BANNED" across it and a photo of a man, on his knees, placing a ring on the hand of another man with the word "ALLOWED." The mailing tells West Virginians to "vote Republican to protect our families" and defeat the "liberal agenda."

Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie said Friday that he wasn't aware of the mailing, but said it could be the work of the RNC. "It wouldn't surprise me if we were mailing voters on the issue of same-sex marriage," Gillespie said.

The flier says Republicans have passed laws protecting life, support defining marriage as between a man and a woman and will nominate conservative judges who will "interpret the law and not legislate from the bench."

Below are a few of my Bibles. These are just the ones I keep on my desk. I also have one downloaded on my palm pilot and have access to nearly every translation through the internet. Every place I go there is a Bible with me.


No liberal is going to take your Bible away. The worst thing we will do is insist enough funding is put in place in our schools so that everyone is literate enough to read the Bible when they get home. Bush won’t make that promise. He just wants to scare you.

Update: John Edwards issued a statement on Saturday concerning this issue:

Republicans always say they want to have a values debate but lying and spreading hate were not the values I learned growing up in a small town in North Carolina where the Bible was the most important book my home. George Bush and Dick Cheney should be appalled by these despicable mailings. They should condemn this practice immediately and tell everyone associated with their campaign to never use tactics like this again. The American people deserve better.

Update: Read United Methodist Bishop William Boyd Grove's response to the RNC ad.

Hate Radio In Rural America

This week PBS’ Religion and Ethics Newsweekly takes on the topic of hate radio in rural America. They talk with Montana talk show host John Stokes and church leaders concerned about his program and liked minded shows like Dan Savage’s. A United Church of Christ pastor, Donna Schram, is one of those worried about the impact hate radio might have on listeners. Here are a few quotes from the PBS report:

JOHN STOKES (Radio Host, KGEZ, Kalispell, Montana, on Radio): When the Left extremists are out of power, they are vicious, and it is pure, unadulterated, satanic evil. And they may look like your neighbors. It's evil.

LUCKY SEVERSON: The Reverend Donna Schram of the Flathead Valley United Church of Christ is concerned about the chilling effect of Stokes's brand of discourse.

Reverend DONNA SCHRAM (Flathead Valley United Church of Christ): It's pretty hard, I think, to live that Christian life of give and take of love when you're constantly looking over your shoulder and being in a fearful state.

SEVERSON: The reverend's church is part of the Montana Association of Churches, which has begun asking members to get more involved in civic affairs to counter the influence of talk radio.

Mr. STOKES: The Association of Churches is one of the most leftist, communist organizations in Montana. They put stuff out in churches to boycott all my sponsors. I mean, they're an extremist group.

Read or listen to the full story by clicking here.

People like Stokes remind me of Father Charles Coughlin, the anti-Semitic Catholic priest who spewed anti-Jewish propaganda over America’s radio waves during the World War II era. Stokes and Savage (not to mention Rush Limbaugh) attack blacks, gays, and women the same way Coughlin attacked Jews.

Stokes isn’t just making right-wing political statements. He is opposed to dialog with those he disagrees with. And he is willing on air to advocate that people be killed.

SEVERSON: In this part of Montana, dozens of timber mills have closed, costing hundreds of jobs. Many locals blame government regulations, and especially the environmentalists, Stokes's so-called Green Nazis.

Mr. STOKES (On Air): This hue and cry now that you're starting to hear from the environmentalists, the Green Nazis: "We need have a dialogue. We need to sit down and understand each other." Don't. We need to finish them off and make sure they don't have babies.

Those who advertise on their programs (or appear on them as George W. Bush and Dick Cheney have done on Limbaugh’s) should be held in part responsible for what they say on the air. Paying for the broadcasts of these hate radio programs is the same thing as endorsing their views.

Rev. Schram and the Montana Association of Churches deserve our thanks for taking on this issue.

Church Backed Boycott of Mt Olive Pickle Co. Ends; Workers Unionize

Message from the National Council of Churches

September 16, 2004, Raleigh, N.C. - The almost six-year boycott of the Mt. Olive Pickle Company - a boycott endorsed by the National Council of Churches USA and several of its member communions - ended today (Sept. 16) with the signing of an agreement to unionize some 8,000 "guest" farmworkers in North Carolina - making them the first such workers in the history of the United States to win union representation and a contract.

Full story

Bush’s Failure To Follow Just War Principles Gives Just Cause For Voters To Oust Him In November

The conflict in Iraq continues to dominate the news and none of that news is good. American soldiers and Iraqi civilians continue to die in large numbers. The American government remains upbeat about the prospects for democracy taking hold in Iraq but a memo leaked this week (written by US intelligence officials) raised the real possibility that civil war will soon tear the country apart.

Theologians debated in 2003 (and no one really listened) the question of whether or not invading Iraq would be in Christian terms a “just war.” The concept is ancient and revolves around principles such as stating that preemptive wars cannot be just and that civilian lives have to be protected in any conflict. Most Christian theologians came to the conclusion George W. Bush’s planned invasion of Iraq did not reach the just war threshold. The National Council of Churches USA opposed the war and so did most mainline Christian denominations. The only major Christian denomination to offer support for Bush’s war was the Southern Baptists Convention.

The message could not have been more different from the mainline churches and the Southern Baptists. The Rev. Dr. Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite President, Chicago Theological Seminary, spoke on behalf of many mainline Christians when she preached:

For Augustine, the intent of both the nation and the individuals in war have much to do with evaluating whether a war can be justified. “[F]or it makes a great difference by which causes and under which authorities men undertake the wars that must be waged.” (Against Faustus the Manichean, 222) “The real evils in war are love of violence, revengeful cruelty, fierce and implacable enmity, wild resistance, and the lust of power, and such like” (City of God, book 22) for “the natural order which seeks peace” (Ibid) to be upset, it must be that the reason for undertaking war is to restore human affairs to peace. (Ibid). “For peace is not sought in order to kindle war, but war is waged in order that peace may be obtained.” (Letter 189) Even in war, soldiers must conduct themselves as peacemakers, targeting the enemy and not engaging in wholesale slaughter. The innocent must be protected, not killed as combatants.

The virulent, revengeful cruelty and the lust for power that Augustine so feared as the worst moral evils in war are our biggest risk. Are we just lashing out in emotional desire for revenge and to just get out from under this anxiety? For even more dispassion and reason in considering the use of violence, look at the development of Just War theory in the work of Thomas Aquinas in the 13th to 14th centuries.

Aquinas’ time was far different from the cosmic struggles of Augustine’s. In the high Middle Ages the divinely run society seemed finally to have arrived, at least for the elites. Influenced by the reintroduction of Aristotle’s writings into the West via the Muslim world, Aquinas posited a seamless, great chain of being from God as first cause to the last spec of secondary causality in the material world. Whereas Augustine was preoccupied with intentionality and the corruptions of the lust for power, Aquinas, as a rationally deductive thinker, took Augustine’s question “What is the moral evil in war?” (Book 22) and sanitized it to the question “When is a war just?” His answer is not an exploration of the corruptions of the will to power, but a straightforward list: “For a war to be just three conditions are necessary.” (Summa Theologiae, 2a2ae.23-46) The list is not unhelpful. There needs to be a right authority to declare war, a just cause and finally a right intention on the part of the belligerents, i.e. achieving some good or avoiding some evil. This list is subsequently expanded to eight.

So, it all really comes down to whether we have a Just Cause or not. Are we defending ourselves from attack (and that only came in with Aquinas; Augustine didn’t include self-defense in his original writings on Just War), are we defending someone else from attack? No and no. We are proposing to act pre-emptively; to strike first because some suppose this will prevent a future attack. 100 Christian Ethicists this fall published a rejection of a pre-emptive war with Iraq based on Just War criteria. The major protestant denominations, the American Catholic church and the National Council of Churches all have issued statements questioning the proposed war with Iraq and have often referred to Just War theory. To have a just cause, you have to be defending yourself (or defending someone else from attack).

Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, was a strong advocate for the war. He conducted numerous appearances before the media to offer Bush theological cover for his policies. Baptist Press news covered his pre-invasion views:

DALLAS (BP)--In refusing to rule out military force against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, President Bush has an ally in Southern Baptist ethicist Richard Land -- and that has the talking heads talking.

"I have stirred up a hornet's nest," Richard Land said Oct. 12 on his weekly talk show, "Richard Land Live!"

"It seems that I have surprised many Americans, at least those in the media, with my views about 'just war' theory and how it applies to the unfolding situation in Iraq," said Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission….

Land was the lead signatory on an Oct. 3 letter to President George W. Bush that affirmed the president's policies concerning Hussein's Iraqi regime were "right and just." Prison Fellowship's Chuck Colson and Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, were among others who signed the letter that said the administration's efforts were "within the time-honored criteria" of just war theory…..

Just war theory, Land explained, was constructed by St. Augustine and other early church fathers in the late 4th and early 5th century A.D. as a tool to determine when military action could be justified within a Christian framework.

"We cannot give blind allegiance to the government; we can't give over control of our conscience to the government," Land noted. "Jesus made clear that ultimate allegiance must always be to God, not Caesar. We cannot allow the government to take control of our ethical and moral decision-making process."

Land said Jesus made clear individuals are not to seek private retribution for wrongs done against them. "Romans 13 tells us God ordained the civil magistrate to punish evildoers and reward those who do right and that the state bears not the sword in vain," he said, noting the Greek word the apostle Paul used for sword in this instance was the lethal instrument used to decapitate those found guilty of capital crimes.

"We do not have the right to take the law into our own hands. Only the government is authorized to use lethal force," said Land, explaining the foundation of just war theory.

"Sometimes war is necessary; sometimes war is permissible under certain criteria," he continued, noting the theory requires a "just cause" be in place. "Only defensive war is defensible," he said.

Lethal military action must have a just intent; the motive must not be revenge, conquest or economic benefit, Land said. And such action must be a last resort, he said, noting that Saddam Hussein has had 11 years to comply with U.N. sanctions and resolutions.

The issue of legitimate authority was settled when Congress gave Bush authority to use force against Hussein, Land added.

The end result of the war in Iraq is from nearly all independent observers considered a disaster. No weapons of mass destruction were ever found and a new US government report confirms that none may have existed. The Bush Administration also called the invasion a response to 9/11 by claiming a link between Iraq and the terrorists. It turns out there was no link. Large numbers of civilians have been killed. American troops have even tortured Iraqi prisoners. Bush walked into Iraq without just cause and now we are stuck there with an even further diminished moral authority.

Bush claims at nearly every opportunity that God guides his foreign policy. During his acceptance speech before the Republic National Convention he talked about Iraq and America’s role there:

"Freedom is not America's gift to the world, it is the Almighty God's gift to every man and woman in this world."

Bush apparently sees his role as God’s instrument for freeing oppressed people (though this doctrine only seems to apply to oppressed people with large oil reserves).

The president is right on one thing: God does not want God’s people to be oppressed.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free

- Luke 4:18. (NRSV)

Yet neither Jesus or God asked nations to raise armies in their service. Jesus’ weapon in the pursuit of God’s goals was the weapon of love. Jesus did not kill for his ministry.

Voters should consider the record of George W. Bush and his actions in Iraq before casting their votes. I’m confident that John Kerry would not have brought us into this disaster.

Bush misunderstood the concept of just war and only listened to those who would agree with him. The president refused to meet with the United Methodist Bishops (Bush is a United Methodist) because of their opposition to the Iraqi conflict. In the end, he dishonored God by waging an unjust war, killing large numbers of civilians and soldiers, and creating a climate where more terrorists attacks are likely. No one should call his actions the Christian position. Most of all him.

Defend God’s Creation This November

One of the most pressing issues voters will have to consider in November are the environmental records of George W. Bush and John F. Kerry.

This earth is God’s creation and we have a responsibility as stewards to ensure it is protected and nurtured. One of the best statements on this subject comes from the United Methodist Social Principles:

All creation is the Lord's and we are responsible for the ways in which we use and abuse it. Water, air, soil, minerals, energy resources, plants, animal life, and space are to be valued and conserved because they are God's creation and not solely because they are useful to human beings. God has granted us stewardship of creation. We should meet these stewardship duties through acts of loving care and respect. Economic, political, social, and technological developments have increased our human numbers, lengthened and enriched our lives. However, these developments have led to regional defoliation, dramatic extinction of species, massive human suffering, overpopulation, misuse and over- consumption of natural and nonrenewable resources, particularly by industrialized societies. This continued course of action jeopardizes the natural heritage which God has entrusted to all generations. Therefore, let us recognize the responsibility of the church and its members to place a high priority on changes in economic, political, social and technological lifestyle to support a more ecologically equitable and sustainable world leading to a higher quality of life for all of God's creation.

Both candidates claim to be environmentalists. The record is clearer than the rhetoric. Environmental activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. writes that:

George W. Bush will go down in history as America's worst environmental president. In a ferocious three-year attack, the Bush administration has initiated more than 200 major rollbacks of America's environmental laws, weakening the protection of our country's air, water, public lands and wildlife. Cloaked in meticulously crafted language designed to deceive the public, the administration intends to eliminate the nation's most important environmental laws by the end of the year. Under the guidance of Republican pollster Frank Luntz, the Bush White House has actively hidden its anti-environmental program behind deceptive rhetoric, telegenic spokespeople, secrecy and the intimidation of scientists and bureaucrats.

Kennedy’s full article on the Bush environmental record is a must read. I’ve recommended it before and do so again today.

The truth concerning the depth of the world’s environmental crisis demands that Christians act on Scripture and protect what God has given us to protect.

Sallie McFague is the former Carpenter Professor of Theology and former Dean at Vanderbilt Divinity School in Nashville. In her book Models of God: Theology for an Ecological, Nuclear Age she underscores the importance of the environment for Christians:

What is at stake here is not a sentimental love of nature or a leveling of all distinctions between human beings and other forms of life but the realization, as Teilhard de Chardin says, that his and everyone else’s “poor trifling existence” is “one with the immensity of all that is and all that is still in the process of becoming.”
Humanity actually wields the power to destroy this earth through nuclear war or environmental disaster. Global warming is one indicator we are moving in that direction.

Deciding who will be the next president will not in and of itself restore humanity’s relationship with God and God's creation. That much is obvious. The environmental question is more a spiritual one than a political one. How do you treat such a precious gift from God as the sustaining source of all life?

Another truth is that this election will matter. The current administration has sided time and time again with the polluters against nature. Check out the record. Could there be a greater sin?

Visit the Interfaith Climate Change Network for more information on faith and the environment. The network is a joint project of the National Council of Churches and the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life.

Republican House Members Outed

Rep. Ed Schrock of VA was the first to fall. Now comes word that California Rep. David Dreier, CA-26 maybe the next to join the scandal crowd. These two congressmen have at least two things in common: they are conservative Republicans who have voted for anti-gay legislation time after time and it appears they’re both gay - a web site figured it out and let the world know. Outing someone is an ethically questionable tactic. You never know what the outcome will be. What happens if one of these congressmen breaks down after being outed and does something terrible? Retribution is a dangerous game. So is living a duplicitous life, hiding the reality of your existence, and then using your power to harm those who are just like you but who have had the courage to be open about who they are.

Read the full story from Daily Kos.

The Beliefnet God-o-Meter



Beliefnet's God-o-Meter (Gah-DOM-meter) is tuned to both the Kerry-Edwards and the Bush-Cheney camps, measuring factors such as mentions of God per 30 seconds, context (invoking God to, say, justify tax cuts would send the God-o-Meter into a frenzy), and other subtle criteria. With a startling degree of scientific accuracy, God-o-Meter then rates each campaign on a 10-point scale from "secularist" to "theocrat."

During the 2000 election, our first God-o-Meter led us to describe that race as having "the most faith-talk of any in the 20th century." Records, of course, are made to be broken. While Bush recently flew overnight to grab a photo-op with the pope and Kerry jabbed politely back with a reference to the Book of James (see chart), the upcoming set-to between a born-again Bush and Catholic Kerry already has God-o-Meter's needle twitching ominously.

Here's a fun way to keep track of how the candidates for president are taking about faith this election year.

Bush Torpedoes Assault Weapons Ban

Gun1_1The 1994 law that banned military style assault weapons expires today after the Republican-led Congress allowed the law to sunset. George W. Bush, who said he would sign an extension of the law, actually worked to make sure Congress wouldn’t pass the extension (how Machiavellian of him).

Law enforcement groups backed the law. The National Association of Police Organizations, a coalition of more than 2,000 police unions and associations, endorsed John Kerry today in his bid to become the next President.

The National Rifle Association opposed the assault weapons ban and they consider this a major victory.

Studies have found that the law resulted in a dramatic decrease in deaths and violence at the hands of assault weapons. The Bush Administration and Congress have clearly put the needs and desires of the NRA (and the criminals they protect) ahead of public safety.

Let the killing begin.

The Fall Semester

EdenlogoLife has abruptly taken a change this week at the Currie household. Eden Theological Seminary’s fall semester started last Tuesday. Over the last nine weeks we’ve literally been working in shifts to raise the babies. Now most of the baby work is falling on Liz as I retreat into books and writing in my study. We have a sort of Ozzie & Harriet life.

Today was also the start of my field practicum. For the next nine months I’ll be working as a seminarian pastor for St. John’s United Church of Christ.

A selection of the books I’m reading this semester for various classes is listed on the right side of this blog (near the bottom) for those interested in what is read in seminary. My list is incomplete because a) I don’t have all the texts in front of me and b) we read a lot of journal articles that I don’t have the ability to link to.

It is going to be a juggle to raise twin girls and manage graduate school over the next 20 months, but we’re looking forward to all the fun that will come with it.

Ken Hutcherson: Is He Preaching Jihad?

Ken Hutcherson might be taking the lyrics to Onward Christians Soldiers a little too seriously…..

WASHINGTON (BP)--Seattle pastor Ken Hutcherson has a vision: one million Christians marching on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., in support of the traditional definition of marriage.

He hopes to see that accomplished Friday, Oct. 15, when a rally -- "Mayday for Marriage" -- will take place in the nation's capital. James Dobson, Tony Perkins, Chuck Colson and Richard Land are among the pro-family leaders scheduled to speak.

Hutcherson, pastor of Antioch Bible Church in Seattle and a former pro football player, hopes the event serves to unify Christians in the legal and political battle against same-sex "marriage." He also hopes it will serve as a wakeup call for the nation.

"The rally is just for one thing -- it is to bring the church together, to allow us to know that we are in this fight together as a church," Hutcherson told Baptist Press. "And we want the politicians to know, 'Don't mess with God's people.' We have been pushed against the wall far enough, and when you start trying to change the definition of marriage, you are completely pulling the whole foundation of America out from under us."

Full story

Don’t mess with God’s people? We have been pushed against the wall far enough?

Is Hutcherson planning on calling for a Christian jihad?

How does he intend to “unify Christians” when he uses such divisive language meant to obviously malign all those who disagree with his take on Scripture? Why is his position (or James Dobson, Tony Perkins, Chuck Colson and Richard Land’s position) on homosexuality (the same one taken by Islamic fundamentalists) the only right position? You have to take a very narrow view of God and Biblical interpretation to come to his conclusions and that is just what he does:

The Bible teaches in the Old and the New Testaments that homosexuality is wrong; there is no place where homosexuality is ever talked about in a positive light. Leviticus 18:22 says that homosexuality is an abomination to God. Genesis 19 tells the story of Sodom and why God destroyed the city for the sin of homosexuality. In the New Testament, Romans 1:24-28, among other verses, says it is unnatural when a woman wants to lie with another woman and when a man wants to lie with another man.

Do we believe that the Bible is the word of God, or not?

Ken, Christians believe the Bible is the Word of God. Some of us just think you’ve misunderstood it.

Read Homosexuality and the Bible for more.

Deny Them Their Victory: A Religious Response to Terrorism

In the hours and days after September 11, 2001 religious leaders in the United States struggled alongside all Americans to make sense out of the horrifying events which took place in New York, Washington, DC, and Pennsylvania.

One of the results was this statement, Deny Them Their Victory: A Religious Response to Terrorism, which was a challenge from people of faith to the United States government and her citizens to act with “sober restraint” in dealing with the aftermath of 9/11. The hope was any military response would spare the lives of innocent civilians. Sadly, the Bush administration choose to ignore that call and to invade Iraq, a nation with no link to the terrorist attacks.

During that time I served as director of community outreach for Portland’s First United Methodist Church. My name appears on the list of those who signed this statement. Thousands of religious leaders from around the country joined in. The statement and the full list of signers is printed below. The list is long. Many who signed this statement took a risk in doing so. I'm printing all the names because I think those who spoke out for justice and peace after 9/11 should be thanked for standing strong.

Deny Them Their Victory: A Religious Response to Terrorism

We, American religious leaders, share the broken hearts of our fellow citizens. The worst terrorist attack in history that assaulted New York City, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania has been felt in every American community. Each life lost was of unique and sacred value in the eyes of God, and the connections Americans feel to those lives run very deep. In the face of such a cruel catastrophe, it is a time to look to God and to each other for the strength we need and the response we will make. We must dig deep to the roots of our faith for sustenance, solace, and wisdom.

First, we must find a word of consolation for the untold pain and suffering of our people. Our congregations will offer their practical and pastoral resources to bind up the wounds of the nation. We can become safe places to weep and secure places to begin rebuilding our shattered lives and communities. Our houses of worship should become public arenas for common prayer, community discussion, eventual healing, and forgiveness.

Second, we offer a word of sober restraint as our nation discerns what its response will be. We share the deep anger toward those who so callously and massively destroy innocent lives, no matter what the grievances or injustices invoked. In the name of God, we too demand that those responsible for these utterly evil acts be found and brought to justice. Those culpable must not escape accountability. But we must not, out of anger and vengeance, indiscriminately retaliate in ways that bring on even more loss of innocent life. We pray that President Bush and members of Congress will seek the wisdom of God as they decide upon the appropriate response.

Third, we face deep and profound questions of what this attack on America will do to us as a nation. The terrorists have offered us a stark view of the world they would create, where the remedy to every human grievance and injustice is a resort to the random and cowardly violence of revenge - even against the most innocent. Having taken thousands of our lives, attacked our national symbols, forced our political leaders to flee their chambers of governance, disrupted our work and families, and struck fear into the hearts of our children, the terrorists must feel victorious.

But we can deny them their victory by refusing to submit to a world created in their image. Terrorism inflicts not only death and destruction but also emotional oppression to further its aims. We must not allow this terror to drive us away from being the people God has called us to be. We assert the vision of community, tolerance, compassion, justice, and the sacredness of human life, which lies at the heart of all our religious traditions. America must be a safe place for all our citizens in all their diversity. It is especially important that our citizens who share national origins, ethnicity, or religion with whoever attacked us are, themselves, protected among us.

Our American illusion of invulnerability has been shattered. From now on, we will look at the world in a different way, and this attack on our life as a nation will become a test of our national character. Let us make the right choices in this crisis - to pray, act, and unite against the bitter fruits of division, hatred, and violence. Let us rededicate ourselves to global peace, human dignity, and the eradication of injustice that breeds rage and vengeance.

As we gather in our houses of worship, let us begin a process of seeking the healing and grace of God.

(Endorsements are personal, organizations listed for identification only)

Current Signers (3,949 as of 11-26-2001):

