Send A Health Kit To South Asia
Monday, January 10, 2005
Youth Sunday is coming up at the congregation I’m serving this year as part of contextual education. Yesterday I met with some of the teens involved and they wanted to know what kind of “hands-on” project they could get involved with to provide relief for those caught in the tsunami. What they’ve settled on is collecting donations of personal hygiene items that can be put into health kits and sent directly into the disaster zone through Church World Service. These kits consist of one hand towel, one washcloth, one comb, one metal nail file or nail clipper, one bar of soap (bath size), one toothbrush, one tube of toothpaste (4-7 ounces), and six Band-Aids. CSW is also collecting baby kits, school kits, and Heart-to-Heart Kids kits. This is an easy project that any church or community group could become involved with. Click here to learn more.