"Breaking Away"
Saturday, February 05, 2005
A conservative Episcopalian state senator in Virginia has introduced legislation designed to make it easier for local congregations to break away from national denominational bodies. The Washington Post reports:
The bill, now on the Senate floor, would allow congregants to vote to leave their denominations and keep their church buildings and land, unless a legally binding document such as a deed specified otherwise.
Many denominations have long had rules that prevent dissenting congregations from leaving the parent church and taking their land, buildings and other property with them. Since 1979, the U.S. Supreme Court and numerous other courts have upheld those rules in all but a few exceptional circumstances.
Is this the way to shape denominational polity? Does the state have a right to interfere with the inner workings of a church body through legislation like this? The Post is soliciting letters from people concerned about this issue. Letters 100 words or under should be sent to [email protected] and include both an address and phone number.