Deborah Abello, St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Jeannette Abi-Nader, Leadership Council, Sisters of the Humility of Mary
Joanie Ables, St,. John's United Church of Christ
Allan Abrahamse, Orange County Friends Meeting, Santa Ana, Calif.
Rabbi Susan Abramson
Thomas Achartz, Grace University Lutheran Church
Marsha Acord, campus minister, Wesley Foundation at The University of Iowa
James R. Adair, Jr., Director, Religion and Technology Center
Charles Jr. Adami, St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Craig Adams, Pastor, Weidman United Methodist Church
Deborah L. Adams, pastor, UCC
Elizabeth Adams, Leadership Team, Living Hope Fellowship
John Adams, Director, SOME
Lesley M. Adams, Chaplain, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Rev. Patricia Adams Farmer, Pastor, Orangethorpe Christian Church
Janna Adamson, Pastor, First United Methodist Church
Frances S. Adeney, William A. Benfield Jr. Associate Professor of Mission, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Randall Adkins, First United Methodist Church
Julie Aeschliman, Administrative Assistant, Mennonite
Africa Faith and Justice Network
Ed Aguilar, Pennsylvania-Delaware Program Director, Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities
Virginia Ahrens, Pacem in Terris
Faisal Alam, Founder & Director, Al-Fatiha Foundation for LGBTQ Muslims & Friends
Dr. Abdur Rahman al-Amoudi, American Muslim Council
Stacy Alan, Assistant to the Rector, St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Jeremy Albers, Church of the Resurrection of Illinois (AMIA)
James Albertini, President, Center For Non-violent Education & Action
Tom Albin, Dean, The Upper Room Chapel
Mary Albritton, Bee Ridge Presbyterian Church
Phyllis T. Albritton, Elder, United Presbyterian Church (USA)
George P. Alcser, Associate Professor of Philosophy & Religious Studies , Marygrove College
Rev. Dr. Betsy Alden, Service-Learning Coordinator, Duke University
David Alexander, Reformed Church in America Missionary
Jane Alexander, St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral
Sarah Alfadl, Muslima
Amir Al-Islam, The Muslim Forum for Dialogue
Rodrigue Allard, Student leader , Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship
Mary Jayne Allen, Minister of Christian Education, First Baptist Church
Nick Allen, none
Patrick Allen, Provost , Point Loma Nazarene University
Rev. Peter W. Allen, Senior Pastor, Monroe Congregational Church, UCC
Lucinda Allen Mosher, chairperson, Episcopal-Muslim Relations Committee of the Diocese of New York (ECUSA)
David E. Allen, SSJE, Member, Episcopal Society of St. John the Evangelist
Thomas J. Allio Sr., Director, Diocesan Social Action Office
D. Elinor Allison, Trinity Lutheran Church
John Allison, Senior Pastor, The University Church
Neil Allison, Christian
Abdu Rahman Al-Moudi, President, American Muslim Foundation
Anita Alston, protestant
Sharon Altendorf , PBVM
James Altfilish, Retired, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Carmelo Alvarez, Dean of Students, Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, IN, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Katherine Amato-von Hemert, Ph.D, Adjunct Professor of Social Ethics, Lexington Theological Seminary
Mark Ambrose, Roman Catholic
Dr. Philip A. Amerson, President, The Claremont School of Theology
Craig Amlin, United Church of Christ
George Amoss, Homewood Friends Meeting
Malcolm Amsler, Texas Baptist
Olugbemisola Amusa-Shonubi Perkovich, Youth Programs, Congregation of Saint Saviour, Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine
Beth Anastasia, Maple Shade Congregational, United Church of Christ
Harry Andersen, Bishop Emeritus, N.G.L.Synod, ELCA, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Rev. Alice V. Anderson, New York Ave. Presbyterian Church
Revs. Brian and Sheila Anderson, First Church of Religious Science
Cookie Anderson, Peace & Justice, St. Benedict the Moor Catholic Church
Diane Lewison Anderson, Christian education representative, Shalom United Church of Christ
Rev. H. George Anderson, Presiding Bishop, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Rev. Lowell L. Anderson, ELCA
Marylou Anderson, Youth Ministry, First Congregational UCC
Rev. Mona Anderson, St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Rob Anderson, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies, Montreat College
Robert Anderson, pastor, United Methodist
Robert & Amy Anderson, Kalamazoo First Presbyterian Church
Rosanne M. Anderson, Pastor, Transfiguration Lutheran Church
Rev. Scott D. Anderson, Executive Director, California Council of Churches
Bishop Vinton R. Anderson, Presiding Bishop, Second Episcopal District, African Methodist Episcopal Church
Claude L. Andrews, Minister, Fountain Presbyterian Church
Dale P. Andrews, Assist. Prof. Homiletics and Pastoral Theology, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary; and Minister in A.M.E.Zion Church
Rev. Tom Andrews, St. Paul's United Methodist Church
Annette Andrews-Lux, lay leader, Catholic
Robert C. Andringa, Ph.D, President, Council for Christian Colleges & Universities
Ludwika Andrszejewska
Leonard Angel, Philosophical counselor
Barbara Angle, Presbyterian USA
Jennifer Angyal, Roman Catholic
Anne Selden Annab, Episcopalian
Samuel Appel, Retired Presbyterian Clergy, West Jersey Presbytery, Presbyterian Church USA
Daniel S. Appleyard, Rector, Christ Episcopal Church
Dennis Apuan, Business Adminstrator, Broadmoor Community Church UCC
Alexis Aquaviva
Edward Araiza, Our Lady of Perptual Help Parish, Indio CA
Catherine Arata, Coordinator JPIC Network, School Sistersof Notre Dame
Verne E. Arens, Little River United Church of Christ
Thomas Arey, Pastor, Holy Trinity United Church of Christ, Willingboro, NJ
Rev. A. David Argo, Kensington St. Paul's United Methodist Church
Gail Arias
Jamie Arias
Chara Armon, graduate student in history of medival Christianity, Trinity Episcopal, Swarthmore, PA
Rev. Deana M. Armstrong, Pastor, Alderson and Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Churches
Rev. George Armstrong, Presbytery of the Pines; Contemplative Outreach, Ltd.
Lindsay P. Armstrong, Pastor, Rock Spring Presbyterian Church
Ann Arnett, Resource Center Dir., United Methodist
Ed Arnold, Unitarian Universalist Congreation
Martin Arnold, Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland
David Arond, Tufts University, Boston, MA, Jewish / Buddhist
Robert Aronson, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Sr. Irene Arsenault, DW, Wisdom's Center
Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, Dean, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, University of Judaism
Elizabeth Ashbrook, Unity
H. Mark Ashworth, Pastor, Ebenezer Baptist Church, Monticello, FL
Assisi Community, Washington DC
James E. and Roxanna M. Atwood, retired, Presbyterian Church, USA
John Auer, First United Methodist EarthChurch
Ron and Chris Auer, St.Bernard, Catholic Church
Charles Ausherman, RCA Missionary,retired, Reformed Church In America
Dorothy A. Austin, Associate Minister in the Memorial Church, Harvard University
Lynne Austin, Senior Pastor, United Methodist
Patti Austin, Catholic
Steve and Michelle Avolio, members, St. Barbara Church
Wesley Avram, Clement-Muehl Assistant Professor of Communication, Yale Divinity School
Ogundara Ayoka, Ifa Educator, Yoruba
Gerry Ayotte, Regional Chaplain, Correctional Service of Canada (Pacific), Roman Catholic
Rev. Dr. Andrea Ayvazian, Dean of Religious Life, Mt. Holyoke College
Mark Babb, Director of Music Ministries, United Methodist Church
Robert Babb, Wilmington United Methodist Church
Susan Babb, Chaplain Resident, Lutheran Hospital of Indiana, United Methodist Church
Marie Bacchiocchi, Minister of CE, Arnold Mills UMC
Rabbi Larry Bach, Temple Mount Sinai
Rev. Marty Bacher, Minister, United Life Church
Ed Bacon, Rector, All Saints Church
Dennis Bade, Pastor, Hollowell United Methodist Church
Michael Badgett, Quaker
Robert Badra, Professor of Philosophy, St. Thomas More Catholic Student Parish
David Bahr, Pastor, Archwood United Church of Christ
Caroline Bail, Pastor, First Congregational Church of Williamstown, MA. (UCC)
MaryAnn Baines, Catholic Medical Center
Rev. Steven Baines, Senior Organizer for Religious Affairs, People For the American Way
Bue Bak, Ortopaedic Surgeon, Christian
barbara baker, catholic
Corinne Baker, Interim Pastor, , United Evangelical United Church of Christ
Jonathan Baker, Aldersgate United Methodist Church
Rev. Kathleen R. Baker, Metropolitan Community Church of Charlottesville
Richard Baker, Episcopal
Robert Baker, IT Consultant, College Community Congregational Church
Alicia Baldridge, Follower of Christ
Gary Baldridge, Co-coordinator, Global Missions, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Anthony Baldwin, New London Friends Meeting-Religious Society of Friends
Marilyn Ballard, Crescent United Church of Canada
Rev. Stephen H. Bancroft, Dean, Cathedral Church of St. Paul (Episcopal)
Siddhartha Banerjee, Pacem in Terris
Tina Banfill, Pastor, Orland Federated Church
Nathan Baniaga, student/lay person, Christian Missionary Alliance
Kathryn Bannister, President, World Council of Churches, United Methodist Pastor
James Baraz, Teacher, Spirit Rock Meditation Center (Buddhist)
Rev. David A. Barber, Pastor, First Congregational Church
Peter Barclay, Chaplain, UCC
Mark Baridon, Central Presbyterian Church
Catherine Barker, Senior Minister, Magnolia United Church of Christ
Hazel Barkham, CoChair CCND, Convenor URC Peace Fellowship, United Reformed Church
Ralph Barlow, Pastor, First United Methodist Church of West Los Angeles
Chris Barnard, Student, Catholic
Rev. William W. Barnard, Jr., Interim Associate Pastor, First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Lisa Raylene Barnes, Good Hope Lutheran Church
Mercedes and Richard Barnes, Missionaries to Baja California, Mexico, American Baptist Churches
Rev. Cornel Barnett, Interim Pastor, Old First Presbyterian Church
Victoria Barnett, writer, Lutheran
Rev. Bill Barney, District Superintendent, United Methodist Church
Bob Barnhart, Associate Director, CWSW
Virginia Baron, President, International Fellowship of Reconciliation
Jason Barr, Student, University of Evansville
Douglas Barram, Pastor, Presbyterian Church
Clina Barrette, Registered Nurse, Unity of Kenosha and Racine
L. Morgan Barry, Education Consultant, Protestant
Nancy Jean Bartelt, United Church of Christ
Rev. Barbara L. Barth, St. Michael's Episcopal Church
Glenn Barth, Nat'l Facilitator for City/Community Ministries, Mission America
Rt. Rev. Allen Bartlett, Assisting Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Washington
Genevieve Bartol, Professor Emeritus /Registered Nurse, Roman Catholic
Jeffrey Barton, United Church of Christ
Lucy Barton, pastor, United Methodist
Scott L. Barton, Pastor, First Congregational Church
Bob Bartram, Pastor, Masontown (West Virginia) United methodist Church
Daniel Barwinski, Pastor, Evangelical Lutheran Church America
Brooke Bassage-Glock, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Jerry Basta, None
Antonette ( Bastoni, Member, Call To Action and Pax Christi, Roman Catholic
Pastor John Batchelor, interim pastor, Argyle Presbyterian Church
Richard Bates, Pastor, Reformed Church in Amercia
Anne Bathurst Gilson, Associate for Program , Christ Church+Washington Parish on Capitol Hill
Sr. Miriam Bauerlin, OSF
Alan Baughcum, M.Div. student, Wesley Theological Seminary
Jeanne Baum, Pastor, Old South Haven Presbyterian
Mary Kay Baum, Director, Madison-area Urban Ministry
Rev. Richard B. Baumann, Pastor, St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Thomas Baumgarten, retired engineer and scientist, none
Eugene C. Bay, Pastor, Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church
Nicole Bazemore, Atheist
Bayard Beach, Chaplain, Finlandia University, ELCA
Gene Beach, Community of Christ
Jeannette Beach, Unitarian Universalist Church of Chattanooga, TN
Moses Beachy
Nathan Beachy, M.D., Mennonite/Lee Hts Community Church
Rochele Beachy, M.D. Family Practice, MetroHealth Hospital, Lee Heights Community Church
Madeleine Beard, Grace Episcopal Church, Elkridge MD
Marvin Beard, Elder, New Providence Presby Church
Rev. Bill Beardslee, Pastor and Teacher, The United Church of Jaffrey
Robert Beck, Professor, Religious Studies, Loras College
Rev. Sarai Schnucker Beck, Executive Director, Ecumenical Ministries of Iowa
Dieter Becker, Lutheran
Rabbi Micah Becker-Klein, Congregation Ahavas Achim
Dr. David Beckmann, President, Bread for the World
Denise Bedard Ruiz, Associate Director, Roman Catholic
Nancy Bedford, Professor of Systematic Theology, ISEDET and Baptist Seminary (Buenos Aires)
Rev. Gene Beerens, Director of Small Groups/Assimilation, Exodus Correctional Ministries and Bella Vista Church
Alyce Behling, Owner / Deer Run Lodge, Lutheran
Marianna Beigel, Mother, Catholic
Steven Belasco, President, Temple Beth Tikvah
Willard Belinowicz, Vice President, Strauss Discount Auto
Denis Bell, Evangelical Missionary Youth,Canada East
John Bell, Lay monk, Order of Interbeing, Buddhist, Thich Nhat Hanh
Lucy Bell, Spiritual Director, First Congregational Church UCC
Daniel Bell, Jr., Assistant Professor of Theological Ethics, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary
Darrin W. Belousek, Asst. Prof. of Philosophy, Goshen College
Moshe ben Asher, Kehillat Kharakim
Dan Ben-David, Member, UUMAN (Unitarian Universalist Metro Atlanta North)
Jim Bender, First Christian Church, Falls Church Virginia
Sarah Bender, First Congregational Church of Colorado Springs
Margaret Bendroth, Professor of History, Calvin College
Norman Bendroth, Interim Minister, St. John's United Church of Christ
Bruce Benedict, Panhandle Peace Fellowship
Margaret Benefiel, Adjunct Faculty, Andover Newton Theological School, Quaker
Ron Benefiel, President, Nazarene Theological Seminary
Kay A. Bengston, Assistant Director - Domestic Policy, Lutheran Office for Governmental Affairs, ELCA
Cathy Bennett, Oasis Center for Spiritual Enrichment
Denise Bennett, Christian Educator, United Methodist
James Bennett, Rabbi, Temple Beth El (UAHC)
Rabbi Jim Bennett, Temple Beth El
Bruce Benson, College Pastor, St. Olaf College
Randy Benson, NONE
Philip J. Bentley , Honorary President , Jewish Peace Fellowship
Mark Beresford, Christian
Virginia Bergfalk, retired pastor, United Church of Christ
Carol Berglund, Member, Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ
R. Louise Berglund, Plymouth Cong. UCC
Claudia Bergmann, ELCA
Rabbi H. Philip Berkowitz
Rabbi Donald R. Berlin, Rabbi Emeritus, Temple Oheb Shalom
Rev. Mark D Bernecker, Christ (Mertz) Lutheran Church
Nancy J. Berneking, Editor, Re-Imagining
Charles Bernstein
Bob Berry, Christian
Christopher Berry, Lutheran Campus Pastor, Lutheran Campus Ministry at Western Washington University, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
John Berry, Member, an American Baptist Church
Gabrielle Bershen, Meditation Teacher, Buddhist: Shambhala Center, Boulder
Rachel Berube, Technical Secretary, Roman Catholic
Frank Beville, Deacon, Roman Catholic
Frank J. Bevvino, Deacon, St. John Vianney Parish, West Haven CT
Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati, Founder and Spiritual Director, Kashi Ashram
Maire Bhreatnach, Mercy Convent
Rabbi Jonathan Biatch, Beth El Hebrew Congregation
Amy Bigman
Rev. John N. Billings, Region Minister, Community of Christ
Denise Bingham, Mortgage Operations Manager, none
Bruce Birchard, General Secretary, Friends General Conference
Rev. Dr. Nancy R. Birdsong, Associate Pastor, The Presbyterian Church in Geneva
James Jr. Birkitt, Director of Communications, Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
Rachelle Birnbaum, Rector, All Saints Episcopal Church - Sharon Chapel
Rev. Sherman A. Bishop, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Rev. Leonard B. Bjorkman, Co-Moderator , Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Greg Bjornstad, Chaplain, ELCA, Luther Manor Nursing Home
Cynthia Black, Episcopal Church, Cathedral of Christ the King, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Marcia Black, Psychologist
Robert Black, President, Chicago Sunday Evening Club
Burt Blackburn, School Administrator, Episcopal
Patricia Blacker, Roman Catholic
Todd Blackley, Kenmore United Church of Christ
Rick Blackwell, teacher, Roman Catholic
Jeff Blain, Pastor, Ascension Lutheran Church - ELCA
Gary Blaine, Senior Minister, First Unitarian Church of Toledo
Ann Blair, Pastor, Skinners Eddy United Methodist Church
Brent Blake, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Max Blalock, College Minister, United Methodist/Union College
Rebecca Blank, Dean, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan
Rev. Cheryl Blankenship, United Methodist Pastor
Nancy Blasch, Roman Catholic
Darcy Blauvelt, Episcopal
Michael Blevins, Pastor, Decorah Covenant Church
Rachael Bliss, Catholic
Stephen Blomberg, Roman Catholic
Rabbi Marc S. Blumenthal
Sandra Bly
Christine Boardman, Interim Conference Minister, United Church of Christ Washington N. Idaho Conference
Ian Bockus, Retired, Episcopal
Peronne Boddaert, USA Representative IARF Program Development, International Association For Religious freedom
Lynn Carman Bodden, Interim Minister, Community Christian Church (DOC/UCC)
Glynden Bode, Minister of Education and Discipleship, John Wesley United Methodist Church
Chris Boerger, Bishop, Northwest Washington Synod, ELCA
Joshua Boettiger, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Rev. Dr. William E. Bogholtz, Pastor, Our Saviour Lutheran Church
Steve Bohlert, Pastor, Comstock Park Congregational UCC
Mark Bohner, Seventh-Day Adventist
Deborah Bollin, Community of Christ
Barbara Bolsen, Pastor, United Church of Christ
Elizabeth Bolton, Congregation Beit Tikvah
Karen Bolz, United Methodist
Dr. Leigh E. Bond, Beargrass Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Margaret E. Bonds, Department of Spanish, The University of the South
Rev. Linda Bonfiglio, Pastor, St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Bruce BonFleur, Promotions/PR, Wesleyan Native American Ministries
Alexi Bonifield, Marketing consultant, Catholic
Pastor Connie Bonner, Chaplain
Mervin Bontrager LSCSW, Clinical Social Worker, Mennonite
Christina Book
Rabbi Terry A. Bookman, Temple Beth Am
Rev. John Boonstra, Executive Minister, Washington Association of Churches
William R. Booth, UCC
Lee Boothby, President, International Commision on Freedom of Conscience
Judy and Henry Borchardt, Co-Pastors, Northminster Presbyterian Church
Laetitia Bordes, Educator, Society of Helpers
Lou Anthony Bordisso OC, Religious, Ecumenical Order of Charity
William Bordonaro, Pastor, Our Savior's Rocky River Lutheran
Rev. Peter Borgdorff, Executive Director of Ministries, Christian Reformed Church
Byron K. Borger, Hearts & Minds
Philip Borkholder, Mennonite/ Church of the Brethren
Daniel Bort, General Counsel, The First Church of Christ, Scientist
Rabbi Barbara Borts, Rabbinic Director of Lifelong Learning, Temple Beth El
Johanna Bos, Dora Pierce Professor of Bible, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Bruce O. Boston, Wordsmith, INC
Vonda Boston Keasler, Community of Christ, Kid's Bible Club Mission
Lorne Bostwick, Pastor, Presbyterian Church in Needham
Valerie Bouchard-Hall
Steven Bouma-Prediger, Professor of Religion, Hope College
Deb Bourg, Catholic
Teresa Bowden, Deacon, Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
Rev. Mary Lou Bowen, Executive Director, New York State Community of Churches
Roberta Bowen, on my knees praying that my leaders can find wisdom, protestant
Richard A. Bower, President, Cristosal Foundation (El Salvador), Episcopal
Susan Hope Bower, Director, Faith and Forests
Rob Bowling, Religious Society of Friends
Robert Boyar, Pastor, Christ United Presbyterian Church
Winton Boyd, Senior Pastor, Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
April Boyden, Deaconess , ELCA
Chuck Boyer, Church of the Brethren
Joseph Boyett, Whitfield Memorial United Methodist Church
Joyce Boyett, member, Whitfield Memorial United Methodist Church
Jeri Boyland, Elim Christian Fellowship
Cathy Boyle, nurse, Catholic
Jim Boylston, Christian
Tara Brach, Ph.D., Buddhist Lay Priest, Insight Meditation Community of Washington
Wilson Bradburn, Executive Presbyter, Presbytery of Carlisle, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
William Bradbury, St. Monica Catholic Church
Kenneth Bradsell , Director of Policy, Planning and Administration, Reformed Church in America
Lucy Brady, Pastor, St. Mark's United Church of Christ
Eugene L. Brand, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Janice Brandal, Lutheran/Emmanuel Lutheran, Moscow, Idaho
Mary Bowne Brandt, fulltime volunteer staffperson, Mount Holyoke College Office of Religious Life
Joan F. Brannick, Executive Vice President, The Pension Boards- United Church of Christ
Mark Lau Branson, Associate Professor, Fuller Theological Seminary
Kathy Brasseur, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, Transfiguration Catholic Church
Dr. Manfred T. Brauch, Maxwell Professor of Biblical Theology, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Charles Brauchler, Senior Pastor , Birmingham United Chuch of Christ
Robert L. Brawley, Albert G. McGaw Professor of New Testament, McCormick Theological Seminary
Peter Bredlau, Chaplain, Muhlenberg College
Mary Ann Breidenich, O.P.
Thomas Breidenthal, John Henry Hobart Professor of Christian Ethics and Moral Theology, The General Theological Seminary
Rev. Jack Bremer, Retired Pastor , United Methodist Church
Anita C. Bremner
Virgil J Brenneman, Elder Board, Mennonite/Assembly Mennonite
William & Jean Brenner, Saint Paul's Lutheran Church
Gary M. Bretton-Granatoor, Senior Rabbi, Stephen Wise Free Synagogue
James Bretzke, S.J., Assoc. Prof. Christian Ethics/Pastoral Assoc. Our Lady of Lourdes/Oakland, CA, Roman Catholic, Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
S. Dylan Breuer
Cynthia Brewer, Editor, The Catholic Lighthouse
Rose Brewer, seminary student, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary
John and Patricia Brewster, Roman Catholic
Chloe Breyer, The Cathedral of St. John the Divine
Larry Brickner-Wood, Chaplain and Executive Director, The United Campus Ministry to the University of New Hampshire
Donna Briesemeister, Southern Baptist (non-member)
Leslie Briesemeister, Southern Baptist (non-member)
Jo Ann Brimmer, Catholic
Tim Brinley, churches of Christ
Rev. Dr. John N. Brittain, University Chaplain , The University of Evansville
Benjamin Broadbent, Parish Minister, United Church of Christ
Gary Brock, Pastor, United Methodist Church
Bennett A. Brockman, Rector, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Fairfield, CT
Sheila Broderick, Immacualte Conception Catholic Church
David Brodnax, Sr., United Church of Christ
Rabbi Caryn Broitman, Congregation Tzedek V'Shalom
Brad Brookins, Lake Edge UCC Madison, WI, USA
Charles Brooks, Pastor, Stamping Ground Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Steven R. Brooks, President, Reformed Church in America
Leola Browder, Church Of GOD In Christ Jesus
Anne Clarke Brown, Diocesan Newspaper Editor, Episcopal Diocese of Vermont
C. Joan Brown, Society of Friends
Cherie R. Brown, National Coalition Building Institute; Break the Silence
Cynthia Brown, Emanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church
Dana Brown, United Methodist Church, Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference
David Brown, Wake Forest Divinity School Student, Ardmore Baptist
Frank Burch Brown, Frederick Doyle Kershner Prof., Christian Theological Seminary
Harryette Brown, member, King of Glory Evangelical Lutheran Church
James F. Brown, Roman Catholic
Rev. Jeffrey L. Brown, Pastor, Union Baptist Church , Founder, Ten Point Coalition
Jesse Brown, Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Twin Cities
Kevin Brown, United Methodist Church
Lowell Brown, Retired, United Methodist Church
Philip L. Brown, Retired, United Methodist Minister
Roland Brown, Retired, American Baptist Churches in the USA
Tanya Brown, Elementary Teacher, Buddist beliefs
Timothy Brown, Emanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church
Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell, Director, Department of Religion, Chautauqua Institution
Lisa Brown Roberts, Washington Park UCC, Denver CO
Barbara Brown Zikmund, Chair, Inter-Faith Relations Commission, National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA
Nancy Browne, First Church in Oberlin
William Brownell, Fair Okas Presbyterian Church
Christine Brownlie, Minister, UUFNRV
Rev. Mary Brownlow Huessy, Norwich Congregational Church, United Church of Christ
Rev. Anne Broyles, United Methodist Church
Pamela K. Brubaker, Co-Chair, Ethics Section, American Academy of Religion and Associate Professor, Christian Ethics, California Lutheran University
Verle Brubaker, Pastor, Calvary Mennonite Church
Carol Connolly Bruce
Connor Bruce
Elizabeth Bruce
Walter Brueggemann, Professor, Columbia Theological Seminary
James Hart Brumm, Pastor, Blooming Grove Reformed Church
Kathleen Hart Brumm, Reformed Church in America
Dick Brummel, Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Kansas City, MO
Karen Bruno, Wild Rose Congregational Church, United Church of Christ
Charles Brush, Episcopalian
Jeanne Ann Brush, Mother, Catholic
Molly Brush, Catholic
Michaela Bruzzese, Catholic
Robert Bryan, Roman Catholic
Brad Bryant, Pastor, Community of Christ Bloomington/Normal IL Mission
Gary D. Bryant, Pastor, United Church of Christ
Paul Bryant-Smith, Pastor, Zion United Church of Christ
Nancy Buchan, Professor of Business, Lutheran - ELCA
John Buchanan, Pastor and Editor The Christian Century, Fourth Presbyterian Church
Kevin Buchanan, Pastor, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Richard Buchanan, Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission
Scott Buchanan, First Congregational United Church of Christ
Cat Garlit Bucher, Dev. Director, Center for Survivors of Torture
Julia Bucher, Student of Theology
Rev. Dr. Henry H. Bucher, Jr., Chaplain and Associate Professor Humanities, Austin College, Chair, Grace Presbytery Peacemaking Task Group
Nancy Buck-Hynson, UCC
Elizabeth A.` Buckley, L'Arche
Rev. Kathleen Buckley, University Chaplain, St. Lawrence University
William Buckner, Episcopal
Dennis Budka, Catholic Priest, Holy Family Catholic Church, Fond du Lac
Rev. Dave Buehler, SouthCoast Hospice
Rev. John Buehrens, Visiting Professor, Starr King School for the Ministry
Jim Bump, Trinity Lutheran, ELCA
Larry Bunnell, Minister of the Word and Sacrament, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Susan and Brian Burchfield, Pastors, Central Lutheran Church
Amrita Burdick, Muslim, Student of World Religious Traditions
Margaret Buresh, School Sisters of Notre Dame
Maureen Bureson
Margaret Rose Burge, unemployed, Pax Christi Boston
Elizabeth Burgert, Christian
Paul Burks, Editor Emeritus of EarthLight Magazine and Sequoia Newsmagazine, United Methodist
Colleen Burnet, United Church of Christ
Jim Burnett, UCC pastor (retired)
Ellen and Richard Burnette, Missionary, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Kevin Burney, Pastor, Rockfield United Methodist Church
Beverly Burns, confirmation teacher, St. John's Ev. Lutheran Church, ELCA
Helen Marie Burns, RSM, Leadership Team, Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Suzanne Burris, Interim Minister, First Congregational Church UCC
Linda Burson, Ministry Consultant, West Michigan Conference, United Methodist Church
Rev. Daphne Burt, Associate Dean, The University of Chicago
Br. John-Anthony Burtch, OSC, Minister General, Order of Servants of Christ
Susanne Burwell, Pastor, Monona United Methodist Church
Commissioner John Busby, National Commander, Salvation Army
Rabbi Andrew Busch, Beth David Reform Congregation
Charles Busch, Congregational United Church of Christ
Rev. Robert C. Buschkemper, President, Lutheran Planned Giving Services
Michael Bush, Senior Pastor, First Congregational UCC Muskegon
Dr. Perry Bush, Professor, Bluffton College
Dennis Bushkofsky, Interim Pastor, Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church
Kent Busman, Director Fowler Camp and Retreat Center, Reformed Church in America
Curtis Buthe, pastor, Cedar Hills Baptist Church
Philip W. Butin, Pastor (PCUSA Delegate), Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church
A. Hays Butler, Birmingham Monthly Meeting
Assumpta Butler
Charlotte Butler, Catholic
Debbie Butler, Reformed Church of America
Donna Butler, Pastoral Associate, Catholic Sister of Providence- St. Mary of the Woods, IN
James Butler, Minister, Presbyterian Church USA
Jeff Butler, Community of Christ
Judith Butler, Roman Catholic
John Buttrey, Parish Minister, United Church of Christ in New Brighton
David Buttrick, Emeritus Prof. - Vanderbilt Divinity School, U.C.C.
Rev. Geneva M. Butz, Old First Reformed Church, United Church of Christ
Todd Buurstra, Pastor of Worship and Witness, North Branch Reformed Church
Sally Buxton
Lowell Byall, Presbytery of Grand Canyon
Jan Bye, United Campus Minister, United Campus Ministry
Rev. J. Daryl Byler, Director, MCC U.S. Washington Office
Byron Byrd, Lay Missioner, St. Catherine United Methodist Church and Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church
Holly Cabell, member, St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Eugene, OR
Richard Cabell, Quality Manager, none
Luisa and Patrick Cabello Hansel , New Creation Lutheran Church
Chris Cadenhead, pastor, First Baptist Church, Mt. Gilead, NC
Bill and Ruth Cadwallader
Casey Cain, Pastor, St. Paul Congregational United Church of Christ
Rev. Sandra Cain, Downtown United Presbyterian Church
Michael Caine, Southeastern N.Y. Regional Conf. Minister, United Church of Christ
Joy Caires, Youth Outreach Worker, Episcopal
Dr. Mas'ood Cajee, Muslim Peace Fellowship USA
Cindy Caldwell, Development Editor, The United Methodist Publishing House, United Methodist
Eleanor Caldwell
John Caldwell, Pastor, DeWitt United Methodist Church, DeWitt, Iowa
Rev. Heidi Calhoun, Associate Pastor, Newport Presbyterian Church (USA)
Evangeline Lynn Calland, Friends Meeting of Charlottesville (Quakers)
Bruce Cameron, Pastor, Peace Presbyterian Church
Glen & Vivian Campbell, Ministers, Community of Christ
James Campbell, The United Methodist Church
Kristina Campbell, Associate Conference Staff Social Concerns, Southwest Conference United Church of Christ
Mary Campbell, Psychologist, St. John's Episcopal Church
Patricia Campbell Carlson, Community Support Coordinator @ , Sufi Order International
Dr. Tony Campolo, Professor of Sociology, Eastern College
Cecilia Campoverde, President, Guatemalan Project, Inc.
Dave Capone, RC
Charles Cappleman Sr., Vice President, CBS Corporation, West Coast Operations
Kathy Capps, believer
Linnea Nilsen Capshaw, President, Alpha Health Partners
Linda Caradori, sales representative, Buddhist
Marian H. Carden, Member Presbyterian Church
Anne Carey, M.T.S.
Katherine Carlile, First United Methodist Church, Redondo Beach
Edward Carlos, Professor of Art and Art History
Beverly Carlsen, Lutheran
Rev. Erling Carlsen, Retired Pastor , Lutheran
Bobbie Carlson, First Church in Oberlin - UCC
Carole Carlson, Connecticut Conference, UCC
Rev. George G. Carlson, Bishop, South-Central Synod of Wisconsin, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Rev. Dr. J. Bert Carlson, Pastor, Christ Lutheran Church
Paul Carlson, Pastor, ELCA: Englsih and St. Olaf Lutheran Churches
Roger Carlson, Pastor, First United Methodist Church of Stayton
Mary M Carnes, Pastor, Old Davie United Methodist Charge, United Methodist
Sheila Carney, RSM, Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Rev. William D. Carpe, Pastor, Ludlow (Ky.) Christian Church
Patricia Carque, Pastor, First Church of Christ in New Haven
Amy Carr, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Western Illinois University
Becky Carr, Member, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Dr. Ronald Carr, Public Citizen
Thomas Carr, Senior Minister, First Baptist Church, West Hartford
Lois M. Carr, RSM
Charles Carrick, United Methodist Church
Alexandra Carr-Malcolm, Buddhist
Billie Carroll, United Methodist
Dr. Jackson Carroll, William Professor Emeritus of Relgion and Society, Duke University Divinity School
William Carroll, Society of Jesus
Richard W Carson, Long Term Care Ombudsman, Anglo-Catholic
Rev. Douglas F. Carter, Pastor of the Greenland Community Congregational Church, United Church of Christ
Melaney Carter, Avondale United Methodist Church
Theresa Carter, Roman Catholic
Rev. Mark S. Caruana, Pastor, Tabernacle Baptist Church
Joan Carvell Jones, Chaplain, Emmaus Homes, Inc.
Gary Carver, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Ruth Case, American Baptist
Dr. Anna Case-Winters, Professor of Theology, McCormick Seminary
Jeff Cassens, Roswell Presbyterian Church
Bernard Casserly, Editor Emeritus, Catholic Bulletin
Mari Castellanos, Coral Gables Congregational Church (UCC)
June Casterton, SFP, Franciscan Sister of the Poor
Janet Cater, Treasurer, Frist Presbyterian Church of Siloam Springs
B. F. Caviness, Computer Science Professor, Presbyterian
Lura Cayton, Pastor, Capitol Hill Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Joseph Cejka, Minister of the Word and Sacraments, Presbytery of San Joaquin (PCUSA)
John Celichowski, OFM Cap., Pastor, St. Benedict the Moor Parish
Kay Ceridwen Bachman, practicing Buddhist, lover of Christ
Mark Chaffin, Chaplain, ABC/USA
Rev. David Chafin, Pastor, Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Christine Chakoian, Community Presbyterian Church
John Chamberlin, National Coordinator, East Timor Religious Outreach, Petaluma United Methodist Church
Susan Chamberlin Smith, Pastor, Trinity United Church of Christ
Mark Chambers, St. John's Episcopal Church
Rev. Dr. Thelma Chambers-Young, President, Progressive National Baptist
Rick Chamiec-Case, MSW, MAR, Executive Director, North American Assoc of Christians in Social Work
Karen Chamis, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Roselle
Linda Champanier, Methodist
Farook Chandiwala, Chairperson, Human Rights Commission, Birmingham Islamic Society
Dale Chapin, Head of Staff, PC(USA)
Elizabeth Chapman, Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Seattle
Sherry Chapman, First Baptist Church, Oklahoma City, OK
Rt. Rev. Steven Charleston, President and Dean, Episcopal Divinity School
Rabbi Joshua Chasan, Ohavi Zedek Synagogue
Glenn R. Chase, Bethel Lutheran Church
Mary Chase-Ziolek, Director of Health Minitsry Programs, North Park Seminary
Stephanie Chatterjee, United Methodist
Stephen Chen, Specialized Minister, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Barbara T. Cheney, Rector, The Episcopal Church of St. Paul & St. James
Judith Childs, Birmingham Friends School
Janet Chisholm, Interim Co-Director, Fellowship of Reconciliation
Chris Cho, Jesuit Volunteer Corps
Seung K. Choi, General Secretary, Korean Presbyterian Church in America
Elizabeth Christensen, Secretary, Catholic
Rev. James W. Christensen, Pastor , Trinity United Church of Christ
Former Congressman Jon L. Christensen
Most Rev. Metropolitan Christopher, President, Episcopal Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the USA and Canada
Christopher Chua, PANA Institute, Pacific School of Religion
Kathleen Chuman, Christians Empowering for Reconciliation with Justice
David Chumney , First Presbyterian Church
Debra Church, Pastor, Cornerstone United Methodist Community
Jacquie Church Young, Youth Pastor, Church of the Apostles, United Church of Christ
Rev. Jonathan Chute, Rolling Hills United Methodist Church
Peggy Clancy, Episcpal Church
Rodney Clapp, Editorial Director, Brazos Press
Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Clapsis, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
CathyJean Clark, none
Rev. Elsa L. Clark, St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Dr. Forrest Shelton Clark, Pastor, First United Methodist Church
Larry Clark, Executive Director, Toledo Metropolitan Mission
Laurie Clark, Associate Pastor, United Methodist Church
Linda Showers Clark, Treasurer, Temple Sholom, Eau Claire WI, Jewish: Temple Sholom, Eau Claire, WI
Nancy Clark, minister, Sacred Nature Unity Ministry
patty and chrysa clark, catholic
Peter Yuichi Clark, Coordinator of Spiritual Care Services, Seton Medical Center
W. Mark Clark, Past Moderator, Southwest Conference, The United Church of Christ
John Clarke, catholic
Rita Clarke, Presbyterian
Dr. Maxine Clarke Beach, Vice President and Dean, Drew Theological School
Thomas E. Clarke S.J., Resident, Bethany Retreat House, priest, ,Roman Catholic
Judith Clark-Upton, Teacher, United Church of Christ
Joan Clausen, Member, Grace Lutheran, Loves Park.Il
Rev. John A. Clausen, St. John Lutheran Church
Mark Clausen, Lutheran
Barbara Clawson, New Creation Community Pres. Church
Tom Clayton, Member, Unitarian Universalist Church of Greensboro
Rev. Dr. David Cleaver-Bartholomew, Ecumenical Theological Seminary
Beverly Cleverley, ELCA Lutheran
Jim Clifford
Steve Clifton, ECUSA
Chad Cline, Elder, University Christian Church
Sally Cloke, Anglican
Rev. Carolyn Close Grohman, Interim Pastor, Fairlawn Presbyterian Church
Kay P. Cloud, Public Citizen
Dr. Milton J. Coalter, Vice President, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
David E Cobb, Senior Minister, Community Christian Church
Brian Cobb, M.D., Internist, Charlotte Correctional Facility
Sarah Coburn, Director, United Campus Ministries, Universityk of Missouri Kansas City
Rev. Dr. Helen Baily Cochrane, Executive Director, Greater Bethlehem Area Council of Churches
Ernest W. Cockrell, Rector, Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, Saratoga, CA
Brent B. Coffin, Harvard University
Rev. Laurie Hays Coffman, Pastor, Calvary United Methodist Church
Judy Cofod
Rev. William H. Cohea, Presbyterian Minister, Cullencille
Charles Cohn, awkward, Jew
Rabbi Hillel Cohn, Rabbi Emeritus, Cong. Emanu El
Carl Cohrs, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
John Patrick Colatch, Chaplain/Campus Pastor, Allegheny College
Brian Cole, Lay Vicar, Church of the Advocate, Asheville, North Carolina
Ethan Cole, Seminarian, Episcopal Diocese of Western New York
Gary W. Cole, United Methodist Church of the Pines, Minocqua, WI
Margaret Cole, chaplain, Baptist
Rev. Susan Cole, Pastor, Arch Street United Methodist Church
Stephen Colecchi, Director, Office of Justice and Peace, Catholic Diocese of Richmond
Joan Coleman, co-chair of Peace and Justice Committee, Congregational Unitarian Church
Larry Coleman, Correctional Chaplain, United Methodist
Janice Coles, member, Newtonbrook United Church
Rev. Jill Ellen Collict, Pastor, Nativity Evangelical Lutheran Church
James M. Collie, Executive Presbyter, Presbytery of Santa Fe Presbyterian Church (USA)
Kathy Collier, Senior Pastor, Presbyterian Church of Palatine
Rev. Kathy Sims Collier, The Presbyterian Church, PC (USA)
Mitch Collier, Non-denominational
