Governor Dean:
Congratulations on your election as chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Your vision for the future of America will help guide the party out of the wilderness of 2000 and 2004.
I hope that you will take seriously the challenge to reach out to people of faith in America who sometimes feel like the secular-liberal wing of the Democratic Party wants nothing to do with people of faith.
Our federal budget is a moral document and the President’s proposals to cutback health care for the poorest of the poor are a moral failing.
How we protect the environment is about how we see ourselves as God’s stewards on earth. The White House has abandoned God’s creation in favor of polluters and profiteers more concerned with acquiring wealth than protecting a gift given to us by God to nurture.
Wars are always an ultimate failure on the part of humanity. God calls us to seek peace and justice. The National Council of Churches has asserted that war is contrary to the will of God. Our Bible makes that clear.
I hope that in your new position you will work with faith leaders – Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Hindus – to find areas of common ground where we can partner with you to advance a moral agenda for our nation. We need to decrease poverty, we need to decrease teen pregnancy, we need to support those with mental illnesses, and we need to make sure our streets and neighborhoods are safe from violence.
You have a big task ahead of you. I hope, however, that you know that there are people of faith all across this country waiting to hear from you on how we might help you in this cause.
Chuck Currie
Link: Blog for America.