Think Progess
The State of The Union and The Environment: One Christian Response

Oppose Gonzales Confirmation

Action Alert from the United Church of Christ

This week the U.S. Senate will debate and vote on the nomination of Judge Alberto R. Gonzales for the office of U.S. Attorney General. Judge Gonzales has faced stiff questioning from both Republican and Democratic members of Congress, on his troubling record and unresponsiveness to questions regarding human rights, detention, torture, the death penalty and other civil rights issues. The U.S. Attorney General serves as the nation's chief law enforcement official, responsible for enforcing federal law on behalf of all persons under the Constitution. Nothing less than a full and careful review of Judge Gonzales' record is required. Given that significant questions remain unanswered, urge your senators to oppose his nomination.

Visit the UCC Take Action Center to send a letter to your Senators.

Related Link:  An Open Letter to Alberto R. Gonzales from Religious Leaders