Rev. Canon Jeff Colliher, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Episcopal Church
Gary Collins, Pastor, St. Mark Presbyterian Church
John Collins, Consultant, United Methodist Church
Michael Collins, Church of the Brethren
Earl D Collom, MSW, Rivington House Health Care Facility
Harry S. Colquhoun, Griggstown Reformed Church
Sharon Moore Colquhoun, Griggstown Reformed Church
Rene Colson Hudson, Pastor, ABC-USA/First Baptist Church, Moorestown, NJ
Rabbi Lawrence M. Colton
Steven Compton, founder/partner, Indigeny Mitakuye Oyasin - The Global Children's Partnership for Intercultural Exploration, Learning and Celebration
Jeffrey Conklin-Miller, Pastor, Palisades United Methodist Church
Brian M. Conn, Broomfield UCC Member
I. Mark Conner, Pastor, Trinity United Methodist Church, United Methodist Church
Matthew Conner, Universal Life Church
Wm. Scott Conner, Senior Pastor, Island View Baptist Church
Carol Connolly Bruce
Paula Maeder Connor, Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Lawrence Connors, Roman Catholic
Rev. Canice Connors, OFMConv., President, Conference of Major Superiors of Men
Rev. Anne Conroy, Associate Pastor, Brick Presbyterian Church
Robert G. Coombe, Pastor, Union United Methodist Church
James H. Coons-Torn, Interim Associate, Monatana-Northern Wyoming Conferance (UCC)
Marja Coons-Torn, First Congregational UCC
David Jonathan Cooper, Kehilla Community Synagogue
Rhonda Cooper, Chaplain, Forsyth Medical Center, NC
Rich Cooper, Pastor, United Church of Underhill
Kathryn Cooper-Ledesma, Southern California Field Director, California Council of Churches
Rev. Michael L. Cooper-White, President, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg
Rev. Dr. Pamela Cooper-White, Lutherian Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
John Coover, Methodist
Charles Copeland, Crossroads Church
Lise Copeland, Crossroads Church
M. Shawn Copeland, Associate Professor of Theology, Marquette University
John Copenhaver, Prof. of Religon, United Methodist
Tom Cordaro, National Council Chairperson, Pax Christi USA
Charles F. Cordes, United Methodist Clergy, California Nevada Annual Conference
Jack Cornell, Gold Hill/Upper Rogue United Methodist Church
Pastor Howard Corry, Lutheran Campus Pastor, University of New Mexico
Jim Corson, UMC Pastor (retired)
Rev. John E. Corson, California-Nevada Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
Susan Corson-Finnerty, Publisher and Executive Editor, Friends Publishing Corporation (Friends Journal)
Howard Cort, Pluralistic Monotheism
Stanley Corwin, Catholic
Carol Q. Cosby, Staff Liaison, Disciples Peace Fellowship
Gertrude Cosenke
David Cote, Pastor, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Couch, Seminario ISEDET de Buenos Aires
Dimitrios Couchell, Ecumenical Officer, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Sherron Courneen, St. Paul United Methodist Church
Morris Courtney, Full Gospel Las Vegas Korean Church
Father Harry Scott Coverston, Ph.D.
James Covington, Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Neil Cowling, Pastor, Kirk of Our Savior (PCUSA), Westland, MI
Chole, Greg, Regina, and Danny Cox, Benicia Community Congregational Church
Darlene Cox, United Methodist
Meg Cox
Davida Crabtree, Conference Minister, Connecticut Conference, United Church of Christ
Louise Craft, Presbyterian Elder
Ann W. Craig, First Church in Oberlin - UCC
Norman G. Craig, First Church in Oberlin - UCC
Rev. Jack A. Cramer-Heuerman, Danville United Methodist Cooperative Parish
David Crane, Independent
MIchael Crane, Pastor, Grace Baptist Church ABCUSA
Scott Crane, Minister, Faith Reformed Church
Stephen Cranford, Executive Director, Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry
Alma Faith Crawford, Pastor/Executive Director, Church of the Open Door/Open Door Center
Rev. James W. Crawford, Senior Minister, The Old South Church in Boston
Jerry Crawford, Builders of the Adytum
Margaret Crawford, InterimMinister, United Church of Canada
R. Lorenzo Crawford, Founder, Walk In The Light Ministries
Rev. William P. Crawford, Senior Pastor, Larchmont Avenue Church
James Crawley, Moderator, General Conference Cathar Church
Sandra Crean, Lutheran
Cindy Crebbin, independent writer/journalist, St. Mary's Hales Corners, Wi
Jimmy Creech, Chairperson, Board of Directors, Soulforce, Inc.
Mary S. Creed, member, Roman Catholic
Gerry Creedon, Pastor, St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
Rev. Dr. Ted Creen, Senior Minister, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
Elizabeth Cremer, Methodist
Louie Crew, Member of Executive Council, The Episcopal Church USA
Rena Crispin, editor, Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Jeffrey H. Crist, Former Director of Social Responsibility, Unitarian Universalist Youth Programs
Bryan Crittendon, Pastor, Baptist
Joy Crocker, Civic & Legislative Chair , Church Women United
Robert Crocker, Retired, United Methodist
Marion Crombie, Buddhist
Rev. Robert J. Cromwell, Pastor, Ruskin Heights Presbyterian Church
Ann Crosby, Episcopalian
John P. Crossley, Director, School of Religion, University of Southern California
Dr. Janet Crow, UCSD Department of Pediatrics
Rev. Dr. Paul A. Crow Jr., Retired President (or Chief Ecumenical Officer) of the Council on Christian Unity , Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Linward Crowe, President, Philadelphia Leadership Foundation
Robert Crowell, Interim Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Temple City, CA
David Crowley, Pastor, Kingston and Springhill Presbyterian Churches
Rev. Cynthia Crowner, Director of Kirkridge Retreat Center
Eric H. Crump, Assoc. Prof., Lutheran Theological Seminary-- Gettysbury
Rev. Martha M. Cruz, American Baptist Churches/United Church of Ch.
Elaine Cullity, Mother, teacher, St. Catherine Community,NH
Rev. Sarah Greenfield Culp, Pastor, Community Life and Education, Irondequoit United Church of Christ
Marian Cummins, Roman Catholic
Rev. Donald J. Cunningham, United Methodist Church
A.C. CUPPY, Retired, Christian Churches - Disciples of Christ
George Curcio, United Methodist
Charles Cureton, Pastor Emeritus, First Presbyterian Church, Matawan, New Jersey
John Curley, Universal Life Church
Barbara Currie, Student Andover Newton School of Theology, United Church of Christ
Chuck Currie, Director of Community Outreach, First United Methodist Church
M. Teresa Cusack, RSM, Sisters of Mercy
Cynthia Cuza, Clerk, Los Angeles Meeting, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
greg czebatol, artist, buddhist
Barbara Daavettila, Catholic
Joe Dalton, Chaplain, American Baptist Churches, USA/Benefis Healthcare
Karen Dalton, Dean of Students, Claremont School of Theology
Emily Daly, Pocono Lake United Methodist Church
Patricia A. Daly, Executive Director, Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment
Sandy Damhof, Associate Pastor, Delmar Reformed Church
Megan Daniel
Rev. David D. Danneberger, Pastor of the First Moravian Church
Sister Mary Lou Daoust, Congregational Leadership Team, Maryknoll Sisters
Jean Darling, Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Rev. Steven L. Darling, UMC retired
Kathleen Daugherty, Director, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania
Anne Dauphinais, Lapsed Episcopal
Kathryn Davelaar, Minister of Worship and Witness, Hope Church, Reformed Church in America
Rev. Dennis M. Davidson, Unitarian Universalist Peace Fellowship
Gail Davidson, Pastor, Bedford Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Bedford, Kentucky
Susan Davidson, Interim Director Campus Ministry/ Coordinator -Service Learning and Community Service, Roman Catholic / Mount Mercy College
Tony Davidson, Data Management Coordinator, Texas Biotechnology Corporation
Greg Davidson Laszakovits, Coordinator, Church of the Brethren Washington Office
Rev. Dr. Susan E. Davies, Faith and Order Commission, NCCCUSA; Bangor Theological Seminary
Rev. Dr. Bruce T. Davis, Pastor, Messiah Lutheran Church
Rev. Clarence W. Davis, Pastor, Martin Luther King Jr. Christian Church
Daniel Davis, Pastor, First United Methodist Church of Hampshire
Dr. Louisa L. Davis, United Christian Parish
E. Julius Davis, Retired, United Methodist Church
James Davis, Sr. Pastor, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Rev. Dr. Judith A. Davis, Rector, Christ Church Washington Parish (Episcopal)
Mark Davis, Social Worker, Independent
Michael Davis, Cantor, Congregation Bnai Torah (Reform)
Richard Davis, Pastor, Peace Mennonite Church-Dallas, TX
Walter T. Davis, Jr., Professor Emeritus of the Sociology of Religion, San Francisco Theological Seminary
Rebecca Davison, Jesus Our Savior Catholic Church
Rev. Diann Davisson, Pastoral Care Minister, Huntington Beach Religious Science
Brian K. Davy, Interim Director, Ecumenical Community Minitsries
Christine Dawkins, Thich Nhat Hanh's Order of Interbeing
Jennifer Dawson, Co-pastor, Saron United Church of Christ
Kia Dawson, Los Angeles Church of Religious Science
Ann B. Day, United Church of Christ
Jackson Day, Program Director, Health and Wholeness, United Methodist General Board of Church and Society
William Daylong, Senior Pastor, First United Methodist Church
Maria Teresa Daza
Anthony De Cristofaro, Roman Catholic
Susan G. De George, South Presbyterian Church
Rev. Harold de Jong, Pastor, Dispatch Christian Reformed Church
Jo'Ann De Quattro, SNJM, Sisters of the Holy Names, Conference of Social Justice Coordinators of Southern California
Susan De Simone, Interim Ministry Specialist, United Church of Christ
Joyce de Velder, Pastor of Old Saratoga Reformed Church, Reformed Church in America
Rev. Dr. F. Jay Deacon, Minister, Unity Temple Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Brian Dean, Graduate Student - Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. of Illinois, Chicago
Katherine Dean, Member, St. Mark Presbyterian Church
Phyllis Jo Dean, Episcopal
Stephen Dear, Executive Director, People of Faith Against the Death Penalty
Rev. Dr. Tim Dearborn, Seattle Pacific University
Paul Deats, retired, United Methodist Church
Richard Deats, Interim Co-Director, Fellowship of Reconciliation
Leo DeBlois, Lecturer, Gordon College
Gregg Deehan, Jr., student, Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service, Union Congregational Church
Louis DeFiore, Teacher at Covenant Christian School, Southern Baptist
Christopher DeGiovine, Dean of Spiritual Life, The College of Saint Rose, Roman Catholic
linda degraf, teacher, circle community church
Rev. Ann J. Deibert, Central Presbyterian Church
Laurie Deitrick, Member, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Susan Deitsch, Community Of Christ
Elizabeth C. Deitz, First Church in Oberlin - UCC
James G. Deitz, First Church in Oberlin - UCC
Mary DeJonge-Benishek, Trinity Reformed Church
Peter Del Nagro, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Dr. Mary Lynnette Delbridge
Roberto Delgado, Secretary, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
Gregory and Jade Dell, Pastor, Laywoman, Broadway United Methodist Church
Marc DelMonico, Roman Catholic
Rev. Deborah DeMars Conrad, UrbanSpirit, ELCA
susan dembowski, roman catholic
Deb DeMeester , Associate Executive Presbyter, , Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area
Steve Demetrician, Pastor, Community of Christ
Joan Deming, Associate Pastor, First United Methodist Church
Murray W. Dempster, President and Professor of Social Ethics, Vanguard University of Southern California
Mary Ellen Denio, Church Women United
Marie Dennis, Director, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns; Vice-president
Paulina K. Dennis, Founder Christian , Cadman Memorial Congregational Church, Founder, Clergy for a Better Understanding of Judaism
Douglas Denton, United Methodist
Rev. N. Adiel A. DePano, St. Paul's United Methodist Church
Linda DeSantis, Director of Domestic Violence Programs, Camden County,NJ, Unitarian Universalist
Jacques & Susan Desrosiers, Team Vicar, Church of England
Nancy DeStefano, First United Methodist Church, Plano, TX
Roseyn Devlin, High school librarian, Catholic and Mennonite
Tim Dewane, Director - Office of Global Justice & Peace, School Sisters of Notre Dame
Art Dewey, professor, Xavier University
Dea DeWitt, Seminarian, Princeton Theological Seminary
Don DeYoung, Reformed Church in America
Robert J. DeYoung, pastor, Christ Community Reformed Church
Ismail Dhanani
Rebecca Dhondt, Unitarian Universalist
Joan Diaz, Reformed Church of Finderne, NJ
Rev. Jim Dickerson, Chairman, Manna, Pastor New Community Church
Betty J. Dickey, Elder, Northwood Christian Church, Discples of Christ
Jordan Dickinson, Associate Pastor, United Church of Christ
Nancy S. Dickinson
Richard D. N. Dickinson, Former President, Christian Theological Seminary
Doug and Helen Didyoung, Holy Spirit Lutheran Church of Reading
Peter Diebenow, Intentional Interim Pastor, Zion Lutheran Church (LCMS)
Howard Diehl, Ginger Creek Community Church
Andrew Dietsche, Rector, The Church of The Good Shepherd (Episcopal)
Kerry & Beth Dietz, Kerry-Director of Music Ministries, Ebenezer UMC Newark, DE
David Digby, Senior Minister, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Ranjit Dighe, Assistant Professor of Economics, Christian
Rev. Dr. Walter C. Dilg Jr., Senior Pastor, First United Methodist Church
Irma Dillard, Society of the Sacred Heart
Allen Dille
Sara Dillinger, Pastor, Smith Center United Methodist Church
Alison Dingley, Interim Rector, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Wahiawa, HI
Ralph Dirksen, Pastoral Associate, Chapel By The Sea Presbyterian Church
Sonia DiSalvo, retired educator, not formally affiliated
Bill Ditewig, Minister of Mission and Mobilization, Trinity United Presbyterian Church
Barbara DiTommaso
Katherine Dittoe, House of Mercy UMC, Bethesda, Oh
Jane Holmes Dixon, pro tempore , Bishop of Washington
Rev. Dan Dixson, Coordinator of Pastoral Care, Community Medical Center
Mamadu Djaquite, Director, Churches of Christ Agricultural Project(ICAP)
Mike Dobrosky, Rector, Episcopal Church of theMediator
Dylan Dodd, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Michael Dodd, Director, Columban Fathers' Justice & Peace Office
Michael J. Dodd, Director, Columban Fathers' Justice & Peace Office
William Dohman, JCL, Chaplain, RC retired priest Boise Idaho Diocese
Ken Donadio, Roman Catholic
Dave Donaldson, CEO, We Care America
Rev. Dr. Roy A. Donkin, Pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church
Mike Donnelly, Librarian, Roman Catholic/Holy Redeemer Church, College Park, MD
John Taroanui Doom, former World Council of Churches Secretary for the Pacific
Rev. John F. C. Dornheim, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Clergy, Baltimore Regional Initiative Developing Genuine Equality
Emily Dossett, UCLA School of Medicine
James Dougans, Ministry Coordinator, Indiana Partners for Christian Unity and Mission
E. Scott Dow, Chaplain, Augusta Mental Health Institute, ABC/USA
Judy Dowell, Trinity United Methodist Church, Sunnyvale, CA
Elizabeth Morris Downie, Rector, St. Jude's Episcopal Church, Fenton MI
Edith Downing, organist, hymnwriter, Presbyterian
Lloyd Doyle, Waverly (TN) United Methodist Church
Rev. Boyd Drake, Rapid City and Area Pastoral Charge, United Church of Canada
Paul-Mary Draxler, School Sisters of Notre Dame
Linda Dreier, Lutheran
Sarah Dreisbach-Penner, Christian
Cantor Ellen Dreskin, Associate Dean, Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion
Dale Dressler, Director, Merom Conference Center IKC/UCC
Louis Drew, First Baptist Church, Plaistow, NH
Margaret Driscoll, Librarian, Church of All Nations, and Esperanza Lutheran
Joseph Driskill, Associate Professor of Spirituality, Pacific School of Religion
Rev. Dr. Tom F. Driver, The Paul Tillich Professor, Union Theological Seminary
Gerald V. Drummonds II, Western New York District of the Wesleyan Church
Shalini D'Souza, Vice President, Sisters of Charity of Nazareth
Ray Dubuque, Founder,
Kathy Duckett
Carl Dudley, Professor of Church and Community, Hartford Institute for Religion Research
Michael Duffy, University of San Francisco
Marj and Jorie Dugan
Christine and Ralph Dull, National Council Fellowship of Reconciliation
Nancy K. Duncan, Programming Chair, Nebraska StoryArts
Rudra Vilius Dundzila, Seniunas (Minister), Lithuanian Ethnic Church Romuva
Angelika Dunker, Australian Home Churches
John Dunn, Minister , Uniting Church in Australia - Darwin Memorial
Peggy Dunn, Pastor, Berwick United Methodist Church, Berwick, Maine, Religious Society of Friends
Joan Dupnik, Theology teacher, Catholic
Rev. Dr. Christopher Duraisingh, Otis Charles Professor in Applied Theology, Episcopal Divinity School
Rev. Laird Duran, Pastor, Grace Lutheran Church
Theresa M. DuRapau, RSM, Our Lady of Holy Cross College
Coleen Durfey
Elsie L. Dursi, Director, Mahoning Valley Association of Churches
Frank Dworak, Director , Peace of Christ Ministry
Amy Dwyer, United Methodist
Rev. Jennifer E. Dyer, Pastor, St. John's Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Lynn Dyke, Marshfield United Methodist Church
Pamela Dykehouse, Pastor, Lake Shore United Methodist Church
David Dykstra, pastor, Faith Community Christian Reformed Church
Peter Dziuk, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
Mary J. Earnest, La Mesa First United Methodist Church
Rev. Timothy R. Eberhart, Chaplain, Dakota Wesleyan University
Carter Echols, Canon for Deployment and Congregational Development , Episcopal Church
Diana L. Eck, Professor of Comparative Religion, Harvard University
Stephen Eckert, Pastor of The Reformed Church at Finderne in Bridgewater, NJ.
Don Ecklund, Sociology Professor, First Presbyterian Church of Springfield, Illinois
Dr. Bob Edgar, General Secretary, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
Carol Alice Edman, Pastor, Coal City United Methodist Church
Dale K. Edmondson, American Baptist Churches
Keith E. Edwards, Pastor, Community Presbyterian Church, Three Rivers, CA
Rabbi Laurence L. Edwards, Associate National Director for Interreligious Affairs, American Jewish Committee
Dr. W. T. Edwards, Stamford University
Nancy Egbert, Federated Church (Methodist/Presbyterian)
Rev. Janet E. Eggleston, Trinity United Methodist Church
Rev. L. Kim Egolf-Fox, FAPC, Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Fellow of the Academy of Parish Clergy
Rabbi Irvin S. Ehrlich
Lori Eickmann, seminarian, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Rabbi Amy Eilberg, Pastoral Counselor
Rev. Shirley Louise Pudney Eilers, Trinity South Emanuel UCC
Mitzi N. Eilts , National Coordinator, United Church of Christ Coalition for Lesbian,Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns
Jeffrey Eisele, Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church
Rev. Rebecca L. Eisenhart, Pastor, Redeemer Lutheran Church
June Eisley, Pacem in Terris
Rev. Donna Faith Eldredge, Guam United Methodist Church
Dhru Elerbey, Social Worker, Christian
John Elias, Professor, Fordham, University
Mehdi Eliefife, Community Outreach, Program Director, ICPC
Kristen Elkington, Milford Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), Michigan
Todd Elkins, Chair, Missouri Impact, Community of Christ Minister
MaryLouise Ellenberger, Retired Pastor/Educator, Presbyterian Church USA
Kimberly Elliot, Pastor, Presbyterian
Jennifer Elliott, Spiritual leader, Bread of Life Ministry
Neil Elliott, Christian
Rev. Brian D. Ellison, Parkville Presbyterian Church
Mike Ellison, West Hill Friends, Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends
Rev. Philip T. Ellmore, Ph.D., Vice President for Advancement, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Linda Ellsworth, Eastside Friends Meeting (Quaker)
John Elstad, Pastor, St. Thomas Lutheran Church
Peter Elvin, Rector, St. John's Church, Episcopal
Rabbi Sue Levi Elwell, Pennsylvania Council Regional Director, Union of American Hebrew Congregations
Thomas Ely, Episcopal Bishop of Vermont, Episcopal
Jeffrey and Judith Embler, Lutheran (ELCA)
Randall Emme, Catholic Mystic
David Empfield, Ghost Shirt Foundation
James Emrich, Swarthmore Presbyterian Church
R. Craig Endicott
Jane Endriss, Chaplain, Roman Catholic
Gayle Engel, Conference Minister, Missouri Mid-South Conference UCC
Mark Engle, Rector, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Marquette, MI
Rev. Steve Cannon English, St. Michaels Evangelical Anglican Mission (EACA)
Joanne Elise Engquist, Pastor, University Lutheran Church (ELCA)
David Ensign, Interim Associate Pastor, Forest Hills Presbyterian Church
Rev. Bruce Epperly, Director, Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health
Rev. Kate Epperly, Pastor, Palisades Community Church
Paul Eppinger, Executive Director, Arizona Ecumenical Council
Rhabyn Epstein, International Buddhist Meditation Center
Bishop Christopher Epting, Deputy for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations, The Episcopal Church
Dan Erdmann, Presbyterian
Fanny Erickson, Minister of Parish Life, The Riverside Church
R.G. Ericson, Senior Minister, Westhampton Christian Church
Stephen Eriksen, Pastor, Shalom United Church of Christ
Majsan Eriksson, Swedish Baptist Union in Södertälje
James E. Erlandson, Pastor, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer (ELCA)
Rev. Dr. Maria Erling, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg
Rev. Debra Ernst, Pastor, Salem-Hetzel's Lutheran Church
John R. Ertell, Congregational President, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church
Linda M. Ervin, Japan North America Commission on Cooperative Mission
Rev. David O. Esche, First Presbyterian Church
Glen Esler, pastor, United Methodist
Elaine Espericueta, Coordinator of Adult Formation, St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Community
Mary-Lu' Esposito, Associate Pastor, The Franklin Federated Church UCC/ABC
Lawrence Estey, Vicar, St. Brendan-the-Navigator Episcopal Church
La Nelle Ethridge
Akpanoluo Etteh, Assistant Pastor, Union Baptist Evangelical Church
Helaine Ettinger, Synagogue Outreach Coordinator, MetroWest Jewish Health and Healing Center
Mark Euritt, Regional Minister, Gulf States Region, Community of Christ
C. Edward Evans, Pastor, First Congregational United Church of Christ
Carol Evans, member, United Methodist Church
Emory S. Evans, social justice activist, Roman Catholic
Irene Evans, Mother, Roman Cathollic
James Evans, Pastor, Crosscreek Baptist Church, Pelham, AL
Mark Evans, Minister, Community of Christ
Richard Evans, Librarian, Roman Catholic
Sarah Evans, Pastor, Midway Locust Grove UMC, Columbia, MO, USA
W. Christopher Evans, Seminarian , Episcopal Church, USA
Burton Everist, Pastor, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Marguerite Fagan, OP, Sparkill Dominican
Rabbi Ted Falcon, Bet Alef Meditational Synagogue
reid alan faley, none/all
Jesse Fallon, Agnostic
Wendy D. Fambro, First Baptist Church
Elmo Familiaran, Director of Missionary Recruitment, International Ministries, ABCUSA
Rev. John Fanestil, Senior Pastor, Anaheim United Methodist Church
Jeffrey B. Farley, Pastor, Otisville-Mt. Hope Presbyterian Church
Rev. Kevin Farmwald, First Mennonite Church
Virginia Farnan, RSM, Institute of the Sisters of Mercy
Douglas Farrell, Co-Pastor, Millard Community Church
Ed Farrell, Medical Director, Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, Roman Catholic
Janet Farrell, pastor, United Methodist Church
Tommie Farris, Fellowship Bible Church/Dallas
Jeffrey B. Faust, Community of Christ
Douglas Fauth, UCC Minister and Asssociate Director, The Christian Association at the University of Pennsylvania
Carol Fay, Pax Christi New jersey
Rev. Msgr. William P. Fay, General Secretary, US Conference of Catholic Bishops
Holly Feather, Intern, Davis Lutheran Church, ELCA
Scott Fehrenbacher, President/Chief Executive Officer,
Rabbi Morley T. Feinstein, Temple Beth-El
Mark Feldbush, Pastor of Community Ministries, Worthington Seventh-day Adventist Church
Victor A. Feliberty-Ruberte, University Chaplain & Instructor of Religion, Inter American University of Puerto Rico - Ponce Campus (PCUSA Minister)
Candida E. Feliu-Gonzalez, Chaplain, Canterbury Irvine, Episcopal Campus Ministry, University of California, Irvine
David Felton, Western New York Regional Minister, United Church of Christ
Rev. Dr. James Fenimore, Senior Pastor, Christ Church
Liz Fenner, Director, General Board of Global Ministries, UMC
Robert Ferguson, Retired, Baptist
Rev. E. F., S.J. Fernandez, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley
Mary Jo Fernandez
Lowell Fewster, Executive Minister, American Baptist Churches of Connecticut
Brian Field, Shaarei Shamayim Reconstructionist Community
David Fife, Pastor, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Santa Cruz, CA
Max Finberg, Office of Representative Tony Hall, Member of Third St. Church of God
Morris Finch, Minister, Christian Church (Disciples of
Rev. Raymond J Finch, M.M., Superior General, Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers
Cecil Findley, Madison Campus Ministry
Kenneth Fineran, Clergy, retired, United Methodist
Jeanne Torrence Finley, Co-Director, Collegial Communications, Inc., United Methodist clergy
William Finley, United Methodist Clergy
Séamus P. Finn, OMI, Missionary Oblates , Justice and Peace/Integrity of Creation Office
John Spencer Finnell, Member, Unitarian Universalist
Em Finney, United Church of Christ
Dr. Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Krister Stendahl Professor of Scripture and Interpretation, Harvard University
Rev. John M. Fischer, Secretary-Treasurer, American Baptist Ministers Council
Rev. Marylee Fithian, United Methodist
jana fitzgerald, united methodist
Richard Fitzgerald, Roman Catholic
Andrew Fitz-Gibbon, Abbot, CFR, Ithaca, NY
Jane Fitz-Gibbon, Abbess, CFR, Ithaca, NY
Diane Fitzsimmons, University Lutheran Church (ELCA/Norman, Okla.)
Scott Fizer, Methodist
Raymond Flachmeier, Retired, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Marta Flanagan, co-minister, South Church (Unitarian Universalist)
Clyde C. Flannery, Retired, United Church of Christ
Robert Fleischer, Catholic
Amelia Fleming, Coordinator - Office of Social Concerns, Catholic Charities
Austin Fleming, Pastor, Our Lady Help of Christians Parish
Rev. Diane R. Fleming, Community of Faith Church, Northside Community Church
Rev. Thomas A. Fleming, Community of Faith Church, Northside Community Church
L. Faye Flemister, Deputy for Administration, The Riverside Church
Gray Fletcher, Minister, Carmunnock Parish Church, Glasgow, Church of Scotland
Jim Flick, Ministry of Music, Trinity UMC, Sunnyvale, CA
Sally Flick, Former Administrative Council Chairperson, United Methodist Church of Sunnyvale, CA
Matthew Floding, Director of Formation for Ministry, Western Theological Seminary (RCA)
Mary Flowers, Chaplain, Catholic
Wayne Whitson Floyd, Canon Theologian, Cathedral Church of St. Stephen
James Flynn, St. Lawrence Catholic Church
Josephe Marie Flynn, S.S.N.D., Director of Adult & Family Ministry, St. Mary Catholic Parish
Rev. James L. Fogle, St. Mark's Lutheran Church (E.L.C.A.)
Rev. Doug Foglesong, Senior Minister, First Church of Religious Science
Pam Folkers, Michigan Church World Service
Davis Folkerts, Retired , Reformed Church in America
Eunice Folkerts, Retired , Reformed Church in America
Edward H. Folkwein, Pastor, Hardin/Ashland Parish of the UMC
Rev. and Mrs. C. David Follansbee, United Methodist Church
Jerrold Foltz, Pastor, United Church of Christ
Charles Forbes, Stated Clerk, The Presbytery of Baltimore
Gordon Forbes, Moderator, Potomac Assoc. of the UCC
James A. Forbes, Jr., Senior Minister, The Riverside Church
Emily Ford, Retired educator, United Methodist
William Fore, United Methodist
Joseph Forinash, Deacon, Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration
Mark Forrester, Campus Minister, United Methodist
Joy Fors, teacher, Christian
Andrea Forster, American Baptist
Donald P. Fortenberry, Chaplain, Millsaps College
John Foss, North Dakota Director, Family Federation of World Peace - ND
Nick Foster, Pastor, University Baptist Church
Rabbi Steven Foster, Congregation Emanuel
Joern Foth, Pastor, ELCA
Richard E. Fouse, Interim Pastor, Doylestown Presbyterian Church
Terry Fouse, Honorably Retired, Presbyterian Church USA
Rabbi Jeffrey A. Foust, Rabbi, Jewish Advisor to Bentley College, Temple Beth Israel Waltham
Rev. J. Bruce Fowlkes, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Jerry Fox, Pastor, St. Paul's United Methodist Church
Rabbi Russell Fox, Rabbi, Temple Beth Or
Lori Fraind, None
George E Frame, Pastor, First Baptist Church of Freeburg, IL
Katherine Franchett, SCL
Stan Franco, Catholic Church
Margaret Franke, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Christian Franklin, President-Board of Directors, Association of Christian Churches/SD
Dr. Robert Franklin, President, Interdenominational Theological Center
Joe Franko, American Friends Service Committee
Giles Fraser, Vicar of Putney, Lecturer in Philosophy, Wadham College, Oxford, Church of England
Susan Fraysse, CoChair of Peace & Justice Committee, North Decatur Presbyterian Church
Robert Fread, Pastor, Community Church of Hudson, IA, International Council of Community Churches
David Fredrickson, Assistant Rector, Trinity Episcopal Church
D. Jay Freedman
Rabbi Robert Freedman, Rabbi, Israel Congregation
David B. Freeman, Pastor, Weatherly Heights Baptist Church
Todd Freeman, pastor, Bethany Presbyterian Church, Dallas, TX
Rev. John L. Freesemann, Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church
Nancy Freund, rabbinical student
Inga and Ronal Freyer-Nicholas, Pastors, Michigan Ave. Baptist Church (ABCUSA)
Sarajo Frieden, Temple Israel of Hollywood
Barry Friedman , Temple Israel
Susan Friedman, Beth Shalom
Susan Friedrich, Associate in Ministry at Zion Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Gilbert Friend-Jones, Senior Minister, Central Congregational UCC of Atlanta, GA
Christopher Friesen, Student, Mennonite
Carla Friesen-Martin, layperson, Calvary Church, Williams Lake, BC, Canada
Marlene Fritz, RSM
Canon John Frizzell, Episcopal Diocese of Washington
W. Alan Froggatt, Senior Minister, Second Congregational Church, UCC
Rev. Douglas W. Fromm, Pastor, Community Church and Associate for Ecumenical Relations, Reformed Church in America
Neal Fromm, Mobile Services Coordinator, The Night Ministry
Rev. Gil Fronsdal, Insight Meditation Center
Rev. Michael A. Frost, Pastor, Zion's Stone Church (ELCA & UCC)
Johnna Frredrickson, Professor of Christian Education, United Church of Christ
Vanessa Kay Kipp Fry, musician/poet, Christian Spiritualist
Rev. Cliff Fryda, Grace United Methodist Churches
Yoshiaki Fujitani, President, BDK Sudatta
Robert and Laura Fukada, United Methodist missionaries
Connie Fukudome
Mike Fuller, Senior Pastor, Baptist Union of Great Britain
Millard Fuller, President, Habitat for Humanity International
Dalene Fuller Rogers, chaplain, United Church of Christ/VHA
Rev. Aaron Fulp-Eickstaedt, Co-pastor, Concord Presbyterian Church
Joan Fumetti, Pastor, Peace United Church of Christ
Carolyn Fure-Slocum, College Chaplain, Carleton College
Nancy E. Gable, Diaconal Minister, Associate Dean, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg (ELCA)
James R. Gable Jr., Pastor, St. Paul Lutheran Church
Anne Marie Gabrielle, St. Edwards Roman Catholic Church
Anne Gabrielle, M.T.S., Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, St. Edwards Catholic Church
Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy, Executive Director, The Interfaith Alliance
William Gafkjen, Christ the King Lutheran Church
Eric Gage, Bahai
John Gage, Associate Minister, United Church on the Green, UCC
Jennifer Gaillard, Christian
Barbara Gajewski, Prayer partner, Roman Cathoic
Rabbi Joyce Galaski, Congregation Ahavas Achim
Chris Gall, Coordinator of Youth Ministries, Roman Catholic
Amy Gall Ritchie, pastor, Florence Church of the Brethren~Mennonite
Rev. Dr. Thomas J. Gallen, Executive Director, Preacher's Aid Society of New England
Joseph F. Gamarano Jr., Catholic
Betty Gamble, Associate General Secreary, General Commission on Christian Unity & Interreligious Concerns of The United Methodist Church
Joe Gann, pastor, Grace United Methodist Church
Carolyn Gantner
Alan Gantzhorn, Senior M. Div. Student, Candler School of Theology
Gilbert Garcia, Therapist, United Methodist Church
Freda A. Gardner, Moderator, 211th General Assembly, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Rabbi Janice Garfunkel
Beth Garnaas-Holmes, Pastor, Shiloh United Methodist Church
Steve Garnaas-Holmes, United Methodist Campus Pastor, Montana State U-Billings
Bruce Garner, Head Verger, All Saints' Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
Edith Garner, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Becky Garrison
Rev. Janet Gasbarro, Pastor, Joy Lutheran Church
Joseph Gastiger, Pastor, United Church of Christ
Russ Gates, Pastor, Union Church of Proctor
Jamie Gates, Ph.D., Director, Center for Justice and Reconciliation, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Point Loma Nazarene University
Dr. Peter Gathje, Chair, Religion and Philosophy Dept.,Christian Brothers University
Deborah Gausmann, Presbyterian Church U.S.A.
Rev. Mary D. Gaut, Pastor, Maryland Presbyterian Church
David Gay, Registered Nurse, Truama Nurse Specilist, Quaker
Philip GebbenGreen, Pastor, Rose City Park Presbyterian Church
Francis Geddes, Retired Pastor, United Church of Christ
John Gehring, Reporter, Roman Catholic
Jeanne Geiger-Brown, Religious Society of Friends
Sheryl Geisler, Elder, Presbyterian Church, USA
Glenn Geissinger, Deacon, Faith Mennonite church
Jimmy Gentry, Senior Pastor, Tabernacle Baptist Church
Tonja M. Gerardy, Associate Minister, Northwood Christian Church
Susan Gerber, student, University of Pennsylvania;, Mennonite
Anthony Gerganakis, Presiding Hierarch (Bishop), Greek Orthodox Diocese of San Francisco
Rev. Barbara Gerlach, Minister, First Congregational United Church of Christ
Rev. W. James Gerling, Pastor, The Presbyterian Church in Geneva
Stanley Gerlock, Pastor, Roman Catholic
Douglas Gershuny, Esq., Jewish
Tom Gerstenlauer, Private Citizen
Amy Gerth, University of Evansville - Neu Chapel
Rev. James Gertmenian, Senior Minister, Plymouth Congregational Church
Rev. Merlin N. Getz, Conference Area Minister, Pennsylvania Southeast Conference of the United Church of Christ
Deidre Geugasz, First Church in Oberlin - UCC
John Ghormley, inactive Catholic priest, St. Pius Catholic Church, Portland OR
Amit Ghosh
Ana Ghosh
David Ghosh
Pia Ghosh
Ted Gibboney, Director of Chapel Music, Religion and Arts Administrator, Christian Theological Seminary
Gale Gibbons, Youth Minister, Roman Catholic
Marcia Gibbons, Student, Western Theological Seminary (RCA)
Rev. Canon Charles P. Gibbs, Executive Director, United Religions Initiative
Rev. Wendell N. Jr. Gibbs, Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Michigan
Rev. Diana C. Gibson, Presbyterian Pastor-at-Large
Martin Giebel, Pastor, Evangelical Church in Germany & ELCIC
Martin Giesing, Roman Catholic
Rev. J. Christian Giesler, Chaplain, Moravian College and Theological Seminary
Gary Paul Gilbert
Judith Gilbert, Order of Interbeing, Salmon's Leap Sangha (Buddhist)
Martha Waas Gilbert, hospital chaplain, Church of the Brethren
Carol Gilbertson, Luther College, Decorah, IA
Chandlee Gill, Stated Clerk , Presbytery of Albany
Charlotte Gillespie, Member,, First Baptist Church
Michael Gillespie, Interfaith Council Representative, St. John's by the Campus Episcopal Church, Ames, Iowa
Bruce and Winfrey Gillette, Co-pastors, First Presbyterian Chruch
Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, Co-Pastor, First Presbyterian Church in Pitman
Sally Gillette, Quaker/West Hills Friends, Portland, Oregon
Michael Gillum, Christian, minister(little , All Saints Episcopal Church
Rev. Paul E. Gilmore, First Presbyterian Church
Elliot K. Ginsburg, University of Michigan
Albert Girodo, Pastor, Corpus Christi Catholic Church
Gordon Gladstone
Rev. Robert M. Glasgow, Pastor and Chaplain, UCC
Rosanna Gleason, Coordinator, Sinsinawa Dominican
Frank Glenn, East Union Christian Church (Disciples)
Rev. Dr. Max E. Glenn, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Rabbi Mark Glickman, Rabbi, Temple Beth El
Beth Glick-Rieman, Director, Human Empowerment in Religion and Society
Raymond Glover, Retired, Episcopalian
Rabbi Robert J. Gluck, Skidmore College
Dina Strong Gluckstern, religious editor, Episcopal
Stephen Godsall-Myers, Pastor, Calvary Lutheran Church
Timothy Godshall, Mennonite
Rev. Thomas E. Goellrich, Pastor, St. Paul Lutheran Church
Philip Goembel, Humanist
Steve Goering, Pastor, Boulder Mennonite Church
Rabbi Neal Gold, Rabbi, Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple
Paula R. Goldberg
Rabbi Dan Goldblatt, Rabbi, Beth Chaim Congregation
Jodi Golden-Lund, ELCA
W. Evan Golder, Editor, United Church News, United Church of Christ
Aaron Goldstein , Student Rabbi, Leo Baeck College
Stephen Goldstein, United Methodist Clergy, United Methodist
Sandy Goldthrite, Catholic
Rev. Canon Jeff Golliher, Canon for Environmental Justice and Community Development, The Cathedral of St. John the Divine
Shawn Goodin, Technology Ministry Leader, All Nations Presbyterian Church
Joanne Goodman, First Presbyterian Church, Bay City, MI
Paul Goodman, Associate Pastor, Saugatuck Congregational Church UCC
Everett C. Goodwin, Pastor, Scarsdale Community Baptist Church
John Goodwin, Co-Chair, NJ United Methodist task force against Death Penalty
Rabbi Samuel Gordon, Rabbi, Congregation Sukkat Shalom
Wayne Gordon, Executive Director, Christian Community Development Association
Dr. John W. Gordon, III, Chaplain, Baldwin Wallace College
Rev. H. Julian Gordy, Senior Pastor, Christus Victor Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Karen Gordy-Panhorst, Communications Coordinator, Missouri Area United Methodist Church
Paul Gorman, National Religious Partnership for the Environment
Kathleen Gorman-Coombs, Co-Pastor, Trinity Presbyterian Church
Tracy Gorrell, First United Methodist Church
Alan L. Gorrell, M.D., Part-time Local Pastor, United Methodist Church/Bethel UMC, Blountville, TN
Gwen Goss, Campus Minister, Roman Catholic
Shari Goss, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, ELCA
Robert R. Gottfried, Professor of Economics, The University of the South, Roman Catholic
Robin Gottfried, Professor of Economics, The University of the South
Burnham Gould, Baptist/Atlantic Shores Baptist Church
Joy Gould, Deacon, First Presbyterian Church
Nancy Gowler Johnson, Pastor, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Eden Grace, Representative of the Religious Society of Friends to the World Council of Churches
Anne Grady, Catholic
Robert Grady, Co-director, Spartan Theater
Robert Graetz, St. John & St. Paul, ELCA
Rev. Gary Graff, Pastor, Bethany Lutheran Church
Rev. Carolyn N. Graham, Deputy Mayor for Children, Youth & Families Washington D.C.
Mary Graham, Chaplain, Central State Hosptial/ ICF/MR, PCUSA
Nancy A. Graham, Retired educator, Protestant
Paul Graham, Seminarian, Luthern School of Theology
