Mid-Terms Are Coming
Let Justice Roll Campaign Will Keep Rolling On

Protesting Colorado Students Are Patriots

A group of Colorado high school students made a patriotic statement this past week when they held a protest to draw attention to their concerns over the direction of the country.

BOULDER, Colo. (News 4) At least 85 students worried about war, a return of the draft and the future of the environment staged an overnight protest in the Boulder High School library before leaving peacefully Friday morning. The students said they wanted assurances from political leaders about the direction of the country. Rep. Mark Udall, D-Colo., met with some of the students for about an hour after they left the library at 7 a.m.

"We're worried that in four years we're going to be at war with five countries and we're going to have no trees," senior Cameron Ely-Murdock said.

The rest of us could learn something from these young people. Our country is headed in the wrong direction. Our elections settled nothing and gave no politician of either party any kind of mandate. Those of us in the progressive movement need to keep issues of peace and justice at the forefront of the national agenda. May God bless these students for reminding us of our obligations as citizens.
