Before The Tidal Waves
World Council of Churches Reacts Quickly To Tidal Wave Crisis

The Religious Right Gets Ready To Rumble

While millions of Christians across the globe are setting aside partisan politics to focus on Christmas celebrations, the New Year, and the disaster in Southeast Asia, the religious right in the United States is keeping their eye focused on the next election period.

Focus on the Family founder James Dobson sent out a letter this week to one million of his supporters warning Democratic senators not to oppose the president’s right-wing judicial nominees. In the letter:

Dr. Dobson recalled the conservative efforts that helped in the November defeat of Senator Tom Daschle of South Dakota, the Senate minority leader who led Democrats in using the filibuster to block 10 of Mr. Bush's judicial nominees.

"Let his colleagues beware," Dr. Dobson warned, "especially those representing 'red' states. Many of them will be in the 'bull's-eye' the next time they seek re-election."

He singled out Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Mark Dayton of Minnesota, Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia, Kent Conrad of North Dakota, Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico and Bill Nelson of Florida. All six are up for re-election in 2006.

The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice reports that a recent poll shows that 59% of Americans want the president to appoint judges that will uphold Roe vs. Wade. Make sure you visit their site to learn more about how Christians and other people of faith can defend a woman’s right to choose.

Of course, abortion is only one of the important issues that our courts face. The president has nominated several judges, for example, that have opposed basic civil and voting rights legislation.

It would be appropriate if we could focus these next weeks and months on helping the world recover from this devastating earthquake and associated tidal waves. But Dobson and his extremist conservative allies are not going to stop their assault on the Constitution and progressives need to be ready for them.

Visit the Interfaith Alliance to learn more.