Richard Graham, Path of Sufism
Rev. Wesley Granberg-Michaelson, Reformed Church in America
Rev. C. Franklin Granger, Minister of Education, First Baptist Church
Susan Grant Rosen, Interim Pastor, Norwich (VT) Congregational Church
Rabbi Joshua Levine Grater
JOHN GRAVATT, Minister At Large, Prebyterian Church USA
Estelle Gravel, Catholic
Dr. Virginia Gravel, Pastor, Paris United Methodist Church and Grace (Madison) United Methodist Church
Carl Gray, Pastor, Fox Valley Presbyterian Church (USA)
Rachel E. Gray, Catholic
Stephen C. Gray, Conference Minister, Indiana-Kentucky Conference (United Church of Christ)
Sally Grayson, Christian
Rev. Annie Green, SOM Center
Barbara G. Green, Executive Director, The Churches' Center for Theology and Public Policy
Clifford Green, Professor Emeritus of Theology, Hartford Seminary
Irvin W. Green, Director of Field Education, Lexington Theological Seminary
Kathleen Green, M.Div. student, Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School
Rev. Anne Greene, Church of Today (Religious Science)
Frederick Greene, Rabbi, Congregation B'nai Israel of Bridgeport, CT
Gary Franklin Greene, University Chaplain, United Methodist
Ronald C. Greene, Spokane Council of Ecumenical Ministries
Evelyn Greene, CHF
Herbert Greenhut, New School University
Rev. Dr. William A. Greenlaw, Rector and Executive Director, Church of the Holy Apostles, Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen
Katherine Greenleaf, Minister, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Poughkeepsie
Laurence Greenwold, Pastor, Jermain Memorial Presbyterian Church
Roberta Greenwood, RSI
Sharon Greenwood, Queen Anne Lutheran Church, ELCA
Anne E. Gregory, Lexington Theological Seminary
Gail Gregory, parishioner, Roman Catholic, Church of the Presentation, NJ
Kay Gregory, Preschool director, Lutheran
Marguerite Gregory, Massachusetts Peacemaker
Susan Grettenberger, United Methodist Church
Diane Greve, Chaplain
George Griener, S.J., Associate Professor, Roman Catholic, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley
Rabbi Suzanne B. Griffel, Rabbi, Congregation Or Chadash
Ron Griffen, pastor, San Luis Obispo United Methodist Church
Ed Griffin, Christian Churches
Pastor Don Griffith, First Lutheran Church
Ted J. Griggs, Church Consultant, Community of Christ
Phillip Grigsby, Urban Agent/Director, Schenectady Inner City Ministry
Janet Grill, Pastor, St. Andrew Lutheran Church
Keith Grill, Pastor, St. Andrew Lutheran Church
Helen Grimes, Church member, First United Methodist Church of San Diego, CA
Dr. Ronald L. Grimes, Chair, Department of Religion & Culture, Wilfrid Laurier University
Rt. Rev. Frank T. Griswold, Presiding Bishop, The Episcopal Church
Darrell Grizzle, Episcopal Peace Fellowship Atlanta
Frances R. Grober, St. John's Lutheran Church (ELCA)
George S. Grober, St. John's Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Larry Groff
Michael Grome, Roman Catholic
Rev. Bob Gross, Lake Avenue United Church of Christ
Rabbi Arthur Gross-Schaefer, Loyola Marymount University
Cilde Grover, Executive Secretary, Friends World Committee for Consultation Section of the Americas
Timothy Groza, Assistant Dean, Eastern Orthodox Christian
Constance Gruen, Evangelical Free Church
Alan Gruizenga, East Congregational UCC
Gloria Guard, People's Emergency Center
Sr. Mona Guerrette, DW, Wisdom's Center
Rev. Dr. J. Bennett Guess, Minister for Communication and Mission Education, United Church of Christ
Edith Guffey, Associate General Minister, United Church of Christ
Rev. Dr. Gwynne Guibord, Chief Officer-Office of Ecumenical and Interreligious Concerns, Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
William Guise, Senior Pastor, First Congregational United Church of Christ
Walter Gulick, Professor of Philosophy, Humanities, Religious Studies, Montana State University - Billings
Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton, Auxiliary Bishop, Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit
Sumi Gupta, psychologist, Hindu society of North Carolina
Ben E. Gurley, First Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)
Dr. David P. Gushee, Graves Associate Professor of Moral Philosophy, Union University
Rev. Sheila C. Gustafson, D. Min., Pastor, First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Henry A. Gustafson, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of New Testament Theology, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities
Christine J. Guth
Michael Mary Gutowski, RSM
Judith Guttman, Episcopal Church
Deneka Guyette, A Course in Miracles student
Dorjee Gyaltsen, Hotel Tibet
Eric Hackett, Music Director, Good Shepherd Baptist Church
Brian Hacklander, Pastor, Bethel United Methodist Church
Jeff Hackman, Social Studies Dept Chair, Western Mennonite High School
Lisa Hadler, Pastor and Teacher, United Church of Christ in Eagle Grove
Lisa A. Hadler, Pastor, United Church of Christ in Eagle Grove
Rev. Jacques B. Hadler, Jr., Director of Field Education, Virginia Theological Seminary
Alvin Hadley, Interim Executive Director, Ecumenical
Rev. Hugh R. B. Haffenreffer, Pastor, St. Paul's Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Deborah Haffner, Director, Center for Community Transformation, Chicago Theological Seminary
Debra W. Haffnet, Director, Religious Institute for Sexual Morality
Mary Haftmann-Moses, Roman Catholic
A. Woodson Hagge, Universalist and Lutheran Churches
Dorothyanne Haigh, First Presbyterian Church
Mary Jane Haight-Eckert, United Methodist Historian
G. Thomas Halbrooks, President, Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School
William Haley, Urban Minister, The Falls Church (Episcopal)
Arlene D. Hall, First Church in Oberlin - UCC
Kev Hall, Catholic peace activist,
William Hall, Quaker, but I go to an Evangelical Lutheran Church
Frances Hall Kieschnick, Assisting Clergy, Episcopal Church of St. Mary
Howard W. Hallman, Chair, Methodists United for Peace with Justice
Stephen Halsted, Sr. Minister, UCC/ Church of the Good Shepherd
Hugh Halverstadt
Betty DuBose Hamilton, Presbyterian
Rev. David J. Hamilton, Lutheran Church of the Redeemer
Joy Catherine Hamilton, Christian
Mary Jane Hamilton, Episcopal Peace Fellowship
Stuart Hamilton, Buddhist
Rev. Dr. Richard Hamm, Minister and President, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Johan Hammerstrom, New Community Church
Leddy Hammock, Senior Minister, Unity Church of Clearwater
Dr. Donald N. Hammond
Ray Hammond, Pastor, Bethel AME Church
Rev. Sheila Hammond, Santa Fe Presbytery
Trey Hammond, La Mesa Presbyterian Church
Nobuaki Hanaoka, Pastor, United Methodist Church
Sandra Hanawalt, Baptist
Rev. Harold Hand, Jerusalem Lutheran Church
Mary Lou Hand, member, St Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic parish, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Rev. Raymond J. Hand, Weisenberg Lutheran Church
Rachel Haney, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Susan Hanley, Roman Catholic
Rev. Dr. Maria Davis Hanlin, Light of Christ United Methodist Church
Judith Hanlon, Pastor, Hadwen Park Congregational Church
Elizabeth Hanna, Pastoral Associate, Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist
Phyllis Hanniver, Spiritual Pilgrim
Meg Hannon
Rev. Luisa Cabello Hansel, New Creation Lutheran Church
Rev. Patrick Cabello Hansel, New Creation Lutheran Church
Lawrence Hansen, Pastor, Cana House
Maria Hansen, Outreach Committee Chair, St. John's Lutheran Church
Steven Hansen, Outreach Committee Chair, Christ the King Lutheran Church, Nashua NH
Herbert Hanson, Retired, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
Susan Hanson, Episcopal Campus Ministry, Southwest Texas State University
Kim Hardegree, Associate Pastor, National Heights Baptist Church
Jim Hardenbrook, Nampa Church of the Brethren
Sheila Harding, member, College Park Covenant Church (ECC Canada)
Dr. Vincent Harding, Veterans of Hope Project, Iliff School of Theology
Susan Hardman-Zimmerman, United Methodist
Rev. Gary L. Harke, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Council of Churches
Bernard Harkin, Catho;ic
Scott Harlan, Episcopal
William Harman, Chair, Department of Religious Studies, DePauw University/ University of Tennessee
Herman Harmelink III, Ecumenical Officer, International Council of Community Churches
Marni Harmony, minister, First Unitarian Church, Orlando, FL, Unitarian Universalist
Carrie Harnish, aethist
Ian Harper, Vicar, Anglican Church of England
Mark Harper, Pastor, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Bruce David Harrington, Minister, United Church of Christ
James Harrington, Clerk, Birmingham Friends Meeting
Rev. Kenneth L. Harrington, Minister, Hope United Church of Christ
Dale Harris, Executive Director, Northwest House of Theological Studies, United Methodist
John Harris, worker, Los Angeles Catholic Worker
Joyce Harris, Ladera Community Church
Kyle T. Harris, Minister of Faith Formation, Torrey Pines Christian Church
Lorelei Harris, Unitarian Universalist
Patricia Harris
Paula Harris, None
Peggy Harris, pastor, United Church of Christ
Peggy J. Harris, First Congregational Church
Beverly Harrison, Professor of Christian Ethics Emeritus, Union Theological Seminary
Ircel Harrison, Coordinator, Tennessee Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
O. I. Cricket Harrison, Visiting Lecturer in Practical Theology, Lexington Theological Seminary, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Shana Harrison, Missionary/Pastor, United Methodist Church
Gordon Harrus, Retired, Society of Friends
Harriet Harson
Bristol Hart, student, Episcopal
Holly Hart, Religious Society of Friends
Sharon Hart, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Joan Hart, SSND, Provincial Council , Baltimore Province
Timothy Hart-Andersen, Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church
Emily Albrink Fowler Hartigan, Professor of Law, St. Mary's U., San Antonio
Benjamin L. Hartley, ThD. Canidate, Boston University School of Theology
David Hartnett, Roman Catholic
David Hartsough, San Francisco Friends Meeting and Director of Peaceworkers
Janet R. Hartwig, Bahai
Sara Haruyama
Ms Darrell Harvey, United Church of Canada
Paulette Harwood, Pastor, The Church of the Good Shepherd
John Haslam, Campus minister, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/South Gorham Baptist Church
Rev. Thomas John Hastings, Associate Professor, Tokyo Union Theological Seminary
Gary Hauch, Rector, Church of the Ascension (Anglican, Diocese of Ottawa)
Marcia Hauer, Pastor, Estacada United Methodist Church
John Hauf, none
Mary Havstad, Catholic St Joan of Arc Minneapolis MN
Kate Hawkins, librarian, Christian Reformed Church
Lawrence Hawkins, Seminarian, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
Todd and Heather Hawkins, student, Luther Seminary, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Gary R. Hayes, Pastor, Roman Catholic
Michael Hayes, Department of Political Science, Colgate University, Hamilton Bible Fellowship, Hamilton, New York 13346
Brian Hayward, Project Coordinator at Christian Community Health Fellowship, Presbyterian
Lisa L. Hazen, Pastor, Beavercreek Church of the Brethren
Holly Hearon, Christian Theological Seminary
Light Heart,
Terrance Heath, Buddhist
Tina Heck, Site Director, Westminster Retreat Center
Jane Heckles, Conference Minister, Southern California Nevada Conference of the United Church of Christ
Susan Hedahl, Associate Professor of Homiletics, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Kathryn M. Hedberg
Mary Ann Hedges, Layperson , First United Methodist Church of Moweaqua, IL
Tim Hegedus, Assistant Professor of New Testament Theology, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
Donald Hegeman, Pastor, Rockville United Methodist Church, CT
Tom Heger, Presbyterian Pastor, St. John's Presbyterian Church
Carol Hegland, Interim Rector, St. Luke's Episcopal Church
Muriel Heide
Pat and Fred Heifert, Holy Spirit Lutheran Church
Jon Heiliger, Lord of Life Lutheran Church
Carol Heilman, Roman Catholic
Valerie Heinonen, OSU, Ursulines of Tildonk for Justice and Peace
Irvin Heishman, Co-pastor, First Church of the Brethren
Rev. Carlan Helgeson, First United Church of Christ
Jennifer Heller, Christian (Mennonite)
Shane Helmer, Covenant Church - Houston, Texas
Berttina Helmers
Earl Helmers
Margaret Helming, Community of Hope UCC, Madison, WI
Thelma Helmke, CSC, Community of Christ
Annemarie E. Helml, First Church in Oberlin - UCC
Mary Jo Heman, OP, Sparkill Dominican
Wendell Hendershott, Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church
Charles Henderson, Executive Director, Association for Religion and Intellectual Life
Rev. Dr. Katharine Henderson, Executive Vice President, Auburn Seminary
Rev. Mark Henderson, United Methodist
David K. Hendricks, pastor, Prince of Peace Church of the Brethren
Ron henely, Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.
Scott Henley, Pastor, First United Methodist Church, Rushville IL
David Henry, Baptist Chaplain, Childhelp,Tyler Village
John Henry, pastor, United Methodist Church
Dennis D. Hensley, Pastor, Fairmount United Methodist Church
Catherine McAuley Hentges, Catholic
David Hepler, English Teacher and Bridal Chaplain, Okayama Grace Church, Japan
Rev. Melinda R. Heppe, St. Johns' Lutheran
Julia Craig Herdt, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Anne Herman, Christian Peacemaker Teams
Kathy Herning, social worker, Roman Catholic
Anthony Herold, Pastor, Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace Catholic Church
Carolyn Herring, Graduate Student in Religious Ethics, Southern Methodist University
Glen N. Herrington-Hall, Pastor, United Church of Christ in New Brighton, MN
Andy Herron-Sweet, Mission Hills United Methodist Church
Susannah Heschel, Eli Black Professor of Jewish Studies, Dartmouth College
Carol Lakey Hess, Interim Pastor, First Presbyterian, Blackwood NJ
Charles Hesselink, Chaplain, Reformed Church In America
Budd Hetrick, Deacon, Church of the Holy Nativity
Al Heystek, Specialized Ministry, Reformed Church in America
Carter Heyward, Professor of Theology, Episcopal Divinity School
Betty Hibbard
Richard Hibbert, Senior Pastor, First United Methodist Church
E. Elaine and William J. Hickerson, Christian Church
Dr. Douglas A. Hicks, Assistant Professor, Jepson School of Leadership Studies, University of Religion
Nanci Hicks, United Methodist Clergy, United Methodist
Rev. Dr. H Beecher Hicks, Jr., Senior Minister and Pastor, Metropolitan Baptist Church
Dr. John E. Hiemstra, The Council of Churches of the City of New York
Elice Higginbotham, Interim Association Minister, Southwest Ohio Northern Kentucky Association, United Church of Christ
Louise Higginbotham, Senior Pastor, United Church on the Green, UCC
Linda Higgins, pastor, First UCC, Andover CT
Joel High, Unitarian Universalist
Dr. David A. Highfield, Westminster United Methodist Church
Rev. Linda M. Highthall, NBA Ramsey Home
John C. Hildner, Chaplain, ELCA-Metropolitan Chicago Synod
Barbara Hildt, Religious Society of Friends
Karl & Judy Hilgert, Parkside Community UCC (Sacramento)
Adam Hill, nondenominational
Charlotte Hill, First United Methodist Church, Keller, TX
Rev. Douglas A. Hill, Celebration Lutheran Church
Jack Hill, Retired, Reformed Church in America
Keith Hill, Spiritual Thinker, God
L'Anni Hill, Reformed Church in America
Bob Hillenbrand, Pastor, United Presbyterian Church
Pastor Michael T. Hiller, Associate Pastor for Community and Liturgical Life, Saint Francis Lutheran Church
Adrian Hilliard, Student of Life, Unitarian-Universalist
Argye Hillis, Seventh Baptist Church, Waco, TX
David M. Hindman, Wesley Foundation at The College of William and Mary
Caroline Hines, Episcopal
Carolyn Sights Hinshaw, Pastor, St. Mark's United Methodist Church
Lewis E. Hinshaw III, Associate Pastor, Plymouth Congregational Church U.C.C.
James R. Hipkins, United Methodist Minister, retired
Marcia Hirschmann, Christian
Luke Hirschy, Christian
Alissa Hirshfeld-Flores, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Jewish Renewal
Larry W. Hixon, Minister of Resource Management, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Lucy Hixon, Presbyterian Elder
Rev. Norman A. Hjelm, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Suzanne Hoban, Roman Catholic
Roy Hoch, Lutheran Pastor (ret.), Lutheran
Cara Hochhalter, Christian Education Director, United Church of Christ
Katie Hochstedler, student, Mennonite
Clair Hochstetler, Chaplain, Mennonite Church
F. William Hodge, Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Chruch
Doug Hodges, Pastor, Lemasters/Upton United Church of Christ Charge
Rev. Houston Hodges, former editor of "Monday Morning" magazine, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
David Hodgson, Pastor, St. Luke's Lutheran Church, ELCA
Glo Hoeft, Senior Minister, Positive Living Center
Mark Hoekman
Robert Hoeksema, Retired, Reformed Church in America
Rev. Daphne Hoff, Associate Pastor, Calvary Lutheran Church
Marvin D. Hoff, Executive Director, Foundation for Theological Education
Charles Hoffacker, Rector, St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Stephen Hoffman, Co-Pastor, Parkview Congregational Church, UCC
Cecil Hoffman, Jr., Presbyterian
Len Hoffmann, LSS New England
Stephen Hoffmann, Professor, Taylor University
Rev. Dr. John F. Hoffmeyer, The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
Leanne Skooglund Hofford, Editor, The Source, The Church Council of Greater Seattle
Jack Hogsten, Asbury United Methodist Church, Arnold ,MD `
Phil Hohulin, Associate Pastor, The Church of the Hills Presbyterian USA
Carole Hoke, Co-Pastor, New Church United Church of Christ
A.Anne Holcomb, Seminary student, Meadville Lombard Unitarian Universalist Theological School
Alice Holdiman, 1st United Methodist Church, Decorah, Iowa
Michelle Holdsworth, Denison University
E. Brooks Holifield, Charles Howard Candler Professor of American Church History, United Methodist Church, Emory University
Rabbi Elliot J. Holin, Congregation Kol Ami
J. Carr Holland, Rector, Grace Church in Newark
David Hollenbach, S.J., Professor of Theology, Boston College, Roman Catholic
Rev. Nick Holler, Deacon, The United Methodist Church
Zeb Holler, Hon.Ret. PC(U.S.A.), Beloved Community Center
C.C. Holloman, Executive Director, Call to Renewal
Cecilia E. Holloman, Executive Director, Call to Renewal, True Deliverance Temple
Joyce Hollyday, Associate Conference Minister, Southeast Conference, UCC
Mary Holm, Retired Pastor, United Methodist
Richard Holm, Pastor, Bethany Lutheran Church
Dorothy Holmes
Rev. E. Frederick Holst, Retired, Hope Lutheran Church
Virginia Holstrom, Executive Director, American Baptist Women's Ministries
Jeanette Holt, Associate Director, Alliance of Baptists
William Mayes Holt, St. James Episcopal Church
Rev. Robert Holum, Senior Pastor, Luther Place Memorial Church
Margaret Nary Hone
Rev. Frank G. Honeycutt, Pastor, St. John Lutheran Church
Daniel Hood, Adjunct Asst. Professor of Sociology, Yeshiva University/John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Steven Hoogerwerf, Assistant Professor of Religion, Hope College
Lavina Hoogeveen, layperson, Reformed Church of America
Toby Hoover, Director, Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence
Edward Hoover Jr., St. Rose Church Peace and Justice
Robert Hopcke, Most Holy Redeemer, San Francisco
Gloria Hopewell, Pastor, Christ Church of Chicago, U.C.C.
Christine Hopkins, Congregational UCC
H. James Hopkins, Pastor, Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church
Johnny Hopkins, United Methodist Church
Valerie Horlacher, Pastor , Zion Lutheran Church, Ridgefield, N.J.
Marilyn Sophie Hormann, Episcopal Peace Fellowship
Ann Horn, Elder, Trinity Church
Kersten Horn, ULC of Austin
David Horner, President, North Park University
Douglas Horner, Minister of Missions and Family Life, Newman Congregational Church, UCC
Rev. L. Steve Horswill-Johnston, Associate General Secretary, United Methodist Communications
Laura Horton, Seminarian, Meadville/Lombard Theological School, Unitarian Universalist
Robert N. Hosack, Senior Acquisitions Editor, Baker Book House
Dr. Joseph C. Hough Jr., President, Union Theological Seminary
Kim Houk, Buddhist
Spruce Houser, Hope Mountain Center for Non-Violence
Amanda Howard, Minister, Unity Church of Martin County
Gregory B. Howard, Senior Mechanical Designer, Baha'i Faith
Joanna Howard, No affiliation
Margaret Howard, English Instructor and Artist, Child of God
Robert R. Howard, Visiting Professor of Homiletics, Lexington Theological Seminary
Roy H. Howard, Pastor
Bonnie Howe, Rockridge United Methodist Church
Karen Howe, Christian
Larry Howe-Kerr, Catholic Diocese of Pueblo
John Howes
Robert C. Howes, Church of the Brethren
Lin Howie, NZ Anglican
Deborah Howland, Pastor, Trinity United Church of Christ
Rev. George Philip Hoy, Associate Pastor, First Ebenezer Baptist Church
Mary Ann Hoy, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Newcastle, Maine
Connie Hoyle, Retired Teacher, St. Mark's Interdenominational
Lee Hoyt, Network Archetech, Presbyterian
Robert Hrasna, Deacon, Presbyterian
Debbie Hubbard, Stewardship Network from the Alberta and Northwest Conference United Church of Canada
Sarah Hubinsky, Vice-Chair, Board of Church & Society, California-Nevada Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
Bob Hudak, Vicar, The Episcopal Church of the Nativity
Rev. Dr. James Hudnut-Beumler, Dean, Vanderbilt University Divinity School
Betty Hudson, Rector, Grace Episcopal Church
Jocelyn Hudson, Lutheran Peace Fellowship, Central Lutheran Church
Simon and Hazel Hudson, Church of England St. Stephens with St. Julians St. Albans Hertfordshire
David Huffnagle, Pastor, United Methodist Pastor
Rev. Marvin A. Huggins, Associate Director, The Lutheran Church-- Missouri Synod
Brenda Hughes, Director, Bradley Initiative for Church & Community
John Hughes, Priest, Episcopal
Rev. Tracy L. Hughes, Trinity United Chuch of Christ
Sr. Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ, Provincial, Religious of the Sacred Heart (US)
C. Nolan Huizenga, First Presbyterian Church, Portland, OR
James Hukari, Founding Pastor, Sierra Vista Community Church, Carson City, NV
John Hulden, Associate Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Blair Hull, minister, Congregational Church of Deerfield, UCC
Rev. Nancy S. Hull, East Ohio Conference, UMC
Rev. Dr. John H. Hull Jr., Minister of Faith Development, Beargrass Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Charles & Harriet Hulsether, Retired Clergy and Spouse, , ELCA
Ruth Hultman, Quaker, San Jose Friends Meeting
Angela Hume, DRE, Catholic
Richard Hume, Jr., Associate Pastor, Los Angeles First Church of the Nazarene
Keith Humphrey, Minister, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Church in Canada
Robert F. Humphrey, Grace Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Art Hunkins, Roman Catholic
Susan Hunn, United Methodist Church, El Dorado Co. Federated, CA
Pastor Dave Hunsberger, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
S. C. Hunsicker, unaffiliated
George Hunsinger, Professor , PCUSA
Linda Lawrence Hunt, Associate Professor of English/Whitworth College, First Presbyterian Church/ Spokane
Raymon E. Hunt, Secretary/Treasurer, CED/AME Zion, Raymond E. Hunt, General Church
Connie Hunter, Public Citizen
Melinda M. Hunter, Evangelical Covenant Church
Wanda Hunter, United Church of Christ
Sr. Maureen Hurley, DW, Wisdom's Center
Rev. Colleen Hurley-Bates
Rabbi Mark Hurvitz, Congregation Etz Chaim
Rabbi Yitzhak Husbands-Hankin, Temple Beth Israel
Saima Hussain, Muslima
Gabrielle Husson
Elenie Huszagh, Incoming President, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
Carol Hutcheson
Mary Beth Hutchinson, Interim Pastor, Congregational Church of South Hero, VT
Larry Hutchison, Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Nancy Hutchison, Unitarian Universalist
Rev. Dr. Elizabeth F. Huwiler, Professor, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
Kimberly Hyatt, Interim Pastor, Peace Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)
Rev. Dr. Karen Sue Hybertsen, Ridgeview Community Church (PCUSA)
Liam Hylan, Family Counselor, Roman Catholic
Rose Ilich, Social Concerns, St. Peter the Fisherman Parish
Rev. William C. Imes, President, Bangor Theological Seminary
Curtis Inoue, St. Ann's Church for the Deaf
Scott Inoue, Christian
Carrie Inverno, Christian
William Ipema, Vice President, Council of Leadership Foundations
Lee Ireland, Interim Pastor, Congregational Church of N. Stonington, CT
Rev. Susan Augusta Gayle Irons, Pastor, Evangelical Lutheran Church Worthington
Andrew Irwin, St. Mary's Catholic Church
Donna Irwin, Pacem in Terris
Rabbi Daniel J. Isaak, Congregation Neveh Shalom
Sara Isabell, Seminary Student, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
Sara Isbell, Seminary Student, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
Rabbi Shaya Isenberg, Chairman, Department of Religion, University of Florida
Richard Israel, Associate Director, Lutheran Chaplaincy Service
Elenora Giddings Ivory, Director, Washington Office, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Rabbi Lisa Izes, Temple Sinai
Rev. Dana Izzo, Pastor, St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Diane Jackson, United Methodist
Kelly Jackson, Administrative Assistant, Protestant Christian
Dr. Randon H. Jackson, Senior Pastor, St. Andrew (PCUSA)
Skip Jackson, Senior Pastor, Indianola Presbyterian Church, P.C.(U.S.A.)
Gregory Jacobs, Canon for Mission & Ministry, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
Mark X. Jacobs, Executive Director, Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life
Rabbi Steven B. Jacobs, Temple Kol Tikvah
David Schnasa Jacobsen, Associate Professor of Homiletics, Waterloo Lutheran Seminary (Ontario, Canada)
Rev. Justin Jacobson, Universal Life Church and Legion of Dynamic
Larry James, Executive Director, Central Dallas Ministries
Susan Jamison, Clergy, United Methodist
Jan Jamroz, Pastoral Minister, Parish Social Ministry, St. Mary's R.C. Church
Rev. Dr. Gary Janka, Executive Director, Peacemaker Community
Allan Janssen, Pastor, Community Church of Glen Rock
Rabbi Beth Janus
Susan Janzen, New Hope Mennonite Church
Adam Jarrell, Protestant
Fr. Emmett Jarrett, TSSF, St. Francis House
Mark J. Jaufmann, Pastor, St. Andrew & St. Paul Ecumenical Old Catholic Church
Ike Jeanes, Quaker
Thomas H. Jeavons, General Secretary, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Rev. Peggy L.W. Jeffries, Monroe City United Methodist Church
David Jenkins, teacher, Candler School of Theology
Donnell Jenkins, Retired, United Methodist Church
J. Todd Jenkins, First Presbyterian Church
Tony Jenkins, Teachers College Peace Education Office
Phillip E. Jenks, Communications Officer, US Offfice, World Council of Churches
Bill Jenney, St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Parish
Ann Mensendick Jensen, First Church in Oberlin - UCC
Laura Jensen, Citizen, Shepard of the Valley Lutheran Church
Rev. Laura R. Jervis, WSFSSH/Rutgers Presbyterian Church
Roger N. Jespersen, Minister, United Methodist Campus Ministry
Inga Johannesen, Unitarian Universalist
Ingrid Johansson, multimedia designer, non-denominational
Pastor Daniel L. Johns, United in Christ Lutheran Church
Rev. Steven L. Johns-Boehme, Associate Regional Minister, Christian Church in Indiana and Kentucky
Jana L. Johnsen, Ecumenical Affiliate, Grace Episcopal Cathedral
Andrea Johnson
Very Rev. Arthur M. Johnson, Minister General, Franciscan Friars of the Atonement
David Johnson, Conf., Director of Lay Speaking Ministries, Bellflower 1st United Methodist Church
Donald Johnson, Assistant Professor, Episcopalian
Drew Johnson, Software Engineer (Firewalls), Evangelical Free
Emily Johnson, Catholic, Notre Dame Mission Volunteers--AmeriCorps member
J Johnson, Buddhist
Jack Johnson, UMC
Joseph Johnson, Pastor, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Kathryn L. Johnson, Professor of Church History, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Larry Johnson, St. Matthew's Episcopal
Marlyce Johnson, Catholic
Rev. Nils Johnson
R. Burke Johnson, President, Moravian Church Northern Province
Richard Johnson, Assistant Professor of Religion, Charleston Southern University
Richard Johnson, Retired Pastor, United Church of Christ
Sally S. Johnson, Beacon Hill Presbyterian Church
Susan Johnson, First Church in Oberlin - UCC
Pastor Walter F. Johnson
Roland Johnson, Jr., senior pastor, Phillips Temple Christian Methodist Episcopal
Melanie Johnson-DeBaufre, Professor of Religion, Luther College, American Baptist Churches, USA
Kei Jokura, International Student, Japan Baptist Convention
H. Lynn Jondahl, United Church of Christ
Rev. Alan Jones, President, San Francisco Interfaith Council and Executive Director,San Francisco United Methodist Mission
Barbara Jones, None
Beverly Jones, Diocesan Council, Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio
David Jones, Pastor, Old Greenwich Presbyterian Church, PCUSA
Rev. Donna Lawrence Jones, Pastor, Cookman United Methodist Church
Henry and Vi Jones, Trustees, Claremont School of Theology
Rev. Jason Jones, First Christian Church
Kandice Jones, UUC
Rev. Karl W. Jr. Jones, Senior Pastor, St Mark's United Church of Christ
Laurie Jones, Pastor , Ballard First Lutheran Church, ELCA
Robert Jones, Servant Leader, Catholic/St. Paul The Apostle (Seneca SC)
Sarah Dan Jones, Director of Music, Ga. Mountains Unitarian Universalist Church
Dr. Stanton Jones, Provost, Wheaton College
Steve Jones, Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church, USA
Dr. Thomas Jones
Van Jones, St. John's Baptist Church
Verity Jones, Senior Minister, Central Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Stephen & Patricia Jones Blessman, St. Sabina
Peggy Jones Nowling, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Lafayette, Indiana
Ho-Yeong Jong, Assistant Pastor/Christian education, United Methodist Church
David Jongewaard, Pastor, Southminster Presbyterian Church
Carl Jordan, member, Religious Society of Friends
Kimberly A. Jordan, Our Redeemer Lutheran
Linda Jordan, Director, Unicorn Bereavement Center of Triangle Hospice
Rev. Lindsay Paul Jordan, Halfway Creek Lutheran
Lois Jordan, member, Friends
Lynn Jordan, Buddhist
William H. Jordan, Interim Executive Presbyter, Presbytery of Monmouth, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Sharon Joseph, Pastor, Church of the Manger UCC
Eleanor Joyce, PBVM
Rev. Dr. Afrie Songco Joye, Harris Memorial College
Mary Jozwiak, St. Bonaface Catholic Church member
Dae Jung, Pastor, Palisades Presbyterian Church
Robin Junker, United Church of Christ
Laurel Jurecki, Pastoral Associate, Ascension Catholic Church
Nancy Jurecki, Pastoral Worker, Roman Catholic/Adrian Dominican Sister
Mark J. Justad, Assistant to the Chancellor, Sr. Lecturer, Religion & Society
Christine Justice, Christian
Rabbi Bruce Kadden, Rabbi, Temple Beth El
Pastor Thomas and Lois Kadel, Christ Lutheran Church
Elizabeth Kaeton, Canon Missioner, Episcopal Diocese of Newark (NJ)
Allen Kahler, Church of the Brethren
christopher kaiser, professor of theology, RCA
Pastor Robert G. Kaltenbaugh, Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit
Lynne Kalustian, Little Flower Parish
Teresita Kambeitz, General Superior, Ursulines of Prelate, SK, Canada
Rabbi Shoshana Kaminsky, Beth Samuel Jewish Center
Norman J. Kansfield, President, New Brunswick Theological Seminary
Ursula Kaplowitz, Prespyterian
Brian Karafin, Professor of Religion, Ithaca College
John Karle, Pastor, Christ the King Lutheran Church
John Karrer, Pastor, St. John United Church of Christ, Reading, Ohio.
Sean Kassim, Roman Catholic
Mary Lou Kator, Rector, St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Pearl Kauble
Richard A. Kauffman, pastor, Toledo Mennonite Church
Rev. Art Kaufman, Minister/Teacher, Old Parish Church, UCC
Rev. Joy K. Kaufman, Director for Public Advocacy, Pennsylvania Council of Churches and Moderator, The Presbytery of Carlisle, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Laurie Kaufman-de la Garza, Memorial United Methodist Church
Jean Kay, past Moderator, Northern Colorado Church of the Brethren
Patricia Kearney, RSM, Sisters of Mercy
Deborah Kearns, Vedanta Society
Patricia Keefe, Adm. Nonviolent Peaceforce, Franciscan
Robert A. Keefer, Pastor, Pleasant Ridge Presbyterian Church
Larry Keene, Messiah Lutheran Church, Cypress, TX
Craig Keener, Professor of New Testament, Eastern Baptist Seminary
Rev. Thomas J. Keener, Zion Lutheran Church
David Keesey, Chairman Witness Ministry, Long Neck U.M. Church
Glen Kehrein, Executive Director, Circle Urban Ministries
Mary Nelson Keithahn, United Church of Christ
Marti Keller, MInister, Georgia Mountains Unitarian Universalist Church
Fred & Jeannette Kelley, Catholic/Oblates of St. Benedict
Irma M. Kelly, Ascension Lutheran Church
Raegan Kelly, none
Sharon Kelly
Andrew Kelsay, Program Director, Christ Unity Church
Curtis Kemmerer, Pastor, St. John's United Church of Christ, Whitehall, PA
Rev. Dr. Nancy Jo Kemper, Executive Director, Kentucky Council of Churches
Venerable Michael S. Kendall, Episcopal Diocese of New York
Margaret Kendel, Roman Catholic
Scott Kennedy, Chair, Fellowship of Reconciliation National Council
Jim Kenney, Global Director, Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions
Ben Kerns, President, Klamath County Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Rev. Nancy Karolyn Kerr, Presbyterian Church
Lucy Kert, University Chaplain, Roman Catholic
Diane C. Kessler, Executive Director, Massachusetts Council of Churches
Thomas J. Kessler, Pastor, St. Joseph and St. Martin Catholic Churches
Donald Kestle, Parishioner, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Medina, WA
Rev. Dr. Kevin W. Mannoia, Former President, National Association of Evangelicals
David Key, Director of Baptist Studies, Emory University's Candler School of Theology
Masoud Khan, Executive, Islam
Al-Haaj Ghazi Y. Khankan, Executive Director, The Council on American Islamic Relations
Rev. Dr. Ray F. Kibler III, Intentional Interim Pastor
Rabbi Mark W. Kiel, Congregation B'nai Israel
Darcie Kileen, Mennonite Brethren
Rev. D. Andrew Kille, St. Philip's Episcopal, Catholic Diocese of San Jose
Daphne Killhour, canon pastor, Episcopal Cathedral of St. Stephen
George Killingsworth, retired, United Church of Christ
Richard Killmer, Director, Environmental Justice, National Council of Church of Christ in the USA
Maureen Killoran, Minister, Unitarian Universalist Church of Asheville
Rev. Dr. David M. Kilpatrick, Pastor, West Medford Baptist Church
Peter Kim, Senior Special Agent, Immigration and Naturalization Service
Karen Kimbell, member, Unitarian Universalist Church of Chattanooga, TN
Mary Kimberly, Episcopalian
Chaplain Cindy King
Donald King, Assoc. Professor of Political Studies, Dordt College
Donald King, Pastor, Hope ELCA Lutheran Church
Rev. Steven M. King, Pastor, Springdale-Kinards United Methodist Churches
Peggy Kingman, Sacred Heart Parish, Hollister, CA, Roman Catholic
Michael Kinnamon, Professor of Mission, Peace and Ecumenical Studies, Eden Theological Seminary
George G. Kinney, Interim Pastor, Salem (Belleman's) Union Church
Margaret Kinney, Our Saviours Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MN
Brendan Kinsella, Roman Catholic
Antonios Kireopoulos, Executive Director, United States Conference of Religions for Peace
Rollin Kirk, Pastor, North Presbyterian Church
Martha Ann Kirk, Th.D. , Professor, University of the Incarnate Word
Rev. Dr. Clifton Kirkpatrick, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Bill Kirton , United Methodist
A. Melissa Kiser, Teacher, ABC/USA
Howie Bingham Kiser, American Baptist
Fr. Leonid Kishkovsky, Ecumenical Officer of the Orthodox Church in America, Moderator of the U.S. Conference of Religions for Peace
Keely Kitchel-Hoyt, Saint Giles Presbyterian Church
Connie L Kitchen, First Church in Oberlin - UCC
William Barkey Kitchen, First Church in Oberlin - UCC
Marcel Kitissou, Ph.D., Executive Director, Africa Faith & Justice Network
David Klein, Social Worker -- In-Home Supportive Services, Unitarian-Universalist
Lori D. Klein, rabbinical student, Aleph Smicha Program
Rabbi Stephen A. Klein, Scarsdale Synagogue - Tremont Temple
Susan Klein, HM, Catholic
Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, Senior Rabbi, Congregation Beth Simchat Torah
Rabbi David L. Kline, B'nai Israel
Scott Kline, Faculty Lecturer in Ethics, McGill University
Larry Klinker, ELCA
Rodney Klinzing, pastor, Zion Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Rabbi Myriam Klotz
Brenda Lynn Kneece, Executive Minister, SC Christian Action Council
Russell L. Knight Jr., President, Chicago Urban Reconciliation Enterprise
Peter S. Knobel
James Knutsen, Rector, St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church
Rev. W.J. Mark Knutson, Augustana Lutheran Church
Rev. Jed H. Koball, Associate Pastor, Larchmont Avenue Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dale Koehneke, Church of All Nations, Lutheran
Alice Koenig
Mark Koenig, Associate for Antiracism Program, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Rev. Tricia Dykers Koenig, Presbyterian Church (USA)
David S. Koetje, Associate Professor of Biology, Calvin College
Erik Kolbell, Writer, United Church of Christ
Ruth Kolber, Pacem in Terris
Kathi Kolosieke, St. John's United Church of Christ
R. Paul Koons, Minister, United Church of Bernardston
Rodney Koopmans, Pastor, St. Croix Reformed Church, RCA
Jacoba Koppert, Pastor, Plattsburg United Church of Christ
Tony Korec, Theology Teacher, Catholic
Kyle Korzenowski, Bethel United Methodist Church
Tony Kosloski, Taoist
Mina Kost
Mark Kraai, Associate Professor of Practical Theology, New Brunswick Theological Seminary
Nancy Kraft, member of Immanual Lutheran, LCMS, Lawrence, KS
Oscar H. Kraft, Senior Pastor, Our Savior's Lutheran
Rev. Mary L. Krahn, St. Mark Lutheran Church
Lucie Kramer, Pastor, The Reformed Church in America
Alfred Krass, United Church of Christ
James G. Krauser, Secretary, Metropolitan NY Synod, ELCA
Larry Krauser, Grade School Trecher, Episcopal / Catholic
Marjorie Krell, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Robert P. Kreps, Colonel, USAF-Ret., Director- Stewardship, Development, Technology, St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church
Rick Kress, Pastor, Providence Community Church
Brother Kevin Kriso, OFM Assistant Director, Holy Name College Seminar
Rabbi Ron Kronish
Virgil Kroontje, Elder, Refromed Church in America
Sue Krosky, Catholic
Robert B. Kruschwitz, Director, The Center for Christian Ethics at Baylor University
Ralph Kuehner, Secretary for Social Concerns, Archdiocese of Washington
Georgiana Kugle, Pastor, New Life Presbyterian Church
Diane Kuknyo, St. Thomas Aquinas Church
Rabbi Clifford M. Kulwin, Temple B'nai Abraham
Kevin Kummer, First Mennonite Church
Rev. Marcia Kump, Assistant Professor, Culver-Stockton College
Wendy Kunz, Elder, Deacon, PCUSA / Ashland Presbyterian Church
