Erik Brockley
God Is Still Speaking But CBS And NBC Don’t Want You To Hear The Message

World AIDS Day 2004 Prayer

God of liberation and justice,

Defender of the poor and marginalized, we seek Your guidance.

Give us the vision and the confidence to become

prophets when resources are looted. Let us hear

the cry of the widows. Let us feed the orphans.

Let us denounce injustice by the powerful.

May we demand drugs for the sick.

May we demand care for the abandoned.

May we denounce wastefulness by the affluent.

Forgive our silence.

Forgive our complicity.

In Your mercy forgive our condemnation of people living with HIV/AIDS.

Forgive us when we deal lightly with the wounds of Your people.

Forgive the times when we have offered artificial solutions.

Empower us to tackle corrupt systems.

Make us instruments of Your peace.

Make us agents of Your transformation.

We pray, Amen

World AIDS Day is December 1 each year.  The prayer was taken (and then modified to add inclusive language) from Church World Service.  Global Ministries has a special World AIDS Day web site with all kinds of valuable information.  My own prayer this World AIDS Day goes out for my friend Gene Ediger.
