You can find this story at Father Jake Stops the World and The Revealer:
TWIRP ("The Woman Is Requested to Pay") Day is canceled in a small Texas school district, after a parent complained that the school Homecoming Week tradition of a "social-role reversal" encouraged cross-dressing and homosexuality. The Plano-based Liberty Legal Institute issued a press statement stating that it had come to the aid of "concerned parent," Delana Davies, who worried about such "experimentation" with cross dressing. Said Davies, "'If it's OK to dress like a girl today, then why is it not OK in the future?'"
And what is the day been replaced with? A day where children show up in school wearing camouflage. Hasn't someone already made this into a movie?
Or as Father Jake says:
So, am I to understand that it is morally reprehensible for boys to dress like girls, but it is morally neutral for them to dress like killers? If this is the direction we're headed, excuse me while I go hunt (sans camos, tyvm) for a rock to crawl under.