First Congregational United Church of Christ of Portland, Oregon
New Blogs To Read

National Council of Churches Holds General Assembly In St. Louis

Ga04promoThe National Council of Churches kicks-off their annual General Assembly today here in St. Louis.  My original plan was to attend most of the sessions.  Unfortunately, babies and studies this week have to take priority.  I do still plan on attending some of the events and blogging about them.  A worship service for the assembly will be held on Monday morning at the Eden campus with The Rev. Bob Edgar, general-secretary of NCC, preaching.  A late-night gathering will held on Tuesday to report on the results of the Let Justice Roll campaign.  The Rev. Paul Sherry, former president of the United Church of Christ, headed-up that effort and will be the presenter.  Eden's own Michael Kinnamon will be receiving NCC's Unity Award on Wednesday and I'd like to be there for that.  The Assembly Peace Dinner is one of the final events on Thursday and I'm hoping to attend.  Peter Yarrow (from Peter, Paul and Mary) will entertain and is even holding a jam session afterwards.  Time to break out my drum.  Keep watching this space for updates.   
