Central City Lutheran Mission in San Bernardino Walks Difficult Path
Sunday, December 05, 2004
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has stripped the Central City Lutheran Mission in San Bernardino of its official recognition because the mission hired an openly lesbian associate pastor, reports the LA Times.
"This is the first time in 14 years that any congregation or any pastor has been dealt with this harshly. We thought those days were over," said Pastor David Kalke, who leads the San Bernardino mission. "It appears conservatism has raised its ugly head here in Southern California, much to our surprise….."
(Pastor Jenny) Mason previously served 10 years as an officially recognized Lutheran pastor and missionary in Chile before the church learned of her long-term relationship with another woman and forced her to resign in 2001.
"I don't know the good folks who live in Orange County, but that's where our synod office is and I have a feeling that's what moves decisions more than serving the poor and the oppressed in the inner city of San Bernardino," Mason said. "We don't bring money into the church — we're serving the people Jesus called us to serve."
In addition to conducting eight bilingual worship services weekly, the mission provides housing for HIV-positive homeless people, allows homeless men to sleep in its pews on cold winter nights, and recently opened a medical clinic.
The Pacifica Synod said the mission could continue in its social outreach, without a spiritual component.
But Kalke said that's not enough. He plans to lead Central City as an independent Lutheran congregation, in the spirit of Lutheran churches that voiced dissent during the Holocaust and apartheid.
"I'm going to continue to celebrate Mass," he said. "These people have a right not only for a place to sleep and a bowl of soup but also a right to worship."
My sense is that the real story here isn’t that the mission lost their credentials because they hired a lesbian pastor.
The real story is the remarkable courage shown by Central City Lutheran Mission in moving forward without denominational support. Their leaders have heard the call from God to serve the least of these and are willing to answer despite obstacles set in their path. Pastors Kalke and Mason are acting within Christian prophetic tradition and deserve the thanks of Christians everywhere for being examples we all can follow.