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Bernice Powell Jackson Visits Eden Theological Seminary

Jacksonbernice_1Bernice Powell Jackson visited the campus of Eden Theological Seminary today.  Jackson, who holds positions with the United Church of Christ and the World Council of Churches, was there to meet with seminarians, faculty and staff to talk about the UCC's Justice and Witness Ministries.  We've e-mailed back and forth but this was the first time I've had a chance to meet her in person.  She has an impressive résumé:

Ms. Bernice Powell Jackson is Executive Minister of Justice and Witness Ministries, responsible for the church's work on human rights and social, racial and economic justice. Before her election, she was head of the UCC Commission for Racial Justice. Prior experience includes directing a scholarship fund for former South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Her undergraduate studies were at Wilson College, Chambersburg, Penn.  She also holds master's degrees from Columbia University and Union Theological Seminary, N.Y. Bernice, an African American, is a member of Mount Zion Congregational UCC in Cleveland, Ohio.

Her program within the UCC is where social justice work is centered in our denomination.  Justice and Witness Ministries works on issues ranging from farm worker rights to stem cell research.  Some of the most innovative Christian activism comes directly from her office.  That means that her work is also a lightening rod for criticism from some of the more conservative and reactionary voices in the Christian faith (both inside and outside the UCC).  Visit the UCC Justice and Witness Ministries web site to learn more about this important program of the United Church of Christ.
