Institute on Religion and Democracy Works To Undermine United Methodist Church
Friday, January 07, 2005
The Institute on Religion and Democracy (a group funded by Republican political activists) published an article just before Christmas that was critical of worship services being held by the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society. IRD staffer John Lomperis (and Bush campaign volunteer? - we've met and it sure looks like him) attended a World AIDS Day service and wrote that the worship experience "makes one wonder if the Wednesday GBCS services are exclusively for and by people who identify with the “progressive” (i.e., liberal) theology and politics of the GBCS staff." The on-going mission of IRD is to work politically to destabilizing mainline churches in hopes of promoting a conservative takeover of denominations like the United Methodist Church in the same way conservatives took over the Southern Baptist denomination in the 1970s and 80s.
GBCS director James Winkler responded to John Lomperis' article with one of his own. "I find it disgraceful that the Institute on Religion and Democracy’s UMAction committee has now set out to make what is sacred appear scandalous. John Lomperis, an IRD staffer, attended both the December 1 and 8 worship services in the guise of a “reporter.” The fact that he is watching and not worshiping is apparent. John does not participate in any way in the service. He does not rise for scripture readings, join in singing the hymns, take communion, or participate in litanies and unison prayers. He takes copious notes, particularly during the sermon and as worship participants voice their prayer requests. His behavior speaks loudly and clearly that even as we open ourselves to God, the IRD/UMAction is taking notes," writes Winkler.
Winkler goes on to write that "I believe that only those with malice and hate in their souls would attend a worship service intent on writing a twisted, nasty, destructive account of it. A brief review of the articles and newsletters prepared by IRD and UMAction over the years makes it apparent they only write scathing, accusatory and half-truthful accounts of the work and ministry of The United Methodist Church. Based on his attendance at exactly two of the hundreds of worship services in Simpson Memorial Chapel, John Lomperis has asserted that the 'Wednesday services are exclusively for and by people who identify with the ‘progressive’ theology and politics of the GBCS staff.' Of all the many shameful activities carried out by IRD and UMAction over the years, nothing sinks to the level of demeaning the worship of Jesus Christ or of intimidating worshippers from praying from their hearts and souls."
Good for Winkler. No one should be confused about what is going on. IRD is not a disgruntled conservative United Methodist group. They are a political organization funded by political activists with a political agenda that is anti-civil rights, anti-gay, anti-choice, and pro-war. Their backers hope IRD can silence the prophetic voice in mainline churches through, as Winkler says, distortion and intimidation. The good news: the United Methodist Church still has leaders like Winkler speaking the truth and fighting back.