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Right-Wing Radio Talk Show Host John Stokes Call Me An “Internet Idiot”

I wrote a post in mid-September about a story run on PBS’ Religion and Ethics Newsweekly that chronicled the power of “hate radio” in rural America. The original post can be found here. PBS had profiled talk-show host John Stokes of KGEZ 600 AM in Kalispell, Montana as part of their story. Just today Stokes wrote me personally to complain about my blog entry:

On your web site you print the following.
"Stokes isn't just making right-wing political statements. He is opposed to dialog with those he disagrees with. And he is willing on air to advocate that people be killed."
Who? What people? Your simply an Internet idiot. Any twit with half a brain knows advocating violence or death is a a crime. I am regulated by the FCC, and the laws of this nation, and no way have I ever or would I advocate harm to any one. Including a leftist puke like yourself. It is leftist propagandist like yourself that indeed incite people to violence with your rhetoric. You fail to mention members of the association of churches, harass businesses, individuals, incite people to do actual reported violence against myself and family. Fact. They consist of only nine tiny organizations of leftist extremists, masquerading as churches, in a state that has over 20,000 churches. These so called victims have provided written death threats to me and printed maps to my residence to burn my house and family. Fact. If you believe in GOD, tell the truth. Cite to me the name of the person(s) and the date of the broadcast whereas you state I advocate on air that people be killed. Otherwise you should retract the statement, issue an apology. FYI you little fat $%&* my sister was murdered and I resent and abhor violence. But then again you just repeated lies without checking your facts. I guess you forgot to have a "dialog".

Let me respond in three short ways:

First, the PBS article quotes Stokes as stating (regarding environmentalists):

This hue and cry now that you're starting to hear from the environmentalists, the Green Nazis: "We need have a dialogue. We need to sit down and understand each other." Don't. We need to finish them off and make sure they don't have babies.

That sounds like incitement to violence and killing if you ask me. PBS also reports he held a rally where protesters shot guns at the United Nations Flag. Clearly, Stokes is trying to send a message that violence is acceptable.

Second, I hope that no one responds in kind to Stokes by making threats. Violence begets violence and I pray the atmosphere of violence that Stokes has helped to inflame doesn’t engulf him.

Finally, in his e-mail to me I see someone who is very out of touch with the world around him. We can best serve him by offering our prayers that he accepts the message of the Prince of Peace. At the same time, we need to work to make sure that his message of hate is exposed as we work for a more tolerant and just society.

Make sure you also read the PBS story.

