Reading Week Wanderings
November 2, 2004

The Rev. Brenda Bartella Peterson Turns To Scripture In Fight For Gay Rights

Brenda Bartella Peterson made national headlines this summer when she was named the first religious outreach advisor for the Democratic National Committee. Religious right groups quickly denounced her selection and the DNC, in a terrible move, caved to pressure and allowed Peterson to resign.

The Rev. Peterson didn’t stay down for long. She quickly assumed a position in her home state of Kentucky to fight an anti-gay ballot measure. The Courier-Journal reports:

Peterson said her message in Kentucky is the same as when she worked for the national Democratic Party: Conservatives do not have a monopoly on the religious vote.

While conservatives are organizing on issues such as opposition to abortion and homosexuality, she said, many liberals also draw on their faith to mobilize for such issues as economic equality and gay rights.

"On all these justice issues, we turn to the Scriptures too," she said.

Read about her compelling life story by clicking here.

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Democrats Abandon The Rev. Brenda Bartella Peterson

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