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Church World Service Emergency Response Update

Update from Church World Service


Jan. 19, 2005

SITUATION: An update of Church World Service tsunami response in Indonesia.

++ CWS staff is transporting water treatment and purification equipment overland from Medan to Meulaboh, in Aceh province. Access to the west coast continues to gradually improve, despite poor road conditions and rudimentary air facilities, reports CWS Indonesia staff.

++ On Monday (Jan. 17), a team of humanitarian workers that included CWS Indonesia staff visited Meulaboh to assess potential areas for water installation assistance and other needs.

++ A CWS medical team is currently focusing efforts on areas in the Montasik sub-district of Aceh province. Most common symptoms are dermatology infections and allergies, acute respiratory infections (ARI), and hypertension, as well as rheumatic arthritis.

++ CWS, working with its local partner Mamamia, has conducted emergency aid distribution in Tanjung Selamat and Lhok Nga this week.

Contributions to support CWS Tsunami Recovery efforts may be sent to your denomination or directly to:

Church World Service
Tsunami Recovery (Acct. #6970)
P.O. Box 968
Elkhart, IN 46515

Contributions may also be made by credit card by calling: (800) 297-1516, ext. 222, or online at

For further information about disasters to which Church World Service is responding please visit or call the CWS Hotline, (800) 297-1516. 