Charles Kutz-Marks, Pastor, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Jan Kwiatkowski, Postulant for the Deaconate, Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee
Rev. Dr. Damon D. Laaker, Assistant to the Bishop, Nebraska Synod
Rev. Matthew Laarson, Lutheran-Presbyterian Parish
Janet Lafferty, Parish Social Ministry, Catholic Charities
Jeanne Laich, Montclair United Methodist Church
Lance Laird, Faculty, Comparative Religion, The Evergreen State College
Sr. Mary Lalemant Pelikan, RSM, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
William Lally, Federation of Christian Ministies
Rick Lamb, College Place First Presbyterian Church
Robert Lambert, Director of Pastoral Service, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal QC, United Church of Christ (Massachusetts)
Laura Lambrix, St. Louis Cathedral Basilica
Christina Lamothe, Church of jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Ann Lamoureux, Presbyterian
Lori Landoll, Roman Catholic
Rev. Wallis Landrum, Coates Street Presbyterian Church
Stewart Lane, Retired, ECUSA
Linda Lane-Bortell, Co-Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Dupage
Tim Lane-Bortell, Co-Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Dupage
Margaret Lanen, SND
Andy Lang, Office of General Ministries, United Church of Christ
Rev. Paul H. Lang, Peace Presbyterian Church
Timothy Lang, unaffiliated Lutheran, follower of Christ
Rebecca Langdon, Lay Minister, Church of the Nazarene
Werner Lange, Pastor, United Church of Christ
Kristin Lapinski, nurse, Catholic
Daniel Larsen, Minister, Cong, Unitarian Church, Woodstock, Illinois
Cheri Larsen Hoeckley, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
Anne Larson, Langley Hill Friends
Jean Larson-Hurd, Lutheran Campus Pastor, University of Montana, Missoula, ELCA
Doreen LaRue, A Child of God
Rev. Benjamin Larzelere, III, Christ Lutheran Chruch
Rev. Vernon F. LaSala, Chaplain, Ohio Northern University
William Lasher, Pastor, United Methodist Church
Celeste Lasich, Associate Pastor , First Presbyterian Church Tracy CA PC(USA)
Susan Latourette, Associate Pastor, Congregational Church
Dale Lature, Web Developer- United Methodist Publishing House, United Methodist
Phlox Laucher, Parish Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Rev. James E. Laurence, Pastor, First Lutheran Church
Jennifer Laurienzo, Roman Catholic
Cecelia Lavan, Coordinator of Social Jutice Ministry, Sisters of St. Dominic, Blauvelt, NY
Annina Lavee, writer, filmmaker, teacher, Zen Buddhism, Zen Desert Sangha
Minister E. Terri LaVelle, Program Director, The Faith & Politics Institute
Joy Lawler, United Methodist
Lanny Lawler, Senior Minister, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Myrl Lawrence, Elder/Inquirer, Presbyterian
Rev. Richard L. Lawrence, United Church of Christ
Steven Lawrence, President, Metropolitan Christian Council of Philadelphia
Kirby Lawrence Hill, Pastor, Presbyterian Church of the Resurrection
David Lawton, Pastor, St. Thomas United Church of Christ, Reading, PA
Ian Lawton, Vicar St Matthew in the City Auckland NZ, Anglican
Harold Lay, Pastor, Ponds Reformed Church, Reformed Church in America
Abraham Layon, Professor of Anesthesiology, Surgery & Medicine, Medical Director Gainesville Fire Rescue Service, University of Florida College of Medicine
Brent Laytham, Assistant Professor of Theology, North Park Theological Seminary
Speed Leas, The Alban Institute, Pacific School of Religion
Richard Leaver, pastor, seminary adjunct, United Methodist
Eric M. LeCompte, Pax Christi USA National Council
Gregory Harris Ledbetter, Pastor, Shell Ridge Community Church/American Baptist
Jeffrey Lee, Rector, St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Susan M Lee, Benedictine Sisters of Erie
Kathryn A. Lee, Ph.D., J.D., Chair, Department of History and Political Science, Eastern College
Patricia Leegan-Hillenbrand
Patricia A. Leegan-Hillenbrand, Graduate Student, Seton Hall University
Louise Leger, Catholic
Barb Legere, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, Roman Catholic
Paul Leggett, Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church
Paul Lehto, Attorney, Plymouth Congregational Church
Paul D. Leichty, The Goldenrod Community
Blake Leighton, Parish Administrator, St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church
Dawn Leighton, Member-Sacred Heart Church Congregation, Roman Catholic, Nez Perce Tribe of Idaho
Rabbi David J. Leipziger
Mark Leitson, nondenominational
Margaret Lemberg
Christy Lenham, Annapolis Evangelical Presbytrian Church
Rabbi Michele Lenke, Temple Chayai Shalom
William Lennox, Quaker
John William Lentz, Jr., Wesley United Methodist Church, Bethlehem, PA
Charles Leonard, Pastor/Professor, Evang. Lutheran Church in America
Sam Leonard, United Methodist
Rabbi Michael Lerner, Editor, TIKKUN Magazine
David Leslie, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
Rabbi Joshua Lesser, Congregation Bet Haverim
Ron Letnes, Parish Pastor, Cross of Glory Lutheran Church-ELCA
Elizabeth A. Letzler
Rabbi Sarra Lev
Sr. Beth LeValley, President, The Greater Rochester Community of Churches
Rabbi Stan Levy, Congregation B'nai Horin - Children of Freedom
ann e lewis, ucc
Beverly Lewis, Pastor, Christ Congregational United Church of Christ
martin t lewis, ucc
Robert Lewis, Chair, Certification Committee, National Institute of Business and Industrial Chaplains
Joseph Liang, Associate Pastor, The United Church of Christ
Joey Libolt, Student, Protestant
Mark Lichty, Advisory Board Member, Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities
David M. Liddle, Jr., Pastor, Saint Andrew Presbyterian Church
Rev. Joyce Lieberman, Co-Pastor, Immanuel Presbyterian Church
Margo Liebers, Protestant
Doris Liebert, Professor, Whitworth College, Whitworth Presbyterian Church
Rabbi Mordechai Liebling, The Shefa Fund
Sarah Lien, Director of Christian Education, Ridglea Presbyterian Church
Dace Liepins, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Rapid City, SD
Rabbi Rebecca Lillian, Jewish Peace Forum
Amy Lin, baptist, M.Div. student
Timothy Lincoln, ELCA
Gary Lind, Elder, Delmar Presbyterian Church
Tracey Lind, Dean, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
Joan Lindell, Roman Catholic/Mary Queen of Peace
Jeffrey Lindgren, Co-Pastor, Zion Lutheran Church
Kristofer Lindh, Society of Quaker Friends
Rick Lindholtz, Evangelical Covenant Church
Rev. Dr. Eileen W. Lindner, Deputy General Secretary for Research and Planning, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
Barbara Lindsey, Social Worker, Episcopalian
Laurie Line, Family Life Pastor, Ascension Lutheran Church
Nathaniel Linsey, Senior Bishop, Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Rabbi Ellen Lippmann, Kolot Chayeinu / Voices of Our Lives
Dr. Duane Litfin, President, Wheaton College
Mark Little, Pastor, Zion Lutheran / ELCA
Phillip P. Little, Religious Education teacher, Marshal McLuhan Catholic School
Beth Littleford, Episcopal Church
Rev. Dorlores E. Littleton, Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church
Rev. James H. Littrell, Episcopal Chaplain, The University of Pennsylvania
Glyn Livermore, engineer, None
Michael E. Livingston, International Council of Community Churches
Robert L. Livingston, Interim Ministry Specialist, United Congregational Church,United Church of Christ, Worcester, MA
Anne Llewellyn Barstow, Editor
Katherine Loban, Evangelical Covenant Church
Rev. Clark Lobenstine, Executive Director, Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington
Diane Loberger, Pastor, Our Savior Lutheran Church
Rev. William Locke, Rector, Good Shepherd Episcopal Church
Lia Lockert, Orthodox
Rev. Odette Lockwood-Stewart, Program Director of Contextual Education, Pacific School of Religion
Dr. Michael Lodahl, Professor of Theology, Point Loma Nazarene University
Rev. Ted Loder, former Pastor, Germantown United Methodist Church
Hedwig N. Lodwick, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Robert C. Lodwick, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Rev. George W. Loewer, Pastor, Zion Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Marcus C. Lohrmann, Northwestern Ohio Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Sandy Londa, Chaplain Resident, Methodist Hospital
betty long, associate rector, st john's episcopal church
D. Stephen Long, Associate Professor of Theology, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
Daniel Long, Associate Pastor, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Rev. Douglas S Long, North Raleigh United Church, USS
Tom Long, Head Pastor, Methodist
Rev. Janet Looby, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church (USA)
Thomas Looney, Associate Professor of Theology, Roman Catholic
Victoria Loorz, Pastor, Home Sanctuary
Max Lopez-Cepero, Director of Compassion and Justice Ministries, Evangelical Covenant Church
John Loppnow, Youth Pastor (JDSN), Fuller Seminary Student
C. Harvey Lord, Minister Emeritus, University Church, Chicago, IL
Lois Ann Lorentzen, Professor - Religious Studies, Episcopalian
Lori Lorenz
Marilyn Lorenz-Weinkauff, Associate, Religious of the Sacred Heart, St. Cronan's Church Community
D. Jay Losher, Pastor, John Calvin Presbyterian Church
Robin Lostetter, Assoc. Pastor, Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church (PC/USA)
Joan Lotz, Elder, Presbyterian Church, USA
Clara Lovatt, Early Childhood Educator, distant Unitarian
Nancy S. Lovejoy, Episcopal
Kyle Ann Lovett, Director, Christian Education & Youth Ministries, Arlington Community Church UCC
Marguerite Lovett, Minister, Unitarian Universalist
The Rev. Peter A. Lovett, Minister, First Parish Church of Westwood
Jim Lowder, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity San Francisco
J. Fletcher Lowe, Jr., Executive Director, Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy
Mikael Lowegren, Priest, Church of Sweden
Penny Lowes, Pastor, United Church of Christ
David Loy, Professor, Bunkyo University, Japan
Angela Lubert
Rev. Robert E. Lucas, Executive Presbyter (Retired), Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area - Presbyterian Church (USA)
Gregory Luce, Publishing, Episcopal
Jacqueline Luck , SKSM/ Berkeley
Rev. Mary Simpson Luckey
Katherine Lucot
Barbara Lugger, Teacher, Truro Episcopal Church
Mark J. Lukens, Pastor, Bethany Congregational Church United Church of Christ
David J. Lull, Professor of New Testament, Wartburg Theological Seminary
Carolyn Lumbard, Canon for congregational Development and Communications, Diocese of Rochester, ECUSA
Priscilla Dean Lunsford, Member, Capitol Hill Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Terri E.C. Luper, Pastor, King of Kings Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Rev. Alexandra S. Lusak, First United Presbyterian Church
Christena Lutz, Seminarian, Trinity Lutheran Seminary
Brian Lyke, Interim Pastor, Trinity Presbyterian Church
Amy Lyman, Co-clerk Children's Religious Education Committee, Sanf Francisco Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Christine Lyman, Sisters of Saint Mary of Namur
Ian Lynch, Student Minister, Tabernacle Congregational Church, Salem, MA
Kathleen Lynch, Pacem in Terris
Brynolf Lyon, Professor, Christian Theological Seminary
Dr. JoAnne Lyon, Executive Director, World Hope International
Stephen Mabee, Interim Minister , Grace United Church brampton Ontario United Church of Canada
Bernard C. Macdonald, Society of Friends (Quaker)
Hugh R. L. MacDonald, minister, United Church of Canada
Wayne MacDonald, Mennonite
John H. Mack, First Congregational Church
Jon Mack, Associate Pastor, Church of St. Andrew
Ron MacKenzie, Ministry Intern, First Christian Church
Ron MacKenzie, Ministry Intern, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Rachel MacNair, Religious Society of Friends
Toni Macon, Pastor, Church of the Saviour, RCA
Joan MacPherson, Pastor, Federated Church of Marlborough, United Church of Christ
John Madsen-Bibeau, United Church of Christ
Michelle Madsen-Bibeau, Interim Pastor, First Baptist Church of Willimantic Connecticut
Otto Maduro, Professor of World Christianity, Roman Catholic
Sandra Magee, Reformed
Lisa Mages, Episcopalian
Greg Makar, Christian
Joe Malayang
Rev. Timothy D. Malek, Pastor, Zion Lutheran Church
John E.D.P. Malin, Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer, Informatica Corporation
Elias D. Mallon, Interim Dean, Director of Center for Multifaith Education, Auburn Theological Seminary, New York, NY
Michael J Malloy, Certified Puclic Acccoutant, President Big Oak Flat
Sharon Malloy, Teacher, Roman Catholic
Joan Malone, Faculty, Permanent Diaconate Program, Christ the King Seminary, RC Diocese of Buffalo, NY
Rev. Kerry A. Maloney, Chaplain, Bates College
Rev. Dr. Kevin R. Maly, Pastor, St. Paul Lutheran Church
paul mandell, Roman Catholic
Kevin Maness, Quaker
Ruthmary Mangan, Roman Catholic
Michelle Manicke, Associate Pastor, St. James Lutheran Church, ELCA
Andrew Manis, Professor of History, Macon State College
Randy Mann, Community of Christ/ Mesa Branch
Marie Manning, Co-President, Heights Interfaith Council; Pastoral Associate, St. Louis Church, Roman Catholic; Sisters of Notre Dame
Jim Mannoia, President, Greenville College
J. Michael Mansfield, Pastor, Mt. Holly United Methodist Church
John Manzo, St. Paul United Church of Christ
W. Eugene March, A.B. Rhodes Professor of Old Testament, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Carolyn Margueritte, Human being, I believe in God
Bonnie Margulis, Director of Clergy Programming, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Joseph Mariani, Roman Catholic
Angela Marie, pagan
Rabbi Jeffrey Marker
DonnaMarie Marlow, Education Programs Manager, Roman Catholic
Lachlan Marsh, Principal, The John Flynn College (Uniting Church and Lutheran Affiliation)
Rev. Dr. Marvin A. Marsh, First Baptist Church
Emily Marsick, Graduate Student in Psychology, None
Jean Martensen, Director for Studies and Leadership Dev. , ELCA Commission for Women
Thomas Marti, MM, Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers
Elizabeth Martin, United Church of Christ
Rev. Dr. Joan M. Martin, Faculty, Episcopal Divinity School
Rev. Marni Martin, Independent Religious Science Minister
Robert Martin, Pastor, United Church of Christ
Robert Martin, Mennonite/East Chestnut Street
Sara Martin, Grace University Lutheran Church
Stephen Martin, Christian Reformed Chaplaincy, Dalhousie University
Rev. Alice Martin Adkins, Pastor, Washington City Church of the Brethren
Larry Martinsen, Stated Clerk, Reformed Church in America in the Pacific Northwest
Pepper Marts, Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande
Rebecca Martz, Prince of Peace Catholic Church
Dario Maso, Vice-Provincial Superior, Xaverian Missionaries
Alice J. Mason, Deacon, St. David's Episcopal Church
Rev. Dr. George Mason, Pastor, Wilshire Baptist Church
Moses Mason, M.Div Student - Chicago Theological Seminary, Chicago Theological Seminary, Member: Progressive Baptist Church
Victoria Masotta, Environmental Justice Coordinator, New England Conference, United Methodist Church
David Massey, Chaplain, Linfield College
Elva Mast, Walnut Hill Mennonite
LeRoy Mast, Pastor, Pleasant Valley Mennonite Church
Mark Mast, Sr. Pastor, Reformed Church in America/Trinity Reformed Church
Rev. Michael A. Mata, Professor of Urban Ministry and Director of the Urban Leadership Institute, Claremont School of Theology
Michael-Ray Mathews, Pastor, Grace Baptist Church
Ronald J.R. Mathies, Executive Director, Mennonite Central Committee
Fumitaka Matsuoka, Professor of Theology, Executive Director, PANA Institute, Pacific School of Religion
Erin Matteson, Local Church PAstor, Faith Church of the BRethren
Rev. Carol Matteson Cox, District Superintendent, Metropolitan North District
Judy Matthews, Church musician; counselor; writer, United Methodist Church
Karen S. Matthias-Long, St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Reading
Chris P. Matthy, St. paul's Lutheran Church
Bill Mattia, School Counselor, Pax Christi -Catholic Peace Movement
Taryn Mattice, Chaplain, Protestant Cooperative Ministry at Cornell University
Candita B. Mattos, Minister for Hispanic Relations, United Church of Christ
Rick Mawson, Associate in Ministry, United Church of Christ
David Maxfield, Associate Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Bob and Liz Maxwell, Catholic
Rev. Elizabeth G. Maxwell, Church of the Holy Apostles
Rev. Charles D. May, Pastor, First Lutheran Church
Rev. Dr. Felton Edwin May, Bishop, Washington Episcopal Area, The United Methodist Church
K. L. May, chaplain, UCC
Joan Maynard, FUMC-Madison, WI
Spyrie Mays, Physician, Methodist
Susan Mazzara, Elder, Kirk of Kildaire Presbyterian
Linda McAlpine, Citizen, Roman Catholic
Dennis A. McAndrew, President, Lutheran Service Society of Western Pennsylvania
Brad McBride, Teacher, Mustard Seed Community Church
Gordon McBride, Rector, Grace St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Susan McBride, United Methodist Church
Dr. Kendall K McCabe, Academic Dean, United Theological Seminary
Kim McCall, Presbyterian
Eileen McCarthy, Religious Education Teacher, School Sisters of Notre Dame
Jane McCarthy, Catholic
Rita McCarthy, priest, Community of Christ
John McClain, Temple Of Yeshuah
Lynn McClard, Human being
John S. McClure, Professor of Preaching and Worship, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Patricia McClurg, Executive Presbyter, New Castle Presbytery, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Rev. Robert McCluskey, Pastor, The New Church (Swedenborgian)
Don McCormick, Pastor, Prairie View United Methodist Church
Rev. John L. McCullough, Executive Director, Church World Service
Retha McCutchen, General Secretary, Friends United Meeting
Bill T. McDaniel, PC(USA) Interim Pastor
Darryl McDaniel, Pastor, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Patricia McDermott, RSM, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Leadership Team
Rev. James L. McDonald, Vice President of Policy and Programs, Bread for the World
Mary Jo McDonald, Pastoral Assistant, Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
Sandy McDonald-O'Lear, RN, St Andrew Catholic
Malcolm McDowell, Dean, Episcopal Cathedral of St. Stephen
Elizabeth McElhill, Roman Catholic
Christie McElhinney, Senior Communications Officer, The Colorado Trust
Chris McElroy
John McEntyre, Director of Christian Education and Pastoral Care, First Presbyterian Church, San Luis Obispo CA, PCUSA
Stephen McFadden, Co-Chair , Social & Economic Justice Committee, Church of the Holy Apostles
Bryan McFarland, Presbyterian Campus Minister ~ University of North Carolina, Greensboro, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Diane McFarland, Westminster Presbyterian Church
David J. McFarlane, The Presbyterian Church, Sewickley
Deborah W. and Larry McFatter
Rev. Dr. John G. McFayden, Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Susan C. McGhee, First Presbyterian Church
Townley McGiffert, Sr. Resident Chaplain, Emory Healthcare
Most Rev. Finian McGinn, OFM, Provincial Minister, Franciscan Friars St. Barbara Province
Jim McGinnis, Director, Institute for Peace and Justice
Kathy McGinnis, Director, Institute for Peace and Justice
Christie McGoodwin
Robert McGowan, Trinity United Methodist Church
Cathleen McGowan-Taylor, priestess, Free Spirit Alliance
Judith McGrath, President, Calgary Inter-Faith Community Action Association
Lester McGrath, President, Puerto Rico Council of Churches
Lester McGrath-Andino, President, Evangelical Council of Puerto Rico
Weltha McGraw, St. Albans Episcopal Church
Allen McGrew, Witness Coordinator, Beavercreek Church of the Brethren
Eileen McGuinness, First Church of Christ Congregational
Rev. Delano M. McIntosh, Director, Wesley Foundation, University of Miami
Mary E. McKay, President, The Dunamis Peace Institute
Paul T. McKay, Executive Director, Ecumenical Project for International Cooperation
Anne McKee, Campus Minister, Maryville College, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Elsie McKee, Princeton Theological Seminary
Diana McKeever, Religious Society of Friends
Sr. Evelyn McKenna, SND, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Danny McKenzie, Associate Editor, NE Mississippi Daily Journal
David McKenzie, Pastor, North Rome United Methodist Church
Kimberly McKerley, Pastor, Pilgrim United Church of Christ
Rev. Dr. Bob McKibben, Pine Forest United Methodist
John McKiernan, Christian -- University View Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Deirdre McKiernan Hetzler, Campus Minister, St. John Fisher College
Beth Ellen McKinney, Teacher, Catholic
Bishop George D. McKinney, Charismatic Churches of North America
Rev. William McKinney, President, Pacific School of Religion
Robert McLean, Chairperson, Youngstown District UMC, East Ohio Conference United Methodist Church
Doug McLemore, Pastor, United Church of Christ
Tom McLoughlin, Roman Catholic
Beth McMahon, Concerned Christian
Martie McMane, Senior Minister, First Congregational UCC, Boulder, CO
Rev. Michael L. McMillan, Pastor, Victoria Seventh Day Adventist Church
Faine McMullen
W. Grant McMurray, President, Community of Christ
Rev. Linda McNamar, Harmony Center for Spiritual Living
Alan McNamara, Pastor, Chapel Hills United Church of Christ
Rosemary Bray McNatt, Minister, The Fourth Universalist Society, Unitarian Universalist
Shelly McNaughton-Lawrence, Senior Pastor, United Methodist Church
J. E. McNeil, Executive Director, Center on Conscience and War
Curt McPhail, Presbyterian
Jim R. Jr., Lois, Kelley, Danielle, Stacy, Allen and Katie McQuaide
Lucia Ann McSpadden, Senior Research Fellow/Adjunct Professor, Life & Peace Institute/Pacific School of Religion, UMC
Buddy Meacham, Southern Baptist
Marilyn Mecham, Executive, Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska
Ralph Mecklenburger, Beth-El Congregation
Dorothy Medeiros, Pacem in Terris
Esther Megill
Pamela Meidell, Chair, Disarmament Task Force, Fellowship of Reconciliation
Rev. Judith A. Meier, First United Church of Christ
Priscilla Meier
Hauke Meinhold, Pastor, Evangelical Churches Oppin and Brachstedt
Russell Melby, Iowa Regional Director/Church World Service, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Ralph Melcher, Builders of the Adytum
Gus Melito, Pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church-Dallas, Roman Catholic
Melinda Melone, Greenbelt Church of Christ
Glenda Melson, Cumberland Presbyterian Chaplain,, St. John's Breech Medical Center
Scott Mendez-Andrews, Flame of Faith United Methodist Church
Richard Meneau, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
Carl Menger, Solitary Wiccan
Nina Mercer-Bonner, None
Sandra Merchant, Graduate Student, Phillips Theological Seminary, Member, St. Benedict Roman Catholic Parish
Robert Merikangas, St John the Baptist Catholic Church
Cynthia Merten, Director of Christian Education, First Presbyterian Church
Sheila Mesa, Public Citizen
Homer Messamer, Modesto Church of the Brethren
Linda Messamore, Bellevue Community Church/Interdenominational
Rev. Susanna E. Metz, Director, Exective Director, Contextual Education, Center for Ministry in Small Churches
Dr. Paul Meyendorff, Co-Chair NCCC Faith and Order, St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary
Lee Meyer, Campus Pastor, Arizona State University, Alleluia Lutheran Student Ministry
Rabbi Margaret J. Meyer, Congregation B'nai Israel
Mark D. Meyer, Christ Episcopal Church
Patricia Meyer, Chrsitian Educator, Community Presbyterian Church
Pastor Phil Meyer, Campus Minister, University of Missouri Columbia
Russell Meyer, Senior Pastor, Faith Lutheran Church ELCA
Howard Meyers, American citizen
Julia Micciche
Rev. Richard F. Michael, Trinity Lutheran Church
Mark Michaelson, Christian
Betty and Peter Michelozzi, Habitat for Humanity Volunteers
Mark L. Middleton, non-stipendiary priest, St, Alban's Episcopal Church, Chicago
Gregory Migirditch, Blooming Grove Reformed Church
Debra Mihal, None
Christine Mihevc, North Park Covenant Chuch
Mary Mikhael, Near East School of Theology
Sally Milbury-Steen, Pacem in Terris
walt miler, retired, presbyterian
Glen Miles, Senior Minister, Sandy Springs Christian Church
Audrey A. Miller, Executive Director, Pilgrim Press & United Church of Christ Resourc.
Barbara Miller
Beth Miller, Church of the Brethren, graduate student at Bethany Theological Seminary
Chris Miller, Hospital Chaplain, The United Church of Canada
Curtis Miller, Pastor, Congregational United Church of Christ
Cynthia Howell Miller, Mennonite
David A. Miller, Licensed Psychologist, Midwest Christian Counseling Center
Bishop Freeman J. Miller, Mennonite Churches of Philadelphia
Rev. Glenn D. Miller, Sr. Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church
Helen Miller, Lee Heights Community Church Mennonite
John Miller, Senior Minister, First Congregational Church
Jolene Miller, St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Jordan Miller, Non-denominational
Larry Miller, Executive Director, Arizona Call to Renewal, Inc.
Linda Ray Miller
Lynn Miller, Minister, Unity Church of Arlington
Marilyn Miller, Director of Outreach Ministries, Commission on Home Ministries, General Conference Mennonite Church
Mary Elizabeth Miller, Vice President, Sisters of Charity of Nazareth
Mary H. Miller, St. James' Episcopal Church, Baltimore MD
Naomi Miller, Mennonite Churches of Philadelphia
Nathaniel Miller, Pacem in Terris
Roman J. Miller, Professor of Biology, Eastern Mennonite University
Ron Miller, St. Michael's Catholic Church
Tarrel (Terry) Miller, Director, Hutterite Studies Center
Ted Miller, Pastor, First Congregational Church of Evanston, IL
Terri Miller, Mennonite
Vern Miller, Pastor Emertius, Lee Heights Community Church, Mennonite
Wendy Miller Olapade, Senior Pastor, First Congregational Church of Reading - United Church of Christ
William R. Miller, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor, University of New Mexico
Maury Millican, Senior Pastor, Bismarck Community Church (RCA)
Ron Millican, Pastor, St. Pius X Catholic Church
Fr. Ronald C. Millican, Pastor, St. Pius X Catholic Church
Dr. Charles and Laura Millikan and their daughters, Kristin and Katy Millikan, District Superintendent, Palestine District, Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
George Millikan, Clerk, Peace and Social Order Committee, Berkeley Society of Friends (Quakers)
Jane Millikan, Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Baker, MN
Marlon Millner, Minister, Apostle Church of Christ in God; moderator, Afro-Pentecostal Thought e-Group
josh mills, jewish
Ronald Mills, Founder, Fight The Right Network
Nancy Parsons Millwater, student, UCC
Barbara J. Minton, Pastor, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Thomas D. Minton, Pastor, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Rev. Crystal Minugh-Brutscher, Ministry of Peace and Justice, Riverside United Methodist Church
Clair E. Mitchell, Retired UM Pastor, United Methodist Church
Douglas Mitchell, Associate Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church
Ineke Mitchell, Interim Senior Pastor, Suquamish United Church of Christ
John Mitchell, Catholic Information center
Ella Mitoraj, Roman Catholic
Rabbi David Mivasair
Rev. Kevin F. Modesto, Pastor, Tapestry: A Church of the Nazarene
JoAnne Moeller
Pamela A. Moeller, Pastor, Valley City Congregational UCC
Blair Moffett, Co-Pastor, First Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Stamford, CT
Cris Mogenson, Coordinating Chaplain Broome County Jail, Broome County Council of Churches @FMCNA
Helen Molanphy, Professor, Episcopal Church
Joseph Mole, Training Consultant, The Salvation Army
Cheryl Molhoek, Minister of Adult Discipleship, Central Reformed Church, RCA
Edward Moll, Clergy, The United Church of Canada, Cookstown/Thornton Pastoral Charge
Virginia Mollenkott, Episcopal
Nancy Molteni, mother, St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Community
Barbara C. Monroe, Roman Catholic
James R. Monroe, Retired Pastor, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Stephen V. Monsma, Professor of Political Science, Pepperdine University
Lea Monte, Educator, BorderLinks
Joseph Monti, Ph.D., The School of Theology, The University of the South
Rev. John R. Moody, Westminster Presbyterian Church
Sharon B. Moon, LCSW-C, Episcopalian (St. Paul's-Waldorf, MD) Society of Friends (Patuxent Meeting)
Joseph Mooney, Retired Teacher, Roman Catholic
Tanna Moontaro, clerk of adult education, Santa Monica Monthly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Rev. David Moon-Wainright
David Moore, SUNY Albany
Debra Moore, Commissioned Minister of Christian Education, Christ Congregational Church, UCC
Rev. Denis Moore, Pastor, Metropolitan Community Church of San Jose
E. Maynard Moore
Elizabeth Moore, Pastor, United Methodist Church/Kingwood and Frenchtown UMCs
Rev. Gladys G. Moore, Assistant to the Bishop, New Jersey Synod, ELCA
Jane Ann Moore, Retired Pastor, United Church of Christ
Richard O. Moore, retired, United Church of Christ
William Moore, Retired Pastor, United Church of Christ
William R. Moore, Pacem in Terris
Anita Morawski, Roman Catholic
Jennifer Morazes, M. Div Episcopal Divinity School
Raymond Moreland, Executive Director, Maryland Bible Society
Brett Morgan, Interim Pastor, Christ Our Anchor Presbyterian Church
Eileen Peterson Morgan, Deaconess
Joel Morgan, The Flowers Family
Janice Joan Margaret Judith Clare Morgan Sobala Brennan GreeneBrown, Leadership Team, Sisters of St. Joseph of Rochester
Paula Morin, Professional Artist, Oblate, O.S.B.
Gerrie Mikhaela Morisky, Minister, Ecumenical
Bruce Morrill, Asst. Prof. of Theology, Boston College, Roman Catholic/Society of Jesus
Ann Morris, Presbyterian
Fred Morris, Flordia Council of Churches
Robert Morrison, Rector, The Episcopal Parish of St. James
Bishop Susan M. Morrison, Albany Episcopal Area, United Methodist Church
Robert Morriss, co-minister, Unitarian Universalist Church of Cheyenne, Wy
John Morse, UMC
Donna T. Morton, United Methodist Church Kentucky Conference
Roscoe Morton, Elder, Covenant Presbyterian Church of West Des Moines
Susan Moseley, Director of Christian Education, First Presbyterian Church, Rocky Mount, NC
Don Mosley, Jubilee Partners
Rev. Victoria L. Moss, Chaplain, Davis and Elkins College
Claude Mostowik, National Coordinator Justice and Peace Office, Missionaries of the Sacred Heart [Australia]
Frances Motley, elementary public school teacher, protestant/presbyterian
Melissa Ann Mounce, Celtic Christian Franciscans
Dr. Wayne W. Mouritzen, Evangelical Presbyterian
Martha Moutray, Buddhist / Pacific Zen Institute
Ann Moyer, Pastor, San Diego Mennonite Church
Fred Mueller, Pastor, Reformed Church of Locust Valley
Lois Mueller, Minister, Plymouth United Church of Christ
Mary Ann Mueninghoff, O.P., President, Call To Action
John M. Mulder, President, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Virginia Mulhern, SND, Site-Director, NotreDame Mission Volunteers
Terry Mulholland, Retired Gynaecologist, Presbyterian Church in Ireland
David G. Mullen, Pastor, Calvary Lutheran Church
Bill Mullette-Bauer, Pastor, Covenant United Methodist Church
Rev. Jim Mulligan, Executive Director, Earth Ministry
Jayne Mullins, Compassionate Secularist
Ibrahim Mumin, Mumin & Associates
Mary Munch
Cathy Mundy, Presbyterian
Jean-Louis Munn, parent
Mary Munton, Pax Christie
Philip Muntzel, King's College, Professor of Theology and Ethics, Presbyterian ( UPUSA)
Matthew Murdoch
Patrick Murfin, President, Interfaith Council for Social Justice (McHenry County IL), Congregational Unitarian Church, Woodstock, IL.
Aaron Murillo, President, Student For Christ at UCI
Caroline Murphy, Minister, West Yarmouth Congregational Church (UCC), West Yarmouth, Mass.
Catherine Murphy, Presbyterian
Frances D. Murphy
Mark Murphy, Community of Christ
Thomas C. Murphy, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, College Park, MD
James Murray, Religious Affairs Editor, The Australian, Anglican
Catherine Murray, OP, Grassroots Program at SHARE, Dominican Sister
Jack and Lucia Murtaugh, Roman Catholic St. Benedict the Moor Parish
Sister Joan Mury, Congregational Leadership Team, Maryknoll Sisters
William Musser, Lutheran
Karen Myer, Self-Realization Fellowship
Carol Myers, Elder, Reformed Church in America
Joy Myers, Interim Associate Pastor, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)/Fox Valley Presbsyterian
Raisah Myers, WISOMMM, Advisory Board Chair
Randy Myers, Pastor, Davis Memorial Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Rev. Dr. Richard Myers, Pastor, Immanuel Baptist Church
Ronald Myers, Sr. Pastor, Lake Travis United Methodist Church
Bruce Nadin, Minister of Sutton Elms Baptist Church, U.K., Baptist
Jeff, Kathy, Katie and Jason Nagorny
Phil Nancarrow, Pastor and Teacher, Portage Lake United Church
Joe Nangle, Fransican Mission Service
Todd Napoli, Pastor, Faith Lutheran Church, ELCA
Linda Naranjo-Huebl, Evangelical Presbyterian
Linda Naranjo-Huebl, Ph.D., Feminists for Life of Colorado
Simeon Nartoomid, Pastor, Church of the Holy Flame
Peter W. Narum, Pastor, Bethel Lutheran Church (ELCA)
David Nash, Sr. Pastor, Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)
Guy D. Nave, Jr., AME Minister; Associate Professor of Religion, Luther College
Richard Neal, pastor, Middlebury and East Middlebury (Vermont) United Methodist Church
Irene Neale, Post demoninational
Mary Neckuty, Religious Education Coordinator, St. Agnes Parish
Adam Neder, Princeton Theological Seminary
David Neff, Editor, Christianity Today Magazine
Rev. Ron Neff, Unity Christ Church
Helen R. Neinast, Director, Emory United Methodist Campus Ministry
sandra nelken, United Church of Canada
Christine Nelson, Executive Director, Lehigh County Conference of Churches
Eric Marinus Nelson, Principal Minister, First Congregational Church of Minnesota UCC
Helene Nelson, Christian, Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
Rev. Holly Nelson, Dean of Students, Eden Theological Seminary
Joan D. Nelson, PN Coordinator, United Methodist
John A. Nelson, Senior Pastor, The Dover Church
Julie Nelson, Deacon, Anglican Church of Australia
Kathryn Nelson, Pastor, Peace United Church of Christ
Larry K. Nelson, St. Mark's Lutheran Church
Mark T. Nelson, First Presbyterian - Marshfield, WI
Mary Nelson, Bethel New Life
N. Bruce Nelson, Pastor, Berkeley Peace Chapel, Communtity of Christ
Rick Nelson, Catholic
Rudy Nelson, member, First Presbyterian Church
Shirley Nelson, member, First Presbyterian Church
Catherine T. Nerney, SSJ, Religious Studies, Chestnut Hill College
Kaaren Nesmith, Interim Associate Pastor, Longview Community Church
Virginia Nesmith, National Farm Worker Ministry
Rev. Christine M. Nessel, Messiah Lutheran Church
Rev. Scott D. Nessel, St. Andrew By-the-Sea Lutheran Church
Rev. Thomas Nettifee, East Whittier Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Shari Nettles
Shari, Gary, Maggie, and Jake Nettles
Ulla Neuburger, Buddhist
Dee Neuman, Unitarian Universalist
David Neunuebel, Presbyterian
Ed Newbury, Pastor, St Hilda's Church, Kimball, NE, Episcopal Church
Chris Newcomb, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Theodore Newcomb III, Pastor, Trinity United Church of Christ
Ben and Alta Newcomer
Marcia Newfield, College teacher, Planetary citizen/Earth resident
Jay R. Newlin, OSL, Drexel Hill United Methodist Church
Rita Newton, Executive Director, Oklahoma Conference of Churches
Charles Niblick, D.Min., Assistant Director of Campus Ministry, Saint Xavier University, Chicago
Angie Nicholas, Psychiatrist, Christian (Church of England)
Stacey Nicholas, Immanuel United Methodist Church
Emilie Nichols, AFSC Denver
Maurine McCahan Nichols, Member of Congregation, Unitarian Universalist Church of Chattanooga
Tom Nichols, Member, Mountain View Friends Meeting, Denver
Elizabeth Nicks, Associate Minister, Redlands United Church of Christ
Jane Niehaus_Tull, Chair, board of Christian Educatio , Chruch of the Foothills, UCC
John H. Nieman, Pastor, Christ Lutheran Church
Marcelline Niemann, NOVA Catholic Community
Julie Nieset, Kent Buddhist Temple
J. Kent Nilsson, Ordained Layman, Milwaukee Zen Center / Soto Zen Buddhism
Weldon Nisly, Pastor, Seattle Mennonite Church
Anne Noble, St. Dorothea's Church
Deb Nofziger-Miller, Mennonite
Leslie W. Norman, Pastor and Teacher, Sanbornton Congregational Church, United Church of Christ
Dr. Mike Normoyle, Browntown Baptist Church
Rex Anthony Norris, Little Portion Hermitage / Roman Catholic
Laura Norris Buisch, Minister, Shortsville Presbyterian Church
Abigail Norton, Seminary Student, Reformed Church in America
Jim Norton, Walnut Hill Mennonite Church
Laura Norton, St. James Parish
Jamie Norwich McLennan, Pastor, St. Paul United Methodist Church
William J. Nottingham, Retired, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Joann Nowak, O.S.F, St. Ursula Food Pantry and Outreach
Eileen Noyes-Verchereau, Self-Employed, United Methodist
Paul Nulton, Coordinator of RCA Volunteers and Work Groups for N. America, Reformed Church in America
Rev. Tina H. Nummela
Janet Nunley, The Episcopal Church
Celeste Marie Nuttman, R.S.M.
Dr. Sulayman S. Nyang, Professor, Howard University
Richard Nysse, Luther Seminary
Barbara Ober, Pastor, Live Oak Church
Rev. Charles H. Oberkehr , Shiloh Lutheran Church, ELCA
Gail Marshall O'Brien, Roman Catholic
Tim O'Brien, Teacher, Roman Catholic
Todd O'Brien, Roman Catholic
Peggy O'Bryan, Mile High Church of Religious Science
Jody Ochs
Karen O'Connell, Minister for Children, Youth and Families, Plymouth Congregational Church
Mark O'Connor, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
John Oda-Burns, Priest Associate, Transfiguration Episcopal Church
Sheila O'Dea, RSM, North American Forum on the Catechumenate
Lynne O'Donnell, Emanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church
Rabbi Drorah O'Donnell Setel, The Kadima Community
Alice O'Donovan, Interim Associate Pastor, Cong'l Church of S. Glastonbury, UCC
Sr. Ann Oestreich, Congregation Justice Coordinator, Sisters of the Holy Cross
Paul Offhaus, Pastor, Community of Hope (Macomb, MI), Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Daniel Ogden, Senior Pastor, Oradell Reformed Church, Oradell. NJ
George E. Ogle, retired, UMC
Jim O'Hanlon, ELCA
Enkyo O'Hara, Sensei, Village Zendo (Zen Buddhist)
Laura O'Harra, Disciples of Christ
Douglas Oldenburg , Moderator of the 210th General Assembly , Presbyterian Church (USA)
Rev. Dr. Mark Oldenburg, Chaplain, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg
Leif Oldert, Follower of the way
Stephen Oldham, teacher, St. Joseph's Prep School
Rabbi Dr. David Oler, Congregation Beth Or
Rev. Sandra Olewine, United Methodist Liaison
Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky, Executive Director, Jewish Outreach Institute
John Oliver, Chaplain, Heartland Hospice
Patrick Oliver, spiritual director, Catholic
Chuck Olson, Board member, Evangelicals for Social Action
Dennis Olson, Professor of Old Testament, Princeton Theological Seminary
Rev. Phil Olson, Vice President of Church Relations and Director of Network 9:35, Evangelicals for Social Action
