"NCC Delegation to the Middle East Issues Its Statement: Barriers Do Not Bring Freedom"
Sunday, February 06, 2005
A delegation from the National Council of Churches USA has just completed a tour of the Middle East. Before returning to the United States they issued a statement calling on both the Palestinians and Israelis to renounce violence:
We reaffirm our strong support for Israel and for its right to live in peace and security. Israel has suffered from a long series of suicide bombings, which we find reprehensible. Our support of Israel goes back many years, as does our support for justice for the Palestinian people. Our itinerary included a visit to Yad Vashem, where we honored the victims of Auschwitz and other victims of the Holocaust. We met with victims of terror and other representatives of a wide spectrum of the Jewish community.
Supporting Israel, however, does not mean ignoring the cause of the Palestinian people:
Israel has established hundreds upon hundreds of checkpoints, roadblocks, and gates across the Occupied Territories making daily life and travel extremely difficult for ordinary Palestinians. Palestinians and Israelis are trapped in a cycle of violence. The crushing burden of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory contributes to deep anger and violent resistance, which contributes to fear throughout Israeli society. Israelis told us of a hardening of the Israeli soul against Palestinians, and Palestinians told us of the desperation they feel under Israel’s collective punishment. Normal life has ceased. At least half of the Palestinian people live in poverty. We were distressed to learn too many Israelis have little or no knowledge of the human rights abuses experienced by Palestinians.
Our delegation witnessed several of the many instances of harassment and humiliation visited daily upon Palestinian people. Stereotypes of all Palestinians as terrorists must be broken, and Palestinians must understand that many Israelis also want a just peace. Presently, a “lethal dialogue” is underway between extremists on all sides. This must be transformed into a peaceful dialogue. While every leader we met – Christian, Jewish, Muslim – condemned violence, it is clear the overriding problem is Israel’s continuing occupation of Palestinian territory.
We are authentic friends of Israel and we have a vision of peace and security. We are not blind in our support and reserve the right to question the actions even of our friends. We believe genuine negotiations and not unilateral action can avoid unimaginable violence in the future.
Those who ignore the suffering of the Palestinian people are doing nothing to further the cause of peace. The Israelis obviously have legitimate safety concerns and should be free from fear of continued terrorist attacks. No one in the region has a chance of obtaining peace without a realization that everyone there is suffering under failed policies from every side.
NCC plans to invite leaders from the Israeli and Palestinian governments to visit with ecumenical leaders in the United States. All our churches should do everything we can to influence leaders here and in the Middle East to advance policies that reduce violence and offer justice.
Related Post: Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel.
Related Post: Letter to Bush Says Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Threatens US