Send The Media A Message About James Dobson's Unchristian Remarks
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
James Dobson is furious that the media jumped on his remarks concerning SpongeBob SquarePants’ supposed sexual orientation. Dobson claims he never told anyone the cartoon character was gay. Focus on the Family released a statement today that read in part:
What Dobson did say, in a speech last week in Washington during an event sponsored by the Family Research Council, was that SpongeBob is one of 100 popular animated characters that may have been co-opted by an innocuous-sounding group to promote acceptance of homosexuality to children. The group, the We Are Family Foundation, has produced a video slated for distribution to 61,000 public and private elementary schools; it features SpongeBob, Big Bird, Barney and others singing the old disco hit "We Are Family" and spreading a message of "diversity and unity."
And therein lies the rub — albeit well-concealed.
While words like "diversity" and "unity" sound harmless — even noble — enough, the reality is they are often used by gay activists as cover for teaching children that homosexuality is the moral and biological equivalent to heterosexuality. And there is ample evidence that the We Are Family Foundation shares — and promotes — that view.
"Unfortunately," Dobson explained, "the We Are Family foundation has very strong homosexual advocacy roots and biases."
For example, a tolerance pledge, which the foundation says it is "pleased to provide" on its Web site, reads in part: "I pledge to have respect for people whose abilities, beliefs, culture, race, sexual identity or other characteristics are different from my own."
Jesus taught tolerance (see Matthew 22:36-40). How can any Christian declare that teaching tolerance to school children is wrong? It boggles my mind.
Dobson is asking that his supporters write the media in support of his remarks. Focus on the Family has even set-up a website where you can “send one e-mail message to five of the reporters/anchors whose stories included the most baseless attacks on Dr. Dobson.”
I used the service and sent out my own letter.
Thank you for holding James Dobson accountable for his bigoted remarks about gays and lesbians. Teaching tolerance is a fundamental part of the Christian faith to which I adhere. Dobson teaches fear and hate and puts a partisan political message ahead of Jesus’ teaching. I urge you to invite progressive Christians on your programs to refute his distortions of Christianity.
Click here to send your own message of tolerance to the media.