Clergy and Laity Network: United for Justice in Public Policy
Sunday, December 05, 2004
The Clergy Leadership Network has a new name and a new focus.
CLN was originally started to serve as a progressive religious voice during the 2004 campaign. The group will now be called the Clergy and Laity Network to reflect that the membership of the group is larger than just ordained clergy. CLN has reformed as a 501 ( c ) 4 organization and dropped their status as a 527 group.
“CLN energizes and equips progressive religious leaders of all faiths for public advocacy for justice and peace, shaped by faith-inspired social principles. CLN, in collaboration with an emerging progressive coalition, forms and coordinates networks of local, regional and national interfaith action groups committed to a progressive public policy agenda,” according to the newly adopted mission statement.
Click here to visit CLN’s web site and click here to read a story on CLN recently published in the Lexington Herald-Leader.