How sick can the right-wing get? This about sums it up:
We are now appalled at the tolerance of practicing homosexual lifestyles within certain segments of the Christian Church worldwide. The Episcopal Church, Lutheran Church of America, and United Church of Christ (Congregational) are examples of Protestant denominations that have officially negated the clear Word from God concerning sexual practices.
These groupings have written their own ethic, calling it "Christian." This is blasphemy. It is sacrilege. It is apostasy. It is devilment and thereby must come under the divine judgment of condemnation. In other words, God must honor His own revelation and that He will do most assuredly.
Other denominations toying with condoning practicing homosexual lifestyles will likewise come under the heavy heel of God if they persist in sin. Those mainstream denominations include the United Methodist Church and the Presbyterian Church of America.
Interestingly enough, in those Protestant denominations where the message of personal salvation is clearly preached and taught week in and week out, practicing homosexuality is never even entertained as a possibility.
Such denominations as the Southern Baptist Convention, for instance, preach without question the salvation call as set forth in Scripture. "Being born again" or "saved" or "knowing Jesus as personal Savior" are regular preaching themes in the evangelical denominations. Therefore, the adherents are well schooled in the Bible. But more, they come into a personal daily walk with Jesus which precludes them from scissoring out Scripture passages for their own compromising opportunism……
In denominations that do not clearly preach salvation, but instead lean heavily upon liturgy and ritual, adherents in the pews are not knowledgeable concerning fine-line biblical detail. Of course, there are some within those churches that are, but in the main, by and large persons in those denominations are not. Therefore, they are easily led by theological liberals who have no care for divine revelation. Therefore, these laypersons are taken into apostasy, sometimes without their even being aware of it.
Where the salvation message is preached and lived out, divine judgment comes in commendation rather than condemnation, for God’s judgment is of both types. His commendation is His smile of approval. But his condemnation is severe punishment upon the wayward, eventually ending in eternal damnation if there is no genuine repentance.
Consequently, with the increase of willful apostasy on the one hand and biblical conviction on the other, wheat and chaff are being separated more and more every day. The light versus the darkness. The true versus the false. God’s people versus the devil’s people.
The lines are drawn throughout all of Catholicism and Protestantism. It is not a man-made differentiation; it is God’s eye separating the two camps for they are entirely opposite to one another.
Upon the chaff judgment comes and will continue to come. In the future, as the days lead more and more to the Second Coming of Christ, the chaff will be disciplined gently, then severely, then only as God can define further dimensions of judgment upon the wicked.
One could liken such to a divine tsunami.
Just as the global tsunamis have caused certain geographies to disappear from the maps within seconds, so there is the real possibility that certain segments of Christendom — those turning purposefully apostate — could disappear in short time frames. Their suffering will be awful. But it will be thorough, for what God does He does completely.
And who brings us such a message? The Conservative Voice – a web site supported by the National Rifle Association and the Traditional Families Coalition. This article was written by J. Grant Swank, Jr., their senior editor. Other writers include the likes of Jerry Falwell.
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