Conquering fear in our church
Does Prayer Help You Heal? My Fight With Psoriatic Arthritis

"I Want My Faith Back"

World Wide Pablo (United Methodist blogger / Portland’s most eligible gay Christmas bachelor) sent this great op-ed piece to me from Jennifer Barnett Reed at the Arkansas Times:

There’s only one thing on my Christmas list this year:

I want my faith back.

I didn’t come by it easily. I’m a card-carrying liberal, skeptical by nature, with an almost knee-jerk eye-roll reaction to anyone who’s completely comfortable discussing their religious convictions in mixed company. I spent pretty much the entire decade of my 20s in an uncomfortable agnosticism because I just couldn’t make up my damn mind.

So now that I have — now that words like “sinful” spring to mind when I hear about the $40 million budget for George W. Bush’s inaugural soirees, instead of just “disgusting” — I’m starting to take the right wing’s hijacking of my religion very, very personally.

Click here to read her full article.  Good stuff.
