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Yasser Arafat Is Dead

Rabin_arafatHe was a terrorist who evolved into a Nobel Peace Prize Winner.  Sadly, he never developed the skills needed to govern Palestine.  He walked away from the table in 2000 and allowed the last best chance for peace to be abandoned.  Yasser Arafat failed his people.  Now he is dead.  The truth is that Arafat never had much of a chance.  Jewish extremists assassinated Yitzhak Rabin, Arafat's partner in peace, and Lukid, Israel’s conservative political party, did everything they could to undermine the peace process.  Yasser Arafat shares his failure with Ariel Sharon.  Together they have destroyed whatever hopes for peace might have existed.  Maybe a new generation of leaders will do better.  Let’s pray for Arafat and his family, the Palestinian people, the Israeli people, and all those seeking peace.
