Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2005
Human Rights Watch World Report 2005

Global Warming In Our Backyard

Jan_05Earlier this week it was 75 degrees here in Webster Groves, MO. We took the kids and the dogs out to the Eden campus to play fetch. Later that night we received several inches of rain with some pretty big thunderstorms. The next morning it was snowing and the high temperature - which had been 75 the day before - never reached 30. Missouri isn't the only place getting odd weather this winter. What is the reason? Global warming might be part of it. The National Council of Churches USA Eco-Justice Program reports that "scientists tell us 'global warming is real; the science is sound; and the effects are likely to be severe.' We add 'this is a religious issue!'  We are called to care for all of God's children, especially the most vulnerable, and to protect and restore God's creation. Climate change is a threat to all people and all of creation."  Check out their resource Cry of Creation: an Interfaith Study Guide on Global Warming and see how your congregation can become involved with this issue.  In the meantime, stay warm.  Or cool.  Who knows what tomorrow will bring.
