With their stock falling the Sinclair Broadcasting Company is curtailing plans to show a “news documentary” that attacks John Kerry. The media mega-corporation has been under pressure from watch dog groups and campaign finance reform advocates since announcing their intention to air the anti-Kerry film "Stolen Honor." Last week their chief Washington, DC correspondent was fired after publicly criticizing his company for planning to run such a partisan program under the guise of news.
Blog for America reports on today’s developments:
As you know, the Sinclair Broadcasting Company has recently allowed the political aspirations of its executives to override sound corporate policy. The decision has been reflected by their falling stock prices over the last week, growing shareholder anger (reflected by a group demand underwritten by Media Matters), and unwanted attention from the press... including from their own Washington bureau chief, who called the decision to air an anti-Kerry film "biased political propaganda."Today, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that, under intense internal pressure, Sinclair has caved on its decision to air the 45-minute propaganda feature. The bad news is that it will still be featured in an hour-long segment entitled A POW Story: Politics, Pressure, and the Media.
In their press release, they say that "the news special will focus in part on the use of documentaries and other media to influence voting"... an autobiographical piece perhaps? Despite the obvious hypocracy, they come off as indignant.
Visit Blog for America for more and to see how you can keep up the pressure on Sinclair. There is still more work to be done.
Related Post: Sinclair Broadcast Group: A Republican Partisan Business Attacking John Kerry and Demeaning The Electoral Process.