Berwyn Oltman, Pastor, New Covenant Church of the Brethren
Kathleen O'Malley, Hidden Mountain Zen Center
William O'Neill, President, All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church of Braintree
Donald O'Polka, retired, American Baptist Churches
Scott Opsahl, Pastor, First Memorial Presbyterian Church
Jennifer Orff, Wiccan
Kenneth Ornell, Interim Rector, Christ Episcopal Church
Kevin Oro-Hahn, Area Director, New York City, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Marilyn O'Rourke, Rush University College of Nursing
Mary Orr, Buddhist meditation teacher, Spirit Rock Center
Maria Ortega Kummer, First Mennonite Church
Jose Ortiz, Executive Director, MCC US
Friar Jacek Orzechowski, OFM, Holy Name Province
Mary Anne Osborn, Priest, St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Richard and Sara Osborne, Easton Friends, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Robert Osborne, Senior Priest, Catholic Archdiocese of Louisville
Barbara Osbron, Baptist
Chad O'Shea, Minister, Unity Center of Christianity, Fletcher NC
Thomas Osif, Pastor, Bald Eagle Valley Community Church (United Methodist)
Rev. Dr. Greg Osterberg, University Protestant Chaplain, University of Rochester
Sister Helene O'Sullivan, MM, President, Maryknoll Sisters
Marcellina O'Sullivan, PBVM, Presentation Convent
Rev. Larney Otis, Trinity Episcopal Church
William Owens, Christian
Jeanette Mott Oxford, commissioned minister, Epiphany United Church of Christ, St. Louis
Eddie Ozols, Member, Alstonville Baptist Church
Rev. John D. Paarlberg, Minister for Social Witness and Worship, Reformed Church in America
Thomas and Nancy Pabreza, members, Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
David Pacini, Associate Prof. Historical Studies in Theology and Religion, Candler School of Theology
Thomas Pack, Christ Community Church, Ruston, Louisiana
Judith Packard, Shalom UCC
Ruth Padilla DeBorst, Christian Reformed Church
Carroll Page, Pastor, Boiling Springs Baptist Church
Dr. John Pahl, Associate Professor of American Religious History, The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
Margaret Paige, CCGM: Columbiaville United Methodist Church
Roswell Paine, member, Belmont United Methodist Church
Dale Painter, Reformed Church in America
Christine Paintner, Doctoral Student in Christian Spirituality, Roman Catholic
Rene Pak, Pastor in charge, United Methodist Church/Wesley Circuit Parish
Glenn R. Palmberg, President, The Evangelical Covenant Church
Archie Palmer, Interim Minister, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Lincoln Park, NJ
Gill Palmer, New life Christian Community
Jane Palmer, Pacem in Terris
Phillip M. Palmer, Baptist
Marlene Pamer, Catholic/Presbyterian/Episcopalian
Peter B. Panagore, The Congregational Church, UCC, of Boothbay Harbor, Maine
David Pantermuehl, Sr. Pastor, United Church of Christ
Mary Papenfuss, Agnostic
Ron Papenfuss, Secular Humanist
John-Brian Paprock, corepiscopa/pastor, Malankara Orthodox Church
Dr. Robert Parham, Executive Director, Baptist Center for Ethics
Andy Parker, Catholic
Robert Parker, Rector, St. Paul's Episcopal Church
William Parnell, Rector, Christ Church (Episcopal), Hackensack, NJ
Parisa Parsa, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos
Lynn R. Parsons, Sheperd of the Hills Lutheran Church
Beatrice Parwatikar, Pax Christi National Council Member
bonnie passamani, no title, catholic
christopher passonneau, restaurant employee , presbyterian
Carmen Patella, Roman Catholic
Jed Patrick, Pastor, St. Michael Roman Catholic Church
Lynn Patrick Doyle, Lutheran
Jim Patten, Pastor, Calvary Presbyterian Church
Jeff Patterson, Pastor, Aldersgate United Methodist Church
Oliver Patterson, Co-moderator, Commission on Race and Ethnicity, Reformed Church in America
Stephen J. Patterson, Professor of New Testament, Eden Theological Seminary
Wesley'Pat' Pattillo, Associate General Secretarys for Communication, National Council of Churches, USA
W. P. Suresh Paul, Director, International Student Center
caroline paulson, catholic
Emily Paulson, elder of RCA, Protestant, Recformed Church of America
cindy paulson-schiefelbein, UCC
Amy Plantinga Pauw, Louisville Presbyterian Seminary
Velton Peabody, minister, Community of Christ
Gwendelynn Peace, None...Independent Ecclectic Spiritualist
Mennonite Church Peace and Justice Committee, Mennonite Church USA
Rev. Larry J. Peacock, Malibu United Methodist Church
Mark Pearce, School teacher, Christian
April Pekary
M. Evaristus Pellegrini, RSM
Gary Pence, Professor of Pastoral Theology, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Stephen Penner, Associate Pastor, First Mennonite Church, Reedley, California
Michael S. Penn-Strah, Interim Minister/Co-Pastor, Allegheny United Church of Christ/Open Arms Church
Alan Perkins, Organizer, Vermont Faith Communities for a Just Economy
Erma Perkins, Evangelical Covenant
James W. Perkinson, Director/Associate Professor Religious Studies, Doctor of Ministy Program, Ecumenical Thelogical Seminary/Marygrove College
Ken Perlow, Jewish
William Perman, Co-Pastor, Evangelical United Church of Christ
Beth Perry, McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University
Troy D. Perry, Moderator, Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
Kathryn Jeanne Person, Associate Rector, Grace Church Brooklyn Heights (Episcopal)
Karl Pestka, Roman Catholic/St. John's Student Parish
John Peteet, St, James' Episcopal Church
Russell Peterman, Sandy Springs Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Atlanta, GA
Rev. James F. Peters, Pastor, Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church
Lanny Peters, Pastor, Okhurst Baptist Church
Michael Peters, General Synod delegate, Avon Lake United Church of Christ
Thomas Peters, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church
Jeffrey Peterson, Engineer, Evangelical Christian
Joy Peterson, President, Sisters of the Presentation
Kristin L Peterson, First Church in Oberlin - UCC
Rev. Dr. William D. Peterson, Emmanuel Presbyterian Church
Jeff Peterson-Davis, Parish Associate, Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church
Rev. Kerri Peterson-Davis, Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Charles Petit, Seminarian, University of the South
Dixie Petrey, Chaplain/Pastor, Baptist/Shannondale Retirement Community
Fr. Steve Petrica, SSC, Parish of Christ the King
Lynette Petruska, SSJ, University Chaplain, Gannon University
Aaron Petuchowski, Temple Sholom of Chicago
Barbara Pfeifle, Librarian, Lexington Theological Seminary
Harold Pfister, Roman Catholic
Rev. John C. Pfisterer, Pastor, St. Paul Lutheran Church, ELCA
Sr. Kathleen Phelan, OP, CFRE, Pax Christi USA National Council
Alden Phillips, Mt. Olive United Methodist Church
Jennifer Phillips, Emmanuel Baptist Church and United Church of Christ
Rev. Larry Phillips, Pastor, Emmanuel Baptist - Friedens United Church of Christ
Mitchell D. Phillips, Pastor, St. Mark's Lutheran Church, ELCA, Evansville, IN
Rebecca Phillips, English professor, Unitarian Universalist
Richard Phillips, none
Rev. Br. Francis Andrew Phillips, BSG, Episcopal Church of St. John the Evangelist
Noel Phillips, D.Min., BCC, Chaplain, Salem Hospital, UCC, Disciples of Christ
Jennifer Picciotto, yoga teacher
Rev. Margot Trusty Pickett, Co-pastor, Pilgrim United Church of Christ
Mark H. Pickett, Co-pastor, Pilgrim United Church of Christ
Rev. Gayle Pickrell, Christ Church United Methodist
Chris Pieper, Social Justice Team -- University Catholic Center
Minister Zina C. Pierre, Washington Linkage Group
Thomas Pietila, Senior Pastor, Central United Methodist Church
Larry Pigg, Sr. Minister, Norwood Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Roger Piper-Ruth, Mennonite Hyde Park Mennonite Fellowship
Donna Pistole, Unitarian Universalist
Michael A. Pitts, Vice President for Spiritual Development and University Chaplain, Point Loma Nazarene University
Dr. Peter J. Pizor, Churchwright Institute
Rick Plain, St. Andrew's UMC
Mark Plante, Non-denominational
Robert Podzikowski, Pax Christi USA
Rev. David W. Poe, St. Peter's Evangelical UCC
Christel Poelman, Student, Christian Reformed Church
Garland D. Pohl, President, National Association of Diocesan Ecumenical Officers
Vicki Poier, Moderator, First Congregational UCC
Rick Polhamus, Christian Peacemaker Teams & Church of the Brethren
Robert Pollard, Founder and Information Ecologist, Information Habitat: Where Information Lives
Elizabeth Pond-McPherson, Ner Shalom
Kenneth T. Ponds, Private Citizen
Barbara E. Pontier, Unitarian Universalist
Raymond J Pontier, Retired, Unitarian Universalist Association
Rebecca Pool, Co-director, Spartan Theatre
Rev. Frank H. Poole, Interim Executive Presbyter, Presbytery of Utica, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Earl A. Pope, Helen H. P. Manson Professor of Bible Emeritus, Lafayette College
Gerald Porter, Executive Officer, Episcopal Diocese of Olympia
Don Portwood, Co-pastor, Lyndale United Church of Christ
Valerie Potter, County Ecumenical Officer, Churches Together in Dorset
J. Michael Povey, Rector, St. James's Episcopal, Cambridge,MA
Jayna E. Powell, Director, Volunteers in Mission Homeland Ministries Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Lori Powell, Associate Pastor, North Congregational Church
Marianne Power, Minister, Unitarian Universalist Parish of Monson, MA
Delia Pratt, First Presbyterian Church Santa Rosa
Clare Pratt, RSCJ, Superior General, Society of the Sacred Heart
Rev. Daniel Prechtel, Director, Lamb & Lion Spiritual Guidance Ministries
Shanta Premawardhana, Senior Pastor, Ellis Avenue Church
Cecil Prescod, Chair, Commission on Justice, Ainsworth United Church of Christ
Carolyn Presley
Jerrilyn Prestiano, R.N., Catholic
Carlee Preston, Presbyterian
Richard Preston, Hospice Chaplain, Roman Catholic
Betty Preston, MMB
Duane Pribula, pastor, Roman Catholic
chris Price, Patriot for Peace, retired Catholic/aspiring Buddist..
Daniel Price, Parishoner, St. Francis of Assisi Church Centerville, Ohio
Debbie Price, Spiritualist
Rev. Peggy Price, Senior Minister, Huntington Beach Church of Religious Science
Bishop Peter Price, Church of England
Rev. Richard Hammond Price, Prior, The Order of Corpus Christi
Stephen Price, Director, Office of Justice & Peace, Society of African Missions (Roman Catholic)
Glenda W. Prins, Pastor, Salem United Church of Christ
Alice Prive
James Probert, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Jeff Procter-Murphy, Pastor, Asbury United Methodist Church
Laurie Proctor, Minister, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fort Wayne, Indiana
Diane Prosser, Minister, Congregational/UCC
John and Jan Protopapas, musicians, Islam/Unitarian Universalist
Dave Pruett, retired - lay helper, Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Kathleen Pruitt, President, Leadership Conference of Women Religious
Mary Puccinelli, Ministry Leader - United Power for Action and Justice, Holy Family Catholic Community, Inverness, IL
Dr. Jeffrey C. Pugh, Professor of Religious Studies, Elon University
Judi Purcell, Senior Minister, Unity of Gulf Breeze
Fr. Dr. Joy Pyngolil, St. Thomas Indian Orthodox Church of South Florida (Malankara Orthodox Church)
Laura Quass-Ferdinand, United Methodist
Judi Quatrani, Manager, Spiritual Care Departement, St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center
Susan Quayle-Gates, Christian
Kevin Queally, Franciscan Catholic priest
Julie Quesada, Trinity Presbyterian,
Harry V. Quiett, Director of Ecclesiastical and Ecumenical Programs, Volunteers of America National Office
Thomas Quigley, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
David Radcliff, Director of Brethren Witness, Church of the Brethren General Board
Mark Wm. Radecke, Chaplain , Susquehanna University
Sharon Zimmerman Rader, Bishop, United Methodist Church
Martin Rafanan, Executive Director, The National Conference for Community and Justice (NCCJ)
Janet E. Raffel, J. E. Raffel & Associates
David W. Ragan, Sr. Minister, Shadow Rock Congregational United Church of Christ
Sanford Ragins
Prof. J. Paul Rajashekar, Dean, The Lutheran Theological Seminary
Rev. John D. Ralston, Mid-Kentucky Presbytery
Kathleen Ramberg, Elder, First Presbyterian Church San Luis Obispo (PCUSA)
Allan Byron Fernando Ramirez Moncayo, Pastor, Brookville Church, Reformed Church in America
Floyd & Marjorie Ramp, First Church in Oberlin - UCC
Mark Ramseth, President, Trinity Lutheran Seminary, ELCA
Ammon Ramsey, Seminary Student, United Methodist Church
Laurie Anne Ramsey, Department of French, The University of the South
Lee Ramsey, Prof. of Pastoral Care, Memphis Theological Seminary
Dennis Randall, Minister, Airline Drive Church of Christ
Dieter Randolph, Associate Minister, Unity Church of Clearwater
Rev. Ramona Soto Rank, Augustana Lutheran Church
Cynthia Ranke, St. Agnes Catholic Church, Flint Michigan
Margaret Rapp, Roman Catholic
Karyn Ratcliffe, Reformed Church in America
Kathy Rawle, First Parish Unitarian Universalist
Kathryn Rawson, Presbyterian
Marilyn Ray, Clinical Social Worker, School Counselor, Roman Catholic
Peggy Ray
Barbara Raymond, SNJM
Anthony Razel, Council Member, Bethlehem Lutheran, East Hampton, CT
John Reardon, C.S.C., Roman Catholic/Congregation of Holy Cross
Patricia Reckrey, People for Peace
William Reding, Pastor, Ruth Ensor Memorial United Methodist Church
Jane Redmont, Graduate Theological Union
James R. Reed, President Emeritus, Christian Church Foundation, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Rev. Walter Reed, Senior Minister, Palm Lake Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
David A. Reed-Brown, Pastor, The American Baptist Churches, U.S.A.
Rev. James Foster Reese, Executive Presbyter of the New York City Presbytery, Presbyterian Church USA
Diane Reese, SNDdN, Team Coordinator, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Rev. Justus Y. Reeves, Director of Development, Progressive National Baptist Convention, INC.
Rev. George F. Regas, Progressive Religious Partnership
David Reger, United Methodist
Richard Reichert, Retired teacher, Roman Catholic
Carol Reid, Presbyterian
Robert Reid, Chair of the Dept. of Communication and Director of the Graduate Program in Communication, University of Dubuque
Jill Reimer, Community of Christ
Judy Mills Reimer, General Secretary, Church of the Brethren General Board
Dorothy Reinert, Retired, Roman Catholic
Holly Reinhart-Marean, Senior Pastor, Sierra Madre United Methodist Church
Tom Reinhart-Marean, Minister of Visitation, Pasadena First United Methodist Church
Jonathan W. Reitman, Adult Education Chair, Congregation Bet Ha'am
Kevin Renaud, Human Being, May Memorial Unitarian Universalists Society
Tim Renneberg, Roman Catholic
Ernie Reyes, Administrative Pastor, Los Angeles Filipino American United Church of Christ
Jeanne Reynolds, Pastoral Therapist, PC/USA
Kathy Reynolds, Roman Catholic
Kathy Reynolds, Church of the Brethren
Roy Reynolds, Consulting Minister, Unitarian Universalist
Tim Reynolds, Pastor, Hendersonville (TN) First Presbyterian Church
James Reynolds III, Pastoral Associate, St. Ann's/St. Cyril's Parishes
Gerald Rhoades, Director of Brethren Community Ministries, Church of the Brethren
Judith Rhoades, Hunting Ridge Presbyterian Church
Vicki Rhoades, The Religious Society of Friends, Patuxent Friends Monthly Meeting
Lynn Rhodes, Associate Professor, Pacific School of Religion
Rev. Schuyler Rhodes, Temple United Methodist Church
Rev. Dr. Sharon Rhodes-Wickett, Westwood United Methodist Church
Thomas Rhomberg, Retired Priest, Catholic Archdiocese of Dubuque
Carolyn Ribas, United Methodist Church
Denise Ribera Luxton, Riverside Church
Steven Rice, Chaplain at Riverside, Grant
Thomas Rice, Associate Pastor, Grosse Pointe Memorial Church
Blair P. Richaards, United Methodist
Mary Richard, St. Mark's Cathedral, Episcopal, Shreveport, LA
Joan Richards, First Unitarian Church, Providence
Margaret Richards , Roman Catholic
Rev. Canon Saundra D. Richardson, Asst. to the Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Michigan
Jeff Richey, Public Citizen
Rabbi Leah Richman, Oheb Zedeck Synagogue
Rev. Dr. John Rickard, Executive Presbyter, North Alabama Presbytery, PCUSA
Dr. Judy Ridlen, Pastor, Northside Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
maria rieke, christian
David Riffe, Retired Pastor, United Methodist Church
Rick Rigdon, Ruach Hamidbar - Spirit of the Desert
Ginger Riley, Gettysburg United Methodist Church
Meg Riley, Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
Heidi Ripke, Methodist
Barbara Rippy, Elder, Orange Grove Presbyterian Church, Gulfport, MS
Scott Ritchey, Pastor, Scottsdale United Methodist
Gary Riter
Jeffrey Rively, Public Citizen, Center for Spiritual Enlightenment
Bob Rixon, Editor, Wesley Lake Journal
Carrie Roach, campus minister, catholic
Tim F. Roach, Minister, Christ Presbyterian Church - Camp Hill, PA
Rev. Dr. Bruce Robbins, General Secretary, General Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns of the United Methodist Church
William Lance Roberds, Executive Director, The Human Growth Center, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Rev. Dr. F. Morgan Roberts, Field Education, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Mark E. Roberts, Director, Holy Spirit Research Center, Oral Roberts University
Nancy Roberts, Methodist
Rev. Dr. Robert H. Roberts, Interim General Secretary, American Baptist Churches USA
Webster & Jeanne Roberts, Unitarian
William Roberts, Episcopal Church
Amanda Robinson, Bee Ridge Presbyterian Church
Cynthia Robinson, on leave of absence, United Church of Christ
Rev. Daniel Robinson, Pastor, Bee Ridge Presbyterian Church
Dave Robinson, National Coordinator, Pax Christi USA
Erin Robinson, Bee Ridge Presbyterian Church
James L. Robinson, Pastor, Desert Southwest Conference (United Methodist Church)
JJ Robinson
Karin Robinson, Bee Ridge Presbyterian Church
Linda Robinson, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Englishtown
James Robison, President and Founder, LIFE Outreach International
isabelle robitaille, Église de l'ACM de Sainte-Foy
Nancy and Phillip Roca/Schneider, retired, none
Janna J. Roche
Daniel Rocheleau, Pastor, Our Lady of Mercy RC Church
Deborah Rockford, Crossroads Church
Diann & Jim Rockwood, Circle of Peace Coordinators, Living Rock Ministries - Community of Christ
Daniel Rodgers, Princeton University
Scott Rodin, President, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary
John Rodkey, Pastor, Erin Chuch, Presbyterian Church USA
William Rodriguez, Religious Ethics Instructor, The Florida State University
Edgar Rogalski, Mennonite, Hamilton Mennonite Church
Frederick Rogers, Pastor, Hope United Church of Christ, Wind Gap, PA
Richard Rogers, Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church
Rev. Sheryl Rogers, Center of Light Church
Susan Rogers
Thomas Rogers, theology teacher, Salpointe Catholic HS
Cally Rogers-Witte, Conference Minister, Soutwest Conference, United Church of Christ
Fr. Richard Rohr, O.F.M.
Rev. Brooke J. Rolston, Campus Christian Ministry, University of Washington
Gene Roman, Jesuit Advocacy Network
Rabbi Norman T. Roman, Temple Kol Ami
Gertrude Rompre, pastoral associate, Roman Catholic
Katrina Rooney, General Councillor, Sisters of St Joseph of Hamilton, Canada (RC)
Prof. Michael Root, Trinity Lutheran Seminary
Rev. Rita M. Root, United Campus Ministries at the Canterbury Episcopal Center and Wesley Foundation
Delvin Roper, Retired Pastor, Trinity United Methodist Church
Rev. Carolyn Roper-Fowlkes, Associate Ecumenical Officer, Council on Christian Unity, The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Liland Brajant Ros', translator/hymnist, Kristana Esperantista Ligo Internacia
Rev. Peter H. Rosa, U.S. Navy Chaplain, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Nitza Rosario, Pastor/Developer, De Colores (Many Colors) Lutheran Church
Rabbi David Rosen, International Director of Interreligious Affairs, The American Jewish Committee
Bruce Rosenberger, Pastor, Greenville Church of the Brethren
Dale Rosenberger, Senior Minisgter, First Congregational Church of Ridgefield
Fred Rosenberger, University of Maryland
Rabbi David Rosenn, Executive Director, AVODAH: The Jewish Service Corps
Rabbi Jennie Rosenn, Hillel, Columbia University and Barnard College
Rev. Anne Roser and Rev. Timothy Roser, The Lutheran Church of the Nativity
Craig Roshaven, Pastor, First Jefferson Unitarian Universalist Church
Rev. Patrice Rosner, Ministries in Christian Education, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
Barbara Ross, Director, Social Concerns Office , Catholic Diocese of Jefferson City
Eugene Ross, United Church of Christ
Hyim Jacob Ross, Leadership Council Member, Oakland Peace Educators
Tim Ross, Elder, Community of Christ
Beth Rossano, Catholic school teacher
Rabbi Donald B. Rossoff, Rabbi, Temple B'nai Or
Franklin E. Rothfuss, Pastor, St. Luke's Lutheran Church
Marguerite Rourke, Chaplain, ELCA
Rev. David R. Rowe, Friedens Lutheran
Edwin Rowe, Pastor, Central United Methodist Detroit
Rodolph Rowe, pastor, United Methodist
Janice McClary Rowell, pastor, Scotia United Methodist Church
Lorrie Rowland-Skinner, Presbyerian
Claude Roxborough, Catholic
Arlin Roy, Director, Northeast Counseling Center of F.R.M.H., Unitarian Universalist
Richard M. Royalty
D. David Royster, Pastor, Way of Life Christian Centre
Joseph Rozansky, Director, Holy Name College
Michael Rozumalski, Pastor, West Denmark Lutheran Church, ELCA
Marcia Rucker, Bethesda, MD
Rev. Peter Ruggere, Maryknoll Office of Global Concerns
Debbie Ruisard, Rockaway Reformed Church
Craig W. Rule, Pastor, The Presbyterian Church at Tenafly
Michael Rumley-Wells, Wenatchee Fellowship
Mike Rush, campus worker, Central Arkansas University Ministries
Marilynn Rushton, Pastor, United Methodist
Karen Russ,
David Russell, pastor, First Baptist Church of Ames, Iowa
Rev. Dr. Horace O. Russell, Professor of Historical Theology and Ecumenics, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Joseph Russell, Canon for Faith Development, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
Rollin Russell, Distinguished Professor, Lancaster Theological Seminary
John & Millicent Rutherford, First Unitarian Universalist Society of S.F.
Frances Ruthven, Interim Pastor, First Church of Deerfield, Massachusetts
Charles N. Rutledge, Independent Christian
Rev. Dr. Mark Rutledge, UCC Campus Minister, Duke University
Janet Ryan, Licensed Practitioner of Religious Science, Golden Gate Center for Spiritual Living
Sharon Ryan, Lay Healing Minister in Training, St. Philip's Episcopal Church
Susannah Ryan, human race
Sr. Patricia Ryan, M.M., Vice President , Maryknoll Sisters
Frances Ryder, Elder, Marbletown Reformed Church
Robert Ryder, New Covenant Community, Normal, IL
Susan Ryder, New Covenant Community, Normal, IL
Kathryn Rykken, student, Evangelical Lutheran
Paul Rykken , Teacher, ELCA
Thor Rykken, ELCA
Scott C. Sabin, Executive Director, Floresta USA
J. Elvin Sadler, Executive Director, Faith Empowerment Community Consortium
Timothy Safford, Christ Church, Philadelphia
Rabbi Douglas Sagal, KAM Isaiah Israel Congregation
Bishop Roger Sainsbury
Joan M. Sakalas, Ph.D.
Dr. Jonathan Salgado, Global Initiatives
Rev. Maggie Salgado, Church of the Nazarene
Most Rev. Philip Saliba, Antiochian Orthodox Church Archdiocese of North America
Gary Salmon, pastor, St. James Lutheran Church
William Salyers, Pastor, Kings Creek Baptist Church (ABC-USA)
Matt Samson, Parish Associate, First Presbyterian Church
Bill Samuel, Internet Ministries Coordinator, Friends in Christ
Dora Ann Sanchez-Mead, Roman Catholic
Rabbi Martin I. Sandberg, Rabbi, Suburban Jewish Cummunity Center - Bnai Aaron
Garreth Sanders, Christian
Rod Sanders, Curate, St. John's Church, Cove, UK, Church of England
Rebecca Sanderson
Sherri Sandoz, Minister, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Gail Sands, Jewish
Tracy Sangare, teacher, Catholic
Richard Sanger, Episcopalian
Rev. Daniel Saperstein, Presbyterian Church of Pullman
Rabbi David Saperstein, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
Lawrence Sapp, Pastor, United Methodist Parish- Brashear MO Circuit
Rabbi Marna Sapsowitz, Temple Beth Hatfiloh
Jodie Sargent, Program Director, Project Children
Mark Saucier, National Coordinator, Peru Peace Network
Susan Vig Saucier, RN, MS, Unitarian Universalist
Rev. Matthew L. Sauer, Congregation of Christ Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) of Crown Point
Rev. William P. Saum, Executive Presbyter, Newton Presbytery (New Jewsey) PCUSA
William C. Saunders, Co-Minister, South Church, Unitarian Universalist
Fr. Samuel G. Sawitski, St. Luke's Church
Peter Sawtell, Executive Director, Eco-Justice Ministries
Rev. Blythe Sawyer, Pastor, First Congregational United Church of Christ
Harriet Sawyer, Methodist Church
Robert E. Sawyer, President, Provincial Elders Conference Moravian Ch. in Am
Rochelle Sax, Temple Beth Sholom
Joellen Sbrissa, Sisters of St. Joseph of La Grange
Charles Scalise, Associate Professor of Church History, Fuller Theological Seminary
Paul Scarbrough, Call to Action
Sherry Schacht, Pastor and Teacher, St. James United Church of Christ
Stan Schacht, Methodist
Leah D. Schade, Associate Pastor, Reformation Lutheran Church
Gregory Schaefer, St. Matthew's Lutheran Church
Jame Schaefer, Theology Department, Marquette University
Sr. M. Geraldo Schaefer, RSM
Jill Schaeffer, New York City Presbytery coordination, disaster relief project, Presbyterian Church, USA
David Schafer, Pastor, St. John's Lutheran Church
Alan Schaffmeyer, Intentional Interim Minister, East Central Synod of WI - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
David Schattschneider, Professor, Moravian Theological Seminary
Rev. Yvonne V. Schaudt, UCC, Host of WRKO's "Talking Religion"
Sr. Helen Scheel, M.M., Justice Coordinator, Maryknoll Sisters Eastern USA Region
Donald Schell, Rector, St. Gregory's Episcopal Church
Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb, Co-Chair, Religious Witness for the Earth
Sarah Scherschligt, Lutheran MDIV student, Yale University
Eldon Schertz, retired farmer, Mennonite Church
Patricia Schetter, Member, Paulist Center Community
Frank Schiavone
David Schilling, Program Director, Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
Gerald Schlabach, Asssociate Professor of Theology, University of St. Thomas
Fr. Stuart A. Schlegel, Calvary Episcopal Church
Andrew Schleicher, Student, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
Mark Schlessman, Minister, First Christian Church, La Grande, OR
Ellen Schloemer, Director of Social Ministries, St. Raphael Catholic Church
Judy Schlueter, Manager, Spiritual Care Services, Sinai-Grace Hospital
Timothy Schmaltz, Director of Policy and Program Development, Roman Catholic -Catholic Charities Agency
Clinton R. Schmidt, Mennonite Church USA
David Schmidt, CoPastor, Shalom UCC, UCC
Rev. George A. Schmidt, Way of Life Unity Center
Margaret Schmidt, United Church of Christ
Margie Schmidt, Parish Administrator, Catholic Church
Rev. Stephen R. Schmidt, Pastor, St. Luke Lutheran Church
Ted Schmidt, Editor, Catholic New Times, Canada
John J. Schmitt, Associate Professor, Biblical Studies, Roman Catholic
Rev. K. Robert Schmitt, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
A. Gregory Schneider, Professor of Behavioral Science, Pacific Union College
Eric Schneider, Founder, Santa Fe SChool of Forgiveness
Stephen Schneider, Rector, Grace Memorial Episcopal Church
Pfarrer Paul Schneiss, Deutsche Ostasienmission
Mary Sue Schnell, University Lutheran Church and Student Center
David Schneyer, Cantor, Am Kolel
Deborah Schnitzer, Director of Youth and Family Ministries, Niagara Community Church
Jana Schofield, Pastor of College and Young Adult Ministry, Mt. Carmel Lutheran Church
Joseph Scholtes, Pastor, St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Myke Scholtes, Director of Education, St. Andrew's Lutheran Church
Marcellus Schooler, Christian
Michael Schreiner, St Louis University Campus Ministry
Carmen and Luke Schrock-Hurst, co-pastors, Pittsburgh Mennonite Church
Todd Schuett, writer, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Denise Schuette, United Church of Christ
David G. Schultenover, S.J., Professor of Historical Theology, Marquette University, Roman Catholic
Gary Schulz, Holy Trinity Ev. Lutheran Chruch
James Schulz, Grace United Church of Christ, Wausau, WI
Bruce Schuman, Coordinator, World Interfaith Congress
Larry Schuyler, Coordinator, Classis of Holland, Reformed Church in America
Christopher Schwab, evangelical Christian
Rev. Gary A. Schwab, Pastor, Newport Presbyterian Church
Tom Schwanda, professor of spiritual formation, RCA
Ann Schwartz, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Donald J. Schwartz, Grace Lutheran Church
Dr. Edward Schwartz, President, Institute for the Study of Civic Values
Rabbi Sid Schwarz, Founder/President, The Washington Institute for Jewish Leadership and Values
Carl Schwarzenberg, United Methodist Pastor - Retired, The United Methodist Church
Daniel Schweissing, Missionary, American Baptist International Ministries (Nassau, Bahamas)
Estela Schweissing, Missionary, American Baptist International Ministries (Nassau, Bahamas)
Dan Schwick, Director, Lutheran Advocacy Network/Illinois
Rev. John Schwiebert, Pastor, Metanoia Peace Community United Methodist Church
Adrian Scott, Roman Catholic
Leslie Scott, Roman Catholic
Peter Scott, Church of England
Terry Scott, Self
Lewis Scudder, Missionary, Reformed Church in America
Nancy Scudder, Reformed Church in America
Mary Ann Seagren, human race
Mark Seal, Executive Vice President, Jewish Reconstructionist Federation
Christopher Seamon, missionary, Evangelical
Simon Seamount, Jewish-Christian-Muslim-Wiccan Istarian
Mary Searle-Chatterjee, University lecturer in Religious Studies, none
Leroy Seat, Chancellor, Seinan Gakuin Educational Foundation
Richard Seaver, pastor, United Church of Christ in Sullivan
Rev. Magdalyn Sebastian, Poestenkill Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Rick and Cheryl Seelhoff, Editors, Gentle Spirit Magazine
Rev. Ken Sehested, Executive Director , Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America
Mark Seifried, Minister, United Church of Christ
Nancy A. Sell, Director of Pastoral Formation, Saint Francis Seminary
Rev. Serena S. Sellers, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Charles Selner, Pastoral Counselor, United Church of Christ
Larry Robert Semark, Wellness Volunteer, Former Assistant Professor at Western New Mexico University
David Semrad, Director, San Antonio United Methodist Campus Ministry
Gillian Sender, Independent Jewish Thinker
Eugene Richard SENSENIG-DABBOUS, Adjunct Professor, political science and cultural studies, Mennonite/Christian
Jay Serafin, Pastor, St. John's Lutheran Church, Ringtown, PA
Rabbi Gerry Serotta
Willis O. Serr II, Executive Director, Lutheran Social Services of the Miami Valley
Stephanie Serrano, Clay artist, pagan
Mike Sersch, Catholic Worker/Homeless Advocate, Roman Catholic
Joel Setterholm, Nativity Lutheran Church
Sue M. Setzer, ELCA Diaconal Minister
Mary J. Sewell
Marguerite Sexton, Founder and President, Journeys of the Heart Non-Denominational Ministry Service
David M. Seymour, Interim minister, United Church of Christ / Presbyterian Church USA
Janice Seymour, Director of Spiritual Care Northridge Hosp. M. C., Disciples of Christ
Sharyn Seymour, Teacher ( American in Australia), fcj associate
Sylvia B. Seymour, Retired Catholic Teacher , Catholic
James Shaefer, Theology Department Marquette University
Dianna Marie Shaffer
David A. Shaheed, Imam
Omar Shaheed, Masjid Al-Salaam
Polly Shamy, pastor, United Church of Christ
Duane Shank, The Community of Christ: An Ecumenical Congregation
Rev. Elizabeth D. Shank, Pastor, St. James Lutheran Church
Rev. Luke J. Shank, Retired Pastor, Mennonite Church USA
Steve Shanks, Episcopalian
Rabbi Rami Shapiro, Simply Jewish Foundation
John Sharp, Director, Historical Committee & Archives, Mennonite Church USA, Mennonite
Todd Sharp, Advertising, United Church of Christ
Rev. Cass L. Shaw, General Presbyter, Albany Presbytery, PCUSA
Stephen Shaw, Professor of Political Science; Dean, Arts, Humanities and Soc. Sciences, Northwest Nazarene University
Stuart R. Shaw, Retired Pastor--Oregon-Idaho Conference of the, United Methodist Church
William and Marina Shaw, Crosscurrents International Institute
Tobin Miller Shearer, E. Chestnut St. Mennonite Church
Patricia Shechter
Barbara Sheehan, Director, ACTS Urban CPE
Michael Sheehan, Our Lady Queen of Peace
Ms.Shamshad Sheikh, Advisor to Muslim students and Chaplain to the college, Mt Holyoke college
Rev. J. Thomas Shelley, STS, Pastor, Zion (Shaffer's) United Lutheran Church
David G. Shephard, Pastor, Christian Churchn (Disciples of Christ)
Sandy Shepherd, Buddhist
Thomas W. Shepherd, Senior Minister, Sunrise Unity Church
Sandra Sheppard, Reformed Church in America
Dorri Sherrill, First Congregational UCC
Katie Sherrod, Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, TX
Rev. Dr. Paul H. Sherry, former President, United Church of Christ
Rabbi John M. Sherwood, Chair of the Oxnard-Port Hueneme and Ventura, California Ministerial Associations
David Sherwood, Ph.D, Editor, Social Work & Christianity, North American Assoc of Christians in Social Work
Carleen Shetler, Pastor, Community of Christ, Kirtland Congregation
Rev. Frank Shields, Oregon State Senator
Roger Shinn, Reinhold Niebuhr Professor Emeritus, Union Theological Seminary, New York
Pastor W. Stevens Shipman, First Evangelical Lutheran Church
Deborah Shipp, Pastor, Washington Park UMC
Rev. Dr. Ted Shipp, Gateway Community UMC
Anne Shirk, St. Alban's Parish
Madison Shockley II, Board of Directors, Justice and Witness Ministries, United Church of Christ
Lorna Shoemaker, Presbyterian (USA)
Bob Sholis, Pastor, St. Andrew United Methodist Church
Anne Shore, Professor, Assumption University
Cecilia Shore, Oxford OH Friends Meeting (Quaker)
Amy Short, Executive Director, Brethren-Mennonite Council for Lesbian and Gay Concerns
Rev. Mike and Linda Short
Richard Shoup, Minister and Certified Counselor, Fellowship of Spiritual Ministry
Lynda Shows, Baptist
Carol M. Shreck, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Donald W. Shriver, President Emeritus, Union Theological Seminary in New York
Peggy L. Shriver, Former Assistant General Secretary for Research, Evaluation and Planning, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
Rev. John A. Shuck, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church
Geoffrey Shuey , Member, Green Party of Santa Cruz County
Bonnie Shullenberger, Assisting Priest, Trinity Episcopal Church
Joel Shuman, Assistant Profesor of Theology, King's College
Dr. Ron Sider, President, Evangelicals for Social Action
Michael Sider-Rose, Program Associate, Chicago Metropolitan Center
Randi Sider-Rose, M.Div. Candidate, University of Chicago
Rabbi Paul Sidlofsky, Shaarei-Beth El Congregation
Stephen J. Sidorak, Jr., Executive Director, Christian Conference of Connecticut
Larry Sidwell, Pleasant Hill Baptist Church
Graeme Sieber, Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.
Mildred B. Sieber, elder, Northside Presbyterian Church, Cleveland, TN
Rabbi Daniel Siegel, Rabbinic Director, ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal
Harriet Siegel
Jon Siegel, Unitarian Church of Evanston, IL
David Sieplinga, Pastor, Maple Avenue Ministries, Reformed Church in America
William Siiss, Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Mark Siler, Baptist
Russell Siler Jones, Pastoral Counselor, American Association of Pastoral Counselors
David L. Simms, Chair, Opportunity International, U.S.
Donna Simon, pastor, Abiding Peace Lutheran Church
Rev. John-David Simpson, Manager of Pastoral Care, Bozeman Deaconess Health Services
Patrick Simpson
Annette Marie Sinagra, OP, Corporate Responsibility Analyst, Adrian Dominican Sisters
Simran Singh, Sikh Students Association at University of California Irvine
Jon Singletary, Pastor, Richmond Mennonite Fellowship
Iris Singleton, Aldersgate Methodist Church
Rev. William Sinkford, President, Unitarian Universalist Association
Dr. Anneliese Sinnott, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean, Ecumenical Theological Seminary
Rev. Dr. Thomas G. Sinnott, Christ the Servant Lutheran Church (ELCA)
John Sippola, Pastor, Gloria Dei Lutheran (ELCA)
Ron Sisk, Senior Minister, Crescent Hill Baptist Church
Deborah Sisson, Church of Christ Uniting
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, St. Louis Province
Thinagar Sitther, Pastor, Mennonite/Leading A Non-Denominational Church
Sherman Skinner, Presbyterian
Rev. Jennifer Slade, Senior Minister, The Greenville Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Rabbi Jonathan P. Slater
Dr. Helene Slessarev-Jamir, Urban Studies Director, Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations, Wheaton College
Rabbi Arnie Sleutelbegr, Congregation Shir Tikvah
Rabbi Arnie Sleutelberg, Cong. Shir Tikvah
Rev. William Sliss, Pastor, Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Michael Slupinski, Associate Pastor, Community of Christ
Rabbi Amy Small, Congregation Beth Hatikvah
Anna Small, Associate Pastor, Evergreen Presbyterian Church
Rev. Fred Small, Co-chair, Religious Witness for the Earth
Margaret Small, Roman Catholic
Michael Small, Pastor, Union Congregational United Church of Christ
Phil Small, Roman Catholic
Brooks Smith, Pastor, Watchung Avenue Presbyterian Church
Bryan Smith, pastor, Geneva Presbyterian Church
Daniel Smith, Associate Minister, Hancock United Church of Christ
David Smith, Director, Justice and Peace Studies, University of Saint Thomas, MN
Donald Smith, Pastor, Community of Faith Presbyterian Church
Ellen Smith, Director of Communications, Sisters of Mercy
H. Donald Smith, Senior Minister, The United Church (UCC &UMC)
Harold Smith, Missionary, Methodist Church, Milan Italy
Jack Smith, Transition Minister, Lordship Community Church, United Church of Christ
Jeff Smith, Director - Internal Communications, Northwest Airlines, United Methodist
Jennie Smith, Chair, Dept of Sociology and Anthropology, Berry College
Rev. Jerry Alan Smith, Pastor, First Trinitarian Congregational Church UCC
Kathleen Smith, Pastor, United Methodist Church
Lee Smith, Ruling Elder, Brentwood Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles
Lori Waas Smith, Teacher, Church of the Brethren
Marilyn Smith, Spiritualist, N.S.A.C.
Robert Smith, Professor of New Testament, ELCA Clergy, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
Ruth Ann Smith, Member, Kittamaqundi Community
Sally Smith, Pastor Emerita, United Church of Christ
Shirley Smith, Anona United Methodist
Steven A. Smith, Clerk , Southern California Quarterly Meeting of Pacific Yearly Meeting,
T. Randall Smith, Chairperson, TX Conference Commission on Christian Unity & Interreligious Concerns, United Methodist
Rev. Barbara Smith Jang, Missionary asssigned to South Korea, United Methodist
