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Albert Mohler Says Preaching Jesus’ Theology Of Open Table Is “Diabolical” On The Part Of The United Church Of Christ

Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, told ABC that the United Church of Christ commerical banned by two television networks is "diabolical" for saying that Jesus weclomes everyone.

“It is a piece of masterful propaganda but it is a diabolical misrepresentation of Christianity,” said Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, on the national telecast Dec. 2.

“...Jesus Christ did indeed come to seek and to save the lost but as He said to the woman caught in adultery, ‘Go and sin no more,’” Mohler said. Jesus “did not invite persons to stay in sinful lifestyles. Rather, He came to save us from our sins and to make us what we otherwise could not be -- and that is victorious over all the sins that entrap us. Homosexuality is one of those.”

The Southern Baptist Convention was essentially formed to give a theological platform for those who wanted to defend slavery. During the civil rights era they defended segregation and even today fight against opportunities to expand the place of women and minorities in society.

Several times this past year Mohler has declared that advocates for gay marriage are the moral equivalent of the terrorists who attacked on 9/11. His denomination opposes hate crimes legislation designed to protect gays and lesbians from violent attacks that have become increasingly common place.

None of us are free from sin. Sadly, Mohler and his associates haven’t learned from their sinful past and are determined to repeat the mistakes that have plagued their denomination. They worship in a church born in the sin of slavery and still practicing the sin of exclusion and discrimination.  Homosexuality is not a sin, but what Mohler preaches is.
