Life has abruptly taken a change this week at the Currie household. Eden Theological Seminary’s fall semester started last Tuesday. Over the last nine weeks we’ve literally been working in shifts to raise the babies. Now most of the baby work is falling on Liz as I retreat into books and writing in my study. We have a sort of Ozzie & Harriet life.
Today was also the start of my field practicum. For the next nine months I’ll be working as a seminarian pastor for St. John’s United Church of Christ.
A selection of the books I’m reading this semester for various classes is listed on the right side of this blog (near the bottom) for those interested in what is read in seminary. My list is incomplete because a) I don’t have all the texts in front of me and b) we read a lot of journal articles that I don’t have the ability to link to.
It is going to be a juggle to raise twin girls and manage graduate school over the next 20 months, but we’re looking forward to all the fun that will come with it.