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Operation Save America Protests at Eden Theological Seminary

The anniversary of Roe vs Wade is this week.  Protesters are marking the occasion by marching outside the "very gates of hell."  That apparently includes Eden Theological Seminary.  A small of group from Operation Save America showed up during our morning classes to protest the pro-choice position of the United Church of Christ and the involvement of some of our students with the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.  I asked the protesters if they felt there were areas of common ground (like the desire to limit the number of abortions and to promote adoption) on which we could work together.  The answer was a resounding no.  The Eden community treated the protesters with respect.  Some students offered to talk with them and hear their concerns.  Not all Eden students are pro-choice.  Unfortunately, no one from Operation Save America was interested in showing the same level of respect and to engage in genuine dialog.  Keeping America pro-choice isn't going to be easy during a second Bush term.  But we have the people on our side and a just cause.

Related Post:  Can Christians Be Pro-Choice?  Yes.   

Related Post:  The Religious Right Gets Ready To Rumble

Related Post:  In Debate Bush Says He Wants "Culture of Life" But Abortions Are Increasing Under His Leadership

Related Link:  What does my religion say about choice?

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