Gifford Smith, Jr., Founding Minister, Interfaith Fellowship
Mary Ann Smith, MM
Donald Smucker, Mennonite
Stephen B. Snider, Rector, Church of the Holy Apostles (Episcopal)
John Sniegocki, professor of theology, Xavier University
Eric Snyder, Retired, Episcopal
Herbert Snyder, Pastor, Drexel Hill United Methodist Church
Mark Sobel, Rabbi, Temple Beth Emet of Burbank,California
Doug Soderstrom, Instructor of Psychology, Wharton County Junior College
Myra Soifer, RAbbi, Temple Sinai, Reno, NV - Reform Judaism
Elaine Sollenberger, Church of the Brethren
Ra y Sollenberger, Church of the Brethren
Dale Sollom-Brotherton, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Jan Sollom-Brotherton, ELCA
Rav Soloff
Bruce Solomon, Associate Professor, Indiana University
Rabbi Eric M. Solomon, Congregation Tehillah
Fr. Daniel F. Soltys, St. Patrick Catholic Church
Ben Somerville, Rector, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
James Somes, Ecumenical Ministries Coordinator, Community of Christ - Graceland University
David Sommer, Retired YMCA Director, licensed minister, United Church of Christ
Sarah Sommers, United Methodist
Bonnie Sondrol, Member, Christian/Christ Lutheran Church
Owen Sondrol, Lutheran ELCA
Patricia Sonnino, Buddhist
Wendy Sopkovich, Parishioner, St. Christopher's Episcopal Church
Alan Sorem, South Frankfort Presbyterian Church
Herb Sorensen, member, Columbia Ridge Community Church
Rev. Juan J. Sosa, Roman Catholic Pastor
Barbara Sosbe, Senior Pastor, Leesburg United Methodist
Dale Southorn, Pastor, Calvin Presbyterian Church
Win Southworth, Unitarian-Universalist
David Sparks, Senior Pastor, Hollywood Church of the Nazarene
Richard Sparrow, United Church of Christ
Thomas G. Speers, III, Pastor, Dickey Memorial Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, MD
Carol Spencer, ELCA
Daniel Spencer, Associate Professor of Religion & Ethics, Drake University
Ben Spicer, retired, Buddhist
Michael Spicer, Catholic
Richard Spittel, St. Mark's Lutheran Church
Toba Spitzer, Congregation Dorshei Tzedek
Andre L. Spivey, WCC Steward, Pleasant Balley African Methodist Episcopal Ch.
Rev. Richard L. Spleth, Regional Minister, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Agnes Springer, Sisters of St. Joseph of LaGrange
Kathryn Spry, United Methodist Communications and Hillcrest UMC
Eleanor St. Clair, Pastor, Community of Christ
Jeff St. Clair, Peace Lutheran Church
Michael St. Jacques, R.N. , Roman Catholic, (Claretians)
Rev. Janet St.Cyr, Interim Pastor, Trumbull Congregational Church
Max L. Stackhouse, Project on Public Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary
Martha Stacy, First Church in Oberlin
Glen Stadler, Bethany Lutheran Church
Penny Stafford, Coordinator, Spiritualist
Linda Stahl, Rosewood Ref. Church of America
John Stahl-Wert, President, Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation
F. M. Stallings, Non-profit Foundation Director, Episcopal
Steven Stam, Senior Minister, Third Reformed Church, Reformed Church in America
Mary Stanco, Sisters of the Humility of Mary (H.M.)
Matthew Staniz, Seminarian, ELCA
Jim Stanley, Free-Lance Writer // Member, Social Justice Commission, Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana, Episcopal
Nancy Stanley, New Brunswick Theological Seminary
Sheila Stanley, Episcopal Diocese of Olympia
Sheri Stanley, High Priestess, Compass Coven (eclectic Wiccan tradition)
Stephen Stanley, Pastor, Church of God (Anderson, IN)
Leslie Stansbery, Parish Associate, Eastminster Presbyterian Church (U.S.A)
Amy R. Stapleton, field organizer, MFSA
Alice Jo Star, Roman Catholic
Denise Starkey, OP, Coordinator, Religious Employers' Project, National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice
Deanna Starr-Orr, Esq., Unitarian-Universalist
Glen Stassen, Fuller Theological Seminary
Linda Staudinger, St. Mary Parish, Castle Rock, WA
Brian Stauffer, Meteorologist, Buddhist
Suzanne Stauffer
Joan Steadman, United Church of Religious Science
Richard Stearns, President, World Vision US
E. Ann Stedman, United Church of Christ
Alice Steedle, parishioner, St.John Nepomucene RC Church
Erica Steele, Self-Realization Fellowship Temple
Glenda Joan STEELE, SCHOOL TEACHER, catholic
Todd Steele, Deacon, Maplewood Mennonite Church
Dr. Lloyd Steffen, University Chaplain, Lehigh University
Rev. Dave Steffenson, Ph.D., State Coordinator, Wisconsin Interfaith Climate Change Campaign
Amanda Stein, Christian
Rev. Randy Steinman, Redeemer Lutheran Church
Bruce A. Steinway, Pastor, Christ Lutheran Church
John Steitz, pastor, St. Paul's United Church of Christ
Catherine Stentzel, Pastor, United Church of Christ
Harvard Stephens, Jr., Lutheran Campus Pastor, Howard University
Eric Sterling, Member, Bethesda Friends Meeting, Religious Society of Friends
Mark Flory Steury, District Executive Minister, Southern Ohio District Church of the Brethren
Marti Steussy, MacAllister-Petticrew Associate Professor of Biblical Interpretation, Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis
Deborah Stevens, Howard United Methodist Church
Margaret Stevens, Episcopal Diocese of PA
Rev. Don R. Stevenson, Senior Minister, Christ's Reformed Church
Rev. Imagene Stewart, National President, African American Women's Clergy Association
Imagene B. Stewart, National President, African American Women's Clergy Association
John Stewart, Minister, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Marc Ian Stewart, Associate Conference Minister, South Dakota Conference United Church of Christ
Rev. Richard Stewart, Associate Professor, Lutheran Theological Seminary
Robert J. Stewart, Interim Rector, St. Edward's Episcopal Church, Joliet, IL
Roberta Stewart, Member in the Presbyterian Community
Rosemary E Stewart, Resgistered Professional Nurse, Healthy Families
Karen Steyskal, Christian
Robert and Janet Stickney, Retired UCC clergy, UCC
Jennifer H. Stiefel, Episcopal deacon, Christ Church, Portsmouth NH
Robert Stiefel, Rector, Episcopal
Eric Stietzel, Buddhist
Laura Stivers, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Pfeiffer University
Jennifer Stock, Dances of Universal Peace/Sufi/Buddhist/Unity
Jon Stock, Pastor, Church of the Servant King
Sonya Stockklausner, Canadian Baptist
Rev. R.J. Stohler, Parshall UCC
Billie Stoker, Calvary Christian Center
Rev. Eric A. Stone, Central United Methodist Church
Martha Koenig Stone, Minister of Christian Education, Salem United Church of Christ
Pablo Stone, Retired Missionary Latin America, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Martha Stoneburner, Director of Educational Ministries, Cargill United Methodist Church
John Stonecypher, Pastor, Worldwide Church of God
John K Stoner, Coordinator, New Call to Peacemaking/Every Church A Peace Church
Margaret Stoner, Retired, Troy Area United Ministries
Rev. William C. Stooksbury, Pastor, St. Luke's United Methodist Church
Sue Storm, Kansas House of Representatives
Jack Stotts, Presidenet Emeritus, Austin Seminary, PCUSA
J.F. Stover, Presbyterian
John Stowe, Pastor, Roman Catholic; Conventual Franciscan
Gerry Straatemeier, Science of Mind of Tucson AZ
Jim Strader, Divinity School Student, Episcopal - Cathedral of the Incarnation - Baltimore, MD
Jason Stradley, Gamers for Christ
Rev. Gary Straughan, Director of Pastoral Ministries, Moravian Church
David Strawn, Associate Provost for International Studies
Pr. Bill Strehlow, Lutheran Church of Geneva
Craig Strobel, Pastor, Heppner United Methodist Church
Nelson T. Strobert, Professor of Religious Education, Lutheran Theological Seminary
Aune Strom, Interim Coordinator of Christian Formation, St. Thomas Episcopal Church
betty strombom, member, Transfiguration Episcopal Church/san mateo
Bruce Strotman, Pastor, St. Luke's United Church of Christ
Ann (Buz) Stuart, National Chairperson for Ecumenical Action/Global Concerns , Church Women United
Jon Stubbs, pacifist
Deborah and Robert A. Stucklen, Friends
Rev. Elwood Sturtevant, Thomas Jefferson Unitarian Church
Arthur Sudler , Director, Historical Society , African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas
Patricia Suggs, Pastor, Marvin United Methodist Church, United Methodist
Rev. Jessica Sullivan, ULC of Eris
John Sullivan, Chair, English and Literature, Roman Catholic
Kathryn Sullivan, RSCJ
Loma Sullivan, Minister, Pennsylvania Ave. Christian Ch/Disciples of Christ
Melanie Morel Sullivan, minister, Unitarian Universalist Church of Chattanooga, TN
Walter Sullivan, Bishop, Catholic Diocese of Richmond
Bishop Walter F. Sullivan, Biship, Catholic Diocese of Richmond
Joseph Summers, Vicar, The Episcopal Church of the Incarnation
Marcia Summers, United Methodist Church
Max B. Surjadinata, Interim Pastor, United Church of South Vienna
Rabbi Brooks R. Susman, Temple Shaari Emeth
Billie Sutter, Christian Educator, PC(USA)
William and Ruth Sutterlin, retired, American Baptist, Grace Baptist Church, San Jose, CA
Kenneth Sutton, Senior Editor, Friends Journal
Joel Swadesh, PCUSA
Don Swartwout, Highlands Presbyterian Church
Sheldon Swartz, Siloam Mennonite Fellowship
Margaret Swedish, Director, Religious Task Force on Central America & Mexico
John Sweeley, Priest, The Church of Antioch of the Malabar Rite
Helen Sweeney
Rev. Jennifer L. Sweitzer, Atonement Lutheran Church
Leslie R. Swenson, Pastor, St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church
Susan M. Swider, Ph.D., Rush University
Dr. David W. Swink, Associate Professor of Church Leadership, Ecumenical Theological Seminary
Dr. Sayyid M Syeed, Secretary General, The Islamic Society of North America
Joy Ann Szopinski, FCA Ministry (RC)
Jason Takagi, Peer Ministry Chair , United Methodist Student Fellowship at UCI
Bishop Melvin G. Talbert, United Methodist Church
Roger Talbott, Pastor, North Olmsted United Methodist Church
Rev. Jo Taliaferro
James Tanis, Valley Forge Presbyterian Church
Justin Tanis, Director of Clergy Development, Metropolitan Community Churches
Beth Tanner, Assistant Professor of Old Testament, New Brunswick Theological Seminary
Rev. David Tatgenhorst, Pastor, St. Luke United Methodist Church
Claire Tauscher, Roman Catholic
Hal Taussig, Pastor/Graduate Faculty, Chestnut Hill United Methodist Church/Union Theological Seminary/Chestnut Hill College/Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Christi Taylor, Associate Minister to Children and Youth, Baptist
Patricia Taylor Edmisten
Jennye Taylor Johnson, Secular Franciscan Order (SFO)
Viki Teague, Webmistress, FUMC
Miguel Tejada-Coll, United Anglican Church
Norman Tellier, Coordinator of Gift Planning, Reformed Church in America
Paul Tellstrom, Pastor, Mt. Hollywood Congregational Church, U.C.C.
Nicholas Temple, Pastor, Christ Church (United Church of Christ)
Patricia Templeton, Interim Rector, St. Timothy's Episcopal Church
Arvin Ten Brink, Reformed Church in America
Jim Tennyson, Program Staff Support, Presbytery of San Jose
Karen Terada, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Joann Terranova, Catholic
Tom Terrell, Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chicago
Rev. Cynthia A. Terry, Associate University Chaplain, Yale University
Rev. Paul A. Terry, Faith Presbyterian Church
Rabbi David A. Teutsch, President, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Glen Thamert, Lutheran Minster, St. Paul Lutheran Church
M. Thomas Thangarj, Professor of World Christianity, Candler School of Theology
Ellen Tharp, Elder, Presbyterian Church PC(USA)
Nelson Tharp, Elder, Presbyterian Church PC(USA)- Catonsville Presbyterian Church, Catonsville, MD
Eilene Theilig, Lay Leader, First Christian Church, Pasadena
Rev. Frederick L. Thelen, Pastor, Cristo Rey Catholic Church
Nancy Theoharis, Micah 6
Bishop Zacharias Mar Theophilus, Diocesan Bishop, The Diocese of North America and Europe of the Mar Thoma Church
Sr. Agnes Therrien, S.S.Ch., Emmaus Spiritual Life Center
Bruce Theunissen, , retired ecumenical and interfaith agency executive
Dr. Ronald F. Thiemann, Professor of Theology, Harvard University
Rev. Matt A. Thiringer, Pastor, Gethsemane Lutheran Church
Maureen and Carl Thitchener, Co-Ministers, Unitarian Universalist Church of Amherst, NY
Andreas Thode, Pastor, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Rev. Dr. Arnold Isidore Thomas, Conference Minister, Vermont Conference of the United Church of Christ
Rev. Candace D. Thomas, Zion United Church of Christ
Carl Thomas, Pastor, Asbury United Methodist Church
Edward Thomas, physician, Methodist
Rev. John H. Thomas, General Minister and President, United Church of Christ
Stephen Thomas, Minister, Reformed Church in America
Susan Thomas, Chaplain, Deaconess Billings Clinic, Billings, MT, Presbyterian Church, USA
Robert T. Thomason, Membership Secretary and Newsletter Editor, National Campus Ministry, retired clergy UMC
Ann Thompson, Objn, Order of Julianof Norwich
Rev. Bart R. Thompson, Pastor, Bethesda United Methodist Church
Dorothea L. Thompson, First Church in Oberlin - UCC
Janis G. Thompson, First Church in Oberlin - UCC
Jayne M. Thompson, Lutheran Campus Pastor, Lutheran Campus Ministry, Kansas State University
Jim Thompson, Pastor, New Vision Fellowship
William Thompson, First Church in Oberlin
John Thomson, Buddhist
Rev. Timothy Thomson-Hohl, Executive Director, Asbury Protestant Ministry of the Wesley Foundation of Philadelphia, Drexel University
Amy Thoren, Theological Student, Lutheran Christian
Kathy Thornton, RSM, NETWORK a National Catholic Social Justice Lobby
Sharon G. Thorton, Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology, Andover Newton Theological School
Kenneth Thurow, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Roberta Thurstin
Kathleen Tice, Pastor, Stelton Baptist Church
Mary Anne Tierney, First Congregational Church of Christ
Helen R. Tieszen
Rev. Robert W. Tiller, Director of Government Relations, Bread for the World
Dana Tilley, Catholic Church of Annunciation
Suzannah Tilton, Wicca
Don Timmerman
Joan Tirak, Coordinator, Pax Christi Michigan
Robin Titterington, Holy Trinity Episcopal Parish
John Titus, Elder/ Seminarian , Waverly Presbyterian, PC (USA)
Rev. Charles E. Tobias, Pastor, Canal Fulton United Methodist Church
John Tobin, Pacem in Terris
Martin Tobin, Redemptorist
Robert W. Tobin, Rector, Christ Church Cambridge - Episcopal
Mary Todd, President, Lutheran Historical Conference
Mary Ann Tolbert, George Atkinson Professor of Biblical Studies and Executive Director, Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, Pacific School of Religion
Rev. Rebecca J. Tollefson, Executive Director, Ohio Council of Churches
Diane Tollick, Volunteer-Ignatian Lay Volunteer Corps., St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Congregation
Leslie Tomandl Hartman
Carol Tompkins, Pastor, First Presbyterian, Idabel, OK
SaraJane Tompkins, Librarian, Methodists
Dr. Michele Tooley, Associate Professor of Religion, Belmont University
Raymond Torres, First United Methodist Church of Germantown
Daniel Toutant Sr., Roman Catholic
Loren Townsend, Professor of Pastoral Care, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary; ABCUSA
Judith Townsend Seime, Private citizen
Ann Toynbee, Methodist
Danny Trapp, Elder, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Benton J. Trawick, Pastor, Christ Presbyterian Church, High Point, NC
Randall Tremba, Senior Pastor, Shepherdstown Presbyterian (PCUSA)
Larry W. Trent, Director of Christian Education, Christ Church United Methodist
Jean Trimble, Immaculate Conception, Milwaukee, WI
Saul Trinidad, Pastor, United Methodist Church
Susan M. Troccolo, Roman Catholic
Deborah Troillett, RSM, President, Mount St. Mary Academy
Dean Trulear, Center for Urban Theological Studies
Martin Truscott, Ministerial Training Officer, United Reformed Church UK (North Western Synod)
James C. Tschudy, Pulaski Congregational UCC - NY
Tenzing Tsewang, Buddhist
D.A. Tubman, Elder,Union Presbyterian Church,Scottsville,NY
Fr. Stanley T. Tuchalski, Student, Catholic University
Tim Tucker
Rev. Curtis Tufts, Minister of the 4 Town Pastoral Charge, The United Church Canada
Patricia Tull, Assoc. Prof. of Old Testament, Louisville Presbyterian Seminary, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Patricia Tummino, minister, Unitarian Universalist Society of Middleboro
Rev. Leslie Copeland Tune, Associate Minister, Metropolitan Baptist Church
Khalid Turaani, American Muslims for Jerusalem
Mary Turgi, CSC, Director, Holy Cross International Justice Office
Rev. Paul M. Turner , Sr. Pastor, Gentle Spirit Christian Church of Atlanta, Inc.
Rev. Timothy B. Tutt, Pastor, United Christian Church
Michael Tutterow, Senior Pastor, Winter Park Baptist Church
Krista Tweed, First United Methodist Church
Cathleen Twomey, non-denominational
Stephen J. Tyminski, Apostolic Vicar, American Traditional Catholic Church
Rev. Bill Uetricht, Pastor, First Lutheran Church
Rick Ufford-Chase, Co-Moderator, Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Kent J. Ulery, Conference Minister, Michigan Conference, United Church of Christ
Robert Ullman, Pastor, Redeemer United Church of Christ
Tom Ulrich, Central Presbyterian Church
Heidi Rolland Unruh, Associate Director, Congregations, Communities and Leadership Development Project
William Upholt, Quaker (Hartford (CT) Monthly Meeting)
Anne-Marie Urban, Catholic
Arthur Urie, Pastor, United Church of Christ
William Utke, Intentional Interim Minister, Our Saviour's United Church of Christ
George Uzzell, none
Rev. Eliezer Valentin-Castañon, The United Methodist Church General Board of Church and Society
William Valentine, Retired Clergy, United Methodist Church
David L. Van Arsdale, Pastor, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Alan Van Der Hulst, Resurrection Life Church/Family Of God
Ethan Van Drunen, Hunger Intern, Bread for the World
Barry Van Dusen, Minister, Trinity Presbyterian Church
Amy Van Gunst, Minister, Reformed Church in America
Joy Van Meter, San Diego Mennonite Church
Dr. John C. Van Nuys, Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church
Ardys Van Stavern, Retired, Elm Grove Community United Methodist Church
Henk van Waveren, Minister, Remonstrant Congregation Eindhoven (NL)
Katy Vandegrift, Christian
Casey vanderBent, People's Congregational Church
Peter vanderKam, United Church of Canada
Sharon Vanhoose, First United Methodist, Russellville, AR
Emily VanLaeys, Resource Center Director/writer, Presbytery of Susquehanna Valley
Margaret Vannest, layperson, The United Church of Canada
Rev. Clyde R. Vaughn, United Methodist Church
Rob Vaughn, PhD, Pastor, Community of Faith United Methodist
Carlton Veazey, President and CEO, The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Onorina Vedovi-Rinker, human being
Rolf Vegdahl, Lutheran
Rev. Lydia Veliko, Minister for Ecumenical Relations, United Church of Christ
Terry Veling, Associate Professor of Theology, St. Thomas University
Tony Vento, National Program Director, Pax Christi USA
Maria Luisa Vera, RSM, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Rev. Jaime R. Vergara, Immanuel United Methodist Church, Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Ron Vernan, R.Sc.F., United Church of Religious Science
Karen Verveda, United Church of Canada
Ryan VerWys, Service and Training Intern, Christian Reformed World Relief Committee
Joanna Vessella, Religious Outreach Coordinator, United for a Fair Economy
Molly Vetter, San Diego First United Methodist Church
Rev. Michelle R. Vetters, First Presbyterian Church
Susan Vickers, Director of Advocacy, Catholic Healthcare West
Nancy J. Vickers, Ph.D., United Methodist
Maria Vincent Brocato, President, Sisters of Charity of Nazareth
Loretta Whitney Viner , Pastor, St. Paul UMC
Tony Vis, Senior Pastor, Meredith Drive Reformed Church
Olga & Jeronimo Visser, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Portage, MI
Sunthar Visuvalingam, Scholar of compative religion (esp. South Asia)
Christine Vladimiroff, OSB, Prioress, Benedictine Sisters of Erie
Christine Vladimiroff,OSB, Prioress, Benedictine Sisters of Erie,PA
Irene Vogel, Pacem in Terris
Jonathan Vogel-Borne, Field Secretary, New England Yearly Meeting (Quakers)
Sharon Vogt, Independent Catholic
Joe Volk, Executive Secretary, Friends Committee on National Legislation (Quakers)
Dianne Volkoff, Mother-Wife, Roman Catholic
Robert von Tobel, member, Unitarian
Anita VonWellsheim, RSCJ
Karl vonWerther, Director, Spiritual Emergence Research Institute (S.E.R.I.)
Richard Vorpe
erika Voss, Roman Catholic
Kimberly Vossler, parishiner, St. Bridget's Roman Catholic, Albany diocese
Nicholas Vrooman, Folklorist, Sun Dancer
David Waas, Professor of History Emeritus, Church of the Brethren
Deborah Waas, Elementary school teacher, Church of the Brethren
Elizabeth Waas, Social Worker, The Gathering, San Diego
Ross Wagner, Assistant Professor of NT, Princeton Theological Seminary
Tim Wagner, Pastor, American Baptist Churches of Maine/South Berwick First Baptist
Wolfgang Wagner, Director, Protestant Academie
Lois E. Wagner, MN, RN, CS, Associate Professor of Nursing, Point Loma Nazarene University
Zandra Wagoner, Minister, Church of the Brethren
James L. Waits, President, The Fund for Theological Education
Thomas Wakely, Executive Director, Economic Justice Foundation
Robert Walden, First Mennonite Church, Allentown, PA
Donald Wales, Presbyterian Church, USA
Rev. Robert Walk, Chaplain, American Baptist
Chad Walker, Pastor, ELCA
Garland M. Walker, CPE Resident, UCLA Medical Center, UCC
Joyce Bogardus Walker, Assoc. for Faith Development, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
Leticia Walker, Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church
Lois Jean Walker, Teacher, Community of Christ
Mary Emma Walker, First Church in Oberlin - USS
Rev. Patrick B. Walker, Executive Director, York County Council of Churches
Randi Walker, Professor of Church History, Pacific School of Religion
Robin Walker, Diocesan Stewardship Officer, Diocese of Edmonton, Anglican Church of Canada
Vicki Walker, Member, Christ Episcopal Church
William J. Walker, First Church in Oberlin - UCC
Greg Walker-Wilson, United Church Of Christ
Charlie Wallace, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Willamette University
John Wallace, Pastor, Christ United Methodist Church, Columbus, OH
Martha Wallace, Assistant Rector, All Saints' Episcopal Church
Wiiliam Wallenbeck, Sr. Pastor, Niagara Community Church
Michael Wallens, Chaplain, St. Paul's School--Episcopal
Rev. Jim Wallis, Call to Renewal and Sojourners
Jane Walls, Annunciation Church
Dr. Andrew D. Walsh, Assistant Professor of Religion and Philosophy, Culver-Stockton College
jackie walsh, Campus Minister, RSM
Sr. Joanna, F.C.J. Walsh
John Walsh, University Chaplain and Director of the Jameson Center for the Study of Religion and Ethics, University of Redlands
Kathleen Walsh, Buddhist
Mary-Paula Walsh
Virginia Walsh, Unity
Brian Walt, Congregation Mishkan Shalom
Carol Walter, Pax Christi
Rev. Kyle M. Walter, Campus Minister, Presbyterian (USA) - Texas A&M University
Joseph Walters, Senior Minister, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Lee Walters, United Church Of Christ
Lynda Walters, Community of Christ / Upland, CA, USA
C.W. (Bud) Walther, Pastor, Immanuel, United Church of Christ
Andrew Walton, Pastor, Forsyth Presbyterian Church (USA)
Rev. Jon M. Walton, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York
Roy Walworth, Regional Missioner, Episcopal Diocese of Wyoming
Eric Wangen-Hoch, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Claudia Ward, Principal - St. John's Catholic School, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Richard Warger, Executive Director, Lutheran Chaplaincy Service
Keith Douglass Warner OFM, Franciscan Friars
Andrea Warnke, Church of the Brethren background
Dr. Valora Washington, Executive Director, Unitarian Universalist Service Committe
Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Director, The Shalom Center
Anita Watchorn
Jason Watkins, College student, United Methodist
Lacie Watkins-Bush, Peace and Justice Chair/ So Cal Rep. , Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference
wendy watson-mills, christian
David Waugh, Pastor and Director, Metro Baptist Church and Rauschenbusch Metro Ministries
Maurine Waun, Minister, East Suburban Unitarian Universalist Church
Ineke Way, Skyridge Church of the Brethren
Dr. Denny Wayman, Free Methodist Church of Santa Barbara
Rev. Lawrence H. Wayman, North Oxnard United Methodist Church
Rev. Joseph A. Weaks, Pastor, Bethany Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Julie Weatherford
Pamela June Webb, Intentional Interim Pastor, Lakewood Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Tom Webber, Roman Catholic theology teacher, Thomas More High School
Angela Weber, Sacred Path
Rev. Gloria Weber, Interfaith Voices for Peace and Justice
Judee Weber, Director of Religious Education, Roman Catholic
Kevin Weber, Nondenominational Christian
Richard Weber, Spiritual Life Coordinator, L'Arche Cleveland Community
Wilburn Weber, Lay Person, St. Stephens United Church of Christ
Carolyn Wedin, Professor Emeritus, Lutheran
Ross Weeks Jr., Episcopalian
Janet Weiblen, Pastor, Gethsemane United Church of Christ
Rev. Jane C. Weidig, United Church of Christ
Charles Weigel, Jr., Pastor, Downingtown United Methodist Church
Rabbi Michael A. Weinberg, Temple Beth Israel
Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub, CSW
Rabbi Cory Weiss, Congregation Beth Shalom Rodfe Zedek
Patricia Welch, pastor, Congregational Church of Edgecomb, UCC
Karen Weldin, Director of Operations, Soulforce, Inc.
Nancy Welliver, United Church of Christ
Nancy Wellman, University of Toledo Campus Ministry
Beth Wells, Commissioner, 213th General Assembly of the PCUSA
Dorothy Wells, United Methodist
Richard Welscott, Director of Congregational Services&Evanglism, Reformed Church In America
Rev. Dr. Robert Welsh, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Revs. Antonio and Raquel Welty, Presbytery of Hudson River, Binational Servants, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Edgar Welty, Pastor, United Church of Christ
Rev. Fritz Wendt, CSW, Pastor and Psychotherapist
Rabbi Margaret Moers Wenig, Rabbi Emerita, Beth Am, The People's Temple
Rev. Jimmy Lee Werley, Zion's Union Church (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America & United Church of Christ)
Deborah Wertz, Lay Minister, Seminarian, Community Congregational UCC
Charles West, Grace and Skandia United odist Churches
Kathleen West, Episcopal Priest
Kathryn West, Parish Council Chairperson, Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church
Rebecca West, United Church of Christ
Rev. Robert A. West, St. Paul's United Church of Christ
Amanda Westbrook, Christian
Laura Westby, Private Citizen
David Westcott, Pastor, Bowne Street Community Church
Michael Westenberg, Director of Religious Education and Social Outreach, St. Matthew Catholic Church
Michael Westmoreland-White, Research Associate, Fuller Theological Seminary, Alliance of Baptists/Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Rev. Dr. John H. Weston, Ministerial Settlement Director, Department of Ministry, Unitarian Universalist Association
Rev. Amy E. Wharton, Pastor, Cuba Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Barbara G. Wheeler, President, Auburn Theological Seminary
Edward Wheeler, President, Christian Theological Seminary
Ellen Wheeler, Baha'i Faith
Michelle Wheeler, Senior Spanish Ed. major, Cedarville University, OH
Ann Whitaker, curate, Episcopal Church of the Mediator, Meridian, MS
Rev. Doris Arnett Whitaker, Director of Admissions, United Theological Seminar
Wesley White, Pastor, St. Luke's United Methodist Church
Anita White, Pastor, Waterford Congregational Church, UCC
C.G. White, Pastor, Pilot View Friends Church
Rev. Charles R. White, Pastor, Tehachapi Valley Methodist Church
David White, Director of Youth Discipleship Project, Claremont School of Theology
James W. White, First Church in Oberlin - UCC
John White, Pastor, New Life Community Church, RCA
Marcus White, Exec. Dir., Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee
Mel White, Executive Director , Soulforce, Inc.
Rabbi Michael A. White, Temple Sinai
Morton White, Presbyterian
Terry White, Laity, Church of Christ
Rev. Dr. Priscilla Felisky Whitehead, The Church by the Sea (UCC)
Howard H. Whitehurst, Pastor, Upper Long Cane Presbyterian Church
Rev. Raewynne J. Whiteley, Assisting Priest, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
Kathleen Whitfield, RSCJ
Rev. Margay Jo Whitlock, Pastor, Zion Lutheran Church
Lauren Whitman, United Church of Christ
Charles Whitmore, MT.Holly United Methodist Church
Rev. Faith Whitmore, Senior Pastor, St. Mark's United Methodist Church
Laura Whitmore, Mt.Holly United Methodist Church
Gretchen Whittaker, housewife and mom, none
Rev. Dr. Barbara Whittaker-Johns, Senior Minister, First Parish Unitarian, Universalist Church of Arlington, MA
Jolene Wichlacz, R.E. Coordinator, Catholic
Jane Wicker, associate principal, Holy Family School
Philip L. Wickeri, Flora Lamson Hewlett Professor of Evangelism and Mission, San Francisco Theological Seminary
Heather Wicks, Interim Minister, United Church of Christ
Robert Widdowson, Student Supply Minister, United Church of Canada
David Wiechel, Pastor, Story-Hypes United Methodist Church
Dennis Wienk, Rector, St. Thomas' Church, Bath, New York USA, Episcopal Church in the USA
Gordon Wiersma, Reformed Church in America
Warren Wiggins, Pastor, St. Peter United Church of Christ
John Wightman, Interim Pastor, Second Congregational and Immanuel Community Church, Pittsfield, MA
Dr. John G. Wightman, Interim Pastor, Second Congregational Church, Immanuel Community Church
Francesca Wigle, TSSF
Revs. Bill and Holly Wildhack, Co-Pastors, Maximo Presbyterian Church, Presbytery of St. Petersburg
Rev. Charles L. Wildman, Senior Pastor, Rock Spring Congregational United Church of Christ
Geoffrey Wilfong-Pritchard, Minister, At. Andrew's United Church, Edmonton
Pastor Michael Wilker, Lutheran Community Church
Constance Wilkerson, Minister, The Presbyterian Church of Sweet Hollow
Lewis Wilkins, Minister, Presbyterian Church
Larry C. Wilkinson, Community of Christ
Drew Willard, Pastor, Holiday UCC, Holiday, FL
Randy Willard, member, Hilton Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
David Willerup, Pastor, Westwood Reformed Church
Arlen Williams, in Christ, the one church, the body and bride of Christ
daniel/millicent williams, christian
E. Louise Williams, Executive Director, Lutheran Deaconess Association
Kenneth Williams, Pastor, First Baptist Church of Rochester, NY
Dr. Mary L. Williams, Progressive Baptist
Patricia Williams, First United Methodist Church
Roger & Patty Williams, Catholic Church
Brandon D. WilliamsCraig, Director, Beamish Process Arts, Founder, Guardians of Peace
Rev. Barbara Williams-Skinner, President, Skinner Leadership Institute
Marcia Willsie, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Laurie Wilner
Edith Wilson, Community of Reconciliation Church
Edna Wilson, member , First United Methodist Church
G. Todd Wilson, Senior Minister, First Baptist Church
Gail Wilson, Presbyterian
Leland Wilson, Retired, First Presbyterian Church, Mesa, AZ
Louise Wilson, Associate Professor, Evangelical Covenant
Mason Wilson, Retired, Episcopal
Rev. Nathan D. Wilson, Executive Director, West Virginia Council of Churches
Erik Wilson Weiberg, Pastor , Ballard First Lutheran Church, ELCA
Carlos Wilton, Pastor, Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church
John Wimberly, Western Presbyterian Church
Kim Winchell, Director, Michigan Interfaith Coalition for Creation
Rev. Dr. James P. Wind, President, The Alban Institute
Pedro Windsor, National Vice-President, National Alliance of Hispanic Evangelical Ministries (AMEN)
Marlin & Lois Wine, Church of the Brethren
George M. Wine Chase, United Methodist
Marlene Wine Chase, Director, Nourishing the Soul
Jane Winegardner, teacher, ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
Bruce and Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, Co-Pastors, First Presbyterian Church
Jeanne Wingenter, Coordinator, Mankato Province Office of Justice & Peace, School Sisters of Notre Dame
John Wingfield, Interim Minister, Unity Christ Church
Rev. Dr. Walter Wink, Auburn Theological Seminary
Karen Winkel, Pastor, Bountiful Community Church (United Church of Christ), Bountiful, UT
Jim Winkler, General Secretary, United Methodist General Board of Church & Society
Tobias Winright, Instructor of Religion, Simpson College
Mark Winstanley, Catholic - Christian
Diana Winston, Associate Director, Buddhist Peace Fellowship
R. Michael Winters, Pastor, Morton Grove Community Church, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Rev. Michael Wintz, Religious Studies, Mesa Community College
Rev. Sue Wintz, Presbyterian Chaplain, St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center
Robin Wirthlin, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, San Francisco
Ira J. Wise, R.J.E., Director of Education, Congregation B'nai Israel
Carol Wiseman, M.Div. Canidate, Seminary
Rev. David Witkovsky, Chaplain, Juniata College
Karen Wojahn, Associate for Children's and Family Ministries, St. Wilfrid of York Episcopal Church, Huntington Beach, California
Autumn Wolf, Minister, PanZen Ministry, ULC
Rev. M. David Wolf, Conference Coordinator (retired), UM Volunteers in Mission, Cal-Nevada Conference
Ulrich Wolf-Barnett, Pastor , German Lutheran Church Washington, D.C.
Brandi Wolf-Drake, Associate Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church
Charles Wolfe, Pastor, United Church of Christ
Adam R. Wolff
Rev. Lois Ann Wolff, Interim Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Chair of Committee on Ministry, Presbytery of Albany
Rev. Robert C. Wolff, Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Rev. James H. Wolford, Associate of the Bishop, Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod, ELCA
Dayna Wolhart, Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church
Rev. Gail R. Wolling, Pastor, St. Johns - St. Marks Lutheran Church
Dale Woloshin, All Saints Anglican Church (Westboro)
Roger Wolsey, Pastor, Town & Country United Methodist Parish
Alice Wolters, National Coordinator, Peru Peace Network
Anne Womack, Second Presbyterian Church
J. Paul Womack, Co-Pastor, Covenant United Methodist Church
Paula Womack, North Raleigh United Church (UCC)
Rev. Dr. Bertrice Wood, Vice President, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
Rev. Donna J. Wood, Twin Towers UMC
Dr. Richard Wood, President, United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia
Rev. Sally G. Woodard, Edgewood Presbyterian Church
Anne Woodhead, Episcopalian
Grant Woodley, Student, Evangelical Christian
Terry Woodnorth, Valley Christian Reformed Church
Patricia Anne Woods, Hastings-on-Hudson
Bonnie Woods, RSM, Coordinator of Pastoral Education, Children's Hospital of Michigan
Nancy Hatch Woodward, Unitarian Universalist Church of Chattanooga
Brian Woody MD, Family Physician, Methodist
Ronald L Woofter, membership chairman, United Methodist
Rev. Dr. Peter C. Wool, Pastor, Lansdowne Baptist Church
Jason Woolery, Senior Theology Student, Dallas Christian College
Steven Woolley, Rector, St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Matthew Wooster, Minister, First Congregational United Church of Christ of Hudson, OH
Johanna Worley, Teacher, First Presbyterian, manitowoc, wi
Rev. Cindy Worthington-Berry, First Parish Church United
vladimir wozniuk, professor of government, western new england college
Alice Wright
Charles Wright, Pastor, Salem United Church of Christ
Felicty Wright
Hillary Wright, Associate Minister, Raymore Christian Church, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Jo Anne Wright, Rector, St. John's Episcopal church
Karen Wright, Pastor, Central Bedford Lutheran Parish
Keith Wright, Parish Associate, University Presbyterian Church
Rev. Dr. Rebecca Abts Wright, Associate Professor of Old Testament, The School of Theology, The University of the South
Scott Wright, Co-coordinator, Ecumenical Program on Central America and the Caribbean
Stephen Hamilton Wright, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church
Wayne P. Wright, Episcopal Bishop of Delaware, Episcopal Diocese of Delaware
Michael Wu, Senior Pastor, Los Angeles Chinese Alliance Church 0f C & M A
Stephen Wunrow, photographer, Korean Quarterly
Elvin K. Wyly, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Rutgers University
Elaine Wynn, United Methodist Church
Rabbi Bridget Wynne
Rev. Steven Toshio Yamaguchi, Grace Presbyterian Church
C. Denise Yarbrough, Rector, Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration
Rev. Amy Yarnall, Pastor, Summit United Methodist Church
Larry Yates, unaffiliated animist
Liz Yeats, Communications and Web Services Coordinator, Religious Society of Friends
Adre Yel, Canossian religious, Member, Provincial Commission on JPIC
Rev. Caryn M. Yoast, Pastor, Charlestown Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Matthew Yoder, Mennonite/Vineyard
Paul Yoder, Pastor, Hayward United Methodist Church
Amos Yong, Assistant Professor, Bethel College
Danica You, President, Associated Students of the University of Washington
Ambassador Andrew Young, President, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
Carol Young, First United Methodist Church, Pensacola, FL
Rev. Dennis J. Young, Pastor, Resurrection Lutheran Church (ELCA)
Rev. Gordon J. Young, Our Savior's Lutheran Church
Rev. Dr. John A. Young, St. Matthew United Methodist Church
Mary Louise Young, Religious Society of Friends
Bishop McKinley Young, Presiding Bishop, Tenth District, African Methodist Episcopal Church
Peter Young, Retired Professor of Theatre, First United Methodist Church, Pensacola, FL
Richard Young, Chaplain, Dignity/Dayton
Ronald J. Young, Executive Director, U.S. Interreligious Committee for Peace in the Middle East
Stephen Young, Church of the Crucified One
John Young-Powell, High School Theology Teacher, Catholic
Hisashi Yukimoto, former Executive Secretary of the Center for Christian Response to Asian Issues, National Christian Council in Japan
Rev. Philip W. Zabell, Pastor, St. Paul's Lutheran, Artois; First Lutheran
Zbigniew Zabinski, Roman Catholic
James H. Zahniser, Ph.D.
Martin Zank, UMC
Jon T. Zappulla, Pastor and Teacher, Columbia Congregational United Church of Christ
Susan Gilbert Zencka, Pastor, Dyer Presbyterian Church
Rabbi Irwin Zeplowitz, Temple Anshe Sholom
Mark Zier, Instructor, University of San Francisco
Dr. Barbara Brown Zikmund, Chair, Inter-Faith Relations Commision (NCCC-USA)
Vicki Zilke, Marble Memorial United Methodist Church
John A. Zimmer, Retired United Methodist Minister, United Methodist Church
Laurie Zimmerman
Teresa Zimmerman, child of the universe
Elizabeth Zingg, Elder, PCUSA, PCUSA
Katie Ziskovsky, Student, United Methodist
Johnny Zokovitch, Program Associate, Pax Christi USA
Terry Zorn, volunteer missionary, Trinity UMC Stony Point NY
Pat Zubey, Roman Catholic
Patricia Zubey, Roman Catholic
Jon Zuck, Sacred Heart Catholic Church
David Zucker

