United Methodist Bishop William Boyd Grove Responds To Republican Ad Claiming Democrats Plan to Ban The Bible
Sunday, September 19, 2004
United Methodist Bishop William Boyd Grove e-mailed me today from his home in Charleston, West Virginia with the following statement which he asked that I post:
The Republican ad being distributed in West Virginia, implying that the election of John Kerry would lead to the "banning of the Bible" is outrageous, and represents demagoguery of the worst sort. No one connected to the distribution of that ad could possibly claim fidelity to the Bible for themselves!John Kerry is a Christian, and the policies of his campaign, concern for the poor and the middle class, care for the environment (God' creation), and health care for all, are far more faithful to biblical principles than are the policies of the President. This administration has ignored the needs of the poor, and has left no millionaire behind. Increaing numbers of people have fallen into poverty, laws that have protected the environment for 30 years have been set aside and little hope has been offered to persons without health care. Which candidate and party are really faithful to biblical religion? The answer should be obvious to anyone who really understands biblical religion.
+William Boyd Grove
Bishop, The United Methodist Church
Bishop Grove is a well respected and nationally known United Methodist leader. I am fortunate to know him through our work with the Clergy Leadership Network.