On the Third Anniversary of September 11, 2001

From the National Council of Churches

A Special Report on the NCC's Work to Save Fragile 'Bridges' Imperiled by War on Terror

New York City's prominent bridges often have been the focus of heightened security measures since Sept. 11, 2001. A different kind of bridge also is at risk today -- not a physical bridge, but with tangible consequences for human lives. At a time when they are more needed than ever, bridges of understanding and cooperation among diverse peoples, faiths and nations have been severely undermined in the course of the war on terror. As the world observes the third anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, people of faith ponder the sorrows, lessons and implications of that event with an eye toward the future. In a special web report, Sarah Vilankulu takes a look at what the National Council of Churches is doing to assure tomorrows more hopeful for all.

Read This Special Report on "September 11, Plus 3"

Baptists Boo Bush's HUD Secretary

aljackson020503Bush Administration Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson was booed today while addressing the National Baptist Convention USA. The AP reports:

The booing started when Jackson, who is black, told the annual meeting of the National Baptist Convention USA that the Republican Party is committed to helping blacks.

Some of the ministers laughed at Jackson's comment. Then a chorus of boos started and went on for about a minute until a church official stepped to the podium and asked the audience to stop.

Jackson said afterward that the National Baptist Convention is made up mostly of older people who are set in their ways, so the booing didn't surprise him. He added, "The so-called black leadership — Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Julian Bond — creates and continues black victimization."

Why would people of faith boo the HUD secretary? Since George W. Bush took office there has been an on-going effort to cut back programs designed to help people lift themselves out of poverty.

Jackson says that his party wants to help back communities, but the president has refused to meet with the Congressional Black Caucus and the NAACP. No wonder the ministers broke out in laughter. They know the record of the last four years.

In May of this year, Jackson told Congress that 'being poor is a state of mind, not a condition." He used this reasoning to argue for cutbacks in social service programs.

When the booing got loud and the pressure intense Jackson did what all good Bush employees do: he attacked the audience by labeling them as “older people who are set in their ways,” according to the AP.

Oregon Catholic Conference Will Support Oregon's Measure 36

The Oregonian is reporting today that the Oregon Catholic Conference will endorse Measure 36. Measure 36 is the ballot measure voters will consider in November that bans same sex marriage. No one should be surprised by the Catholic position. Their church hierarchy almost always takes the conservative position on the gay marriage question. I actually have a lot of respect for the Oregon Catholic Conference and their work on anti-poverty issues, but on this issue they are simply wrong. My guess is that many members of the Oregon Catholic Conference will simply ignore their leaders and vote against the measure.

Not all Christians support the measure. The Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ is urging their members to vote against Measure 36. This is the conference that I belong to. You can expect that other denominations and individual churches will also oppose the measure. Christians are divided on this issue and even the Catholic Church only speaks for part of their own membership.

Prophetic Justice Principles

riversideOver the summer the National Council of Churches offered a document containing “Christian Principles in an Election Year” for Christians to use when considering which candidates they might vote for. New York City’s Riverside Church has now issued a similar set of principles. The Prophetic Justice Principles are meant to be used for judging the policy positions adopted by candidates. Check out what they have to offer:

We face a time of choices, and a recognition that our nation has strayed from some of its founding spiritual, moral and democratic principles. People of faith who care deeply about the soul of our country may feel inspired to hold up, as the Prophet Amos did, a series of principles against which to test their leaders’ policies for moral depth.

1. Seek the common good: Does the policy represent the common good of society rather than the interest of an elite few?

2. Be truthful in facts and motives: Is the policy based on a true analysis and does it disclose its true intention? How likely is the outcome to achieve its proposed purpose?

3. Promote unity and inclusion: Does the policy hold the prospect of reducing the polarization and fragmentation of the society due to race, religion, class, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin?

4. Care for the poor: Does the policy provide good news for the poor? Does it reverse the trend toward an ever-widening gap between rich and poor?

5. Protect the vulnerable: Is the policy good for children, the elderly, and the disadvantaged? Does it show sensitivity to the spirit of the golden rule?

6. Guard freedom of thought and discussion: Does the policy provide for free press, free discussion, and the expression of dissent, along with fair and just methods of participation in the democratic process?

7. Respect other nations and peoples: Does the policy encourage respect for peoples and nations other than our own? Does it respect the fundamental dignity and rights of every human being? Does it use diplomacy as a valued instrument of statecraft in resolving international conflicts and refrain from unilateral military actions for empire-building and domination strategies?

8. Ensure stewardship of creation: Is the policy supportive of strong measures to insure ecological responsibility and sustainability?

9. Cherish the human family: Does the policy practice good global citizenship involving respect for all cultures and nations, and collective responsibility for the common good of the global community? Does it refrain from nationalism, militarism or imperialism based on a sense of national superiority?

10. Provide moral leadership: Does the policy lead by example, doing the right thing and holding the right lessons for our children and our citizens? Does it promote a more ethical society, and uphold trust in public offices?

The Riverside Church of New York

The Rev. Dr. James A. Forbes, Jr, senior minister at Riverside Church, has agreed to do an interview with me for this site about his efforts. Look for it soon.

Photo credit: Riverside Church

"Religious Left Says It's Ready for Major Political Push"

c.2004 Newhouse News Service

NEW YORK -- With a full-page ad in the New York Times, a flashlight-illuminated protest on Broadway and a plea from rock star Bono for spiritually motivated, poverty-fighting activism, the religious left has sent a message to the presidential candidates and the voters during the Republican Convention.

After years of impotence, their movement is back, progressive religious leaders say.

While it is hard to tell if that assertion has real political muscle behind it, political analysts on the right as well as the left agree that the movement appears determined to make the case that God is not a Republican.

Full story

Jimmy Carter To to Zell Miller: 'You Have Betrayed our Trust'

Published on Wednesday, September 8, 2004 by the Atlanta Journal Constitution

Letter to Zell Miller: 'You Have Betrayed our Trust'
by Jimmy Carter

To Sen. Zell Miller:

You seem to have forgotten that loyal Democrats elected you as mayor [of Young Harris] and as state senator. Loyal Democrats, including members of my family and me, elected you as state senator, lieutenant governor and governor. It was a loyal Democrat, Lester Maddox, who assigned you to high positions in the state government when you were out of office. It was a loyal Democrat, Roy Barnes, who appointed you as U.S. senator when you were out of office. By your historically unprecedented disloyalty, you have betrayed our trust.

Great Georgia Democrats who served in the past, including Walter George, Richard Russell, Herman Talmadge and Sam Nunn, disagreed strongly with the policies of Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and me, but they remained loyal to the party in which they gained their public office. Other Democrats, because of philosophical differences or the race issue, like Bo Callaway and Strom Thurmond, at least had the decency to become Republicans.

Everyone knows that you were chosen to speak at the Republican National Convention because of your being a "Democrat," and it's quite possible that your rabid speech damaged our party and paid the GOP some transient dividends.

Perhaps more troublesome of all is seeing you adopt an established and very effective Republican campaign technique of destroying the character of opponents by wild and false allegations. The Bush campaign's personal attacks on the character of John McCain in South Carolina in 2000 was a vivid example. The claim that war hero Max Cleland was a disloyal American and an ally of Osama bin Laden should have given you pause, but you have joined in this ploy by your bizarre claims that another war hero, John Kerry, would not defend the security of our nation except with spitballs. (This is the same man whom you described previously as "one of this nation's authentic heroes, one of this party's best-known and greatest leaders --- and a good friend.")

I, myself, served in the Navy from 1942 to 1953, and, as president, greatly strengthened our military forces and protected our nation and its interests in every way. I don't believe this warrants your referring to me as a pacifist.

Zell, I have known you for 42 years and have, in the past, respected you as a trustworthy political leader and a personal friend. But now, there are many of us loyal Democrats who feel uncomfortable in seeing that you have chosen the rich over the poor, unilateral pre-emptive war over a strong nation united with others for peace, lies and obfuscation over the truth, and the political technique of personal character assassination as a way to win elections or to garner a few moments of applause. These are not the characteristics of great Democrats whose legacy you and I have inherited.

Sincerely, and with deepest regrets,

Jimmy Carter

1000 Dead And Counting In Iraq

front_funeral3Yesterday marked the death of the 1,000th US military casualty in Iraq. Sadly, these Americans have given their lives in a war that did not have to be fought. Pray for them and their families as the death toll continues to climb. maintains a site listing all the American deaths with short biographical information on each solider. It is a moving memorial.

Click here to see current estimates of the number of Iraqi civilians killed in the conflict.

For more information about US deaths visit Bring Them Home Now. This web site was set-up for families of US soliders.

Dick Cheney Tells Supporters America Will Be Attacked If John Kerry Wins Election In November

No joke. The vice-president said today that America will "be hit” by terrorists if voters choose John Kerry over George W. Bush. Here’s the direct quote:

"It's absolutely essential that eight weeks from today, on Nov. 2, we make the right choice, because if we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we'll get hit again and we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States.”

John Edwards responded with the following statement:

“Dick Cheney's scare tactics crossed the line today, showing once again that he and George Bush will do anything and say anything to save their jobs. Protecting America from vicious terrorists is not a Democratic or Republican issue, it's an American issue and Dick Cheney and George Bush should know that.

“John Kerry and I will keep America safe, and we will not divide the American people to do it.”

Cheney’s attempt to scare the American public into voting for his ticket will go down in history as one of the most despicable moments in presidential campaign history.

Hate Crimes Vote Sept 8

Action Alert from the United Church of Christ

People of faith have worked for years to strengthen federal hate crimes law in response to the horrific, hate-motivated murders of James Byrd, Matthew Shepherd and many other victims of hate crimes. We now have an opportunity to achieve a significant legislative victory by passing the Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act (LLEEA).

LLEEA, formerly the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, a measure to strengthen existing federal hate crimes law, was passed in June with bipartisan support in the Senate as an amendment to the Department of Defense authorization bill. In an important step toward passing this historic legislation, House members will vote this week on a Motion to Instruct House conferees to include the hate crimes provision in the final version of the Defense authorization bill. A vote may come as early as Wednesday, September 8th.

LLEEA would expand federal hate crimes law to include hate crimes based on actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender or disability. It would also allow federal law enforcement authorities to assist state and local authorities in investigating and prosecuting hate crimes perpetrated against individuals not engaged in one of the narrowly-defined "federally protected activities," such as voting. This legislation would provide the support and assistance needed by many small jurisdictions lacking the resources to investigate and prosecute hate crimes.

Particularly in light of hate violence perpetrated in response to the events of September 11, 2001, addressing hate crimes and hate violence must be a national priority.

Contact your representative today and urge them to support the Motion to Instruct on hate crimes to ensure that the Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Act (S. 966/ H.R. 4204) is included in the Department of Defense authorization bill. To send a fax or e-mail message, click here.

Help Religious Progressives Reach Out To St. Louis Voters

Earlier this summer an informal group of interfaith clergy and laity met on the campus of Eden Theological Seminary to discuss ways of promoting a theological viewpoint this election cycle that was progressive and responsive to social justice concerns.

One of the results of that meeting is an open letter to the people of St. Louis the group hopes to publish twice in the St. Louis Dispatch before the November election. Click here to read the letter.

The total cost of publishing the letter will come to $10,260. We need help raising that money. Missouri is an important swing state this November and it is critical that the voters take into consideration issues such as affordable health care, the environment, and child poverty as they pick candidates to vote for.

Can you help the progressive religious community in St. Louis make this statement? Readers of this blog could make the difference in getting this letter published. You come from around the country and have the chance to make a real difference this November.

Checks should be made out to The Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon and mailed to:

The Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon
c/o Eden Theological Seminary
475 E. Lockwood
St. Louis, MO 63119

This is a private effort and not endorsed by Eden or any other organizational body. Contributions are not tax deductible. Contact Dr. Kinnamon via e-mail at [email protected] or call 314-918-2588 with